Chapter 2: Going to Wahington, DC.

Alfred still live in Denmark without the presence of Greanne. He graduated in high school without Greanne. Now he proceeded to college studying at the University of Denmark. Like his elementary and high school life, he performed well in the class, he became the topnotchers in the class. He was inspired to his parents because his parents were very supported to him. His parents were very happy upon knowing the outstanding of their son in the class. But Alfred always thought about his bestfriend Greanne. Asking himself the condition of Greanne. Sometimes he slept late in midnight, leaving the study light open. He finidhed his studies getting the Bachelor Degree in Information Technology. Because he likes to improve more his studies he proceeded to Tourism and lastly he got the course of Civil Engineering Now he currently studying still in Denmark getting the course of Civil Engineering. He met new friends namely Richard, Romier, Kherr, Emmanuel, Nicz, Gerson and the only girl moving like a boy is Love. They don’t know how Love became their friends since they did not remember it. Love is the only one who took the course of Nursing and the other were taking the course of Civil Engineering together with Alfred.

                After so many years, they graduated all successfully since Alfred gets three courses, he was more favorable by the company. He worked in the company in a short period of time because one night when he went to the room of his parents he found the letter in the floor, written their the planning in going to Washington, DC. Thinking about this place, he felt happy upon remembering that Greanne is living in that place. He approached his parents and ask if the plan will be push through.

                “Mother, father, sorry for interrupting. Is it true that we will go to Washington, DC. This coming Saturday?”

                “Who told you with that son?”, his father ask.

                “Ahmmm…. Sorry for no doing some privacy dad, but because I went there in your room and found out a letter on the floor.  So I tried to open it and found out the plan.”

                “Haahahah,” his father laughed. “Your mother and I were planning to surprise you with that, but since you know it already, so we cannot surprise you anymore.”

                “But you still surprising me mom, dad. Because in the fact I don’t know what you think and you planned about going to Washington, DC.”

                “Oh, that’s awesome. Thank you my dear.” His mother said.

                Well Alfred is very excited, at the time it was Thursday evening when he knew about that matter.

                In his room he is always thinking about going to Washington, DC. So he always planning on how to find the address of Greanne.

                “I am very excited, I can meet again with my friend, I will try to find their place.”

                While in a deep thinking about this, he also fell into a deep sleep.

                Then succeeding days past. They went to Washington, DC.

                “Oh it is very nice here, I cannot imagined that I am already here in Washington, DC.”

                With his parents, they walked everywhere then they went to the house where they will be living. Thinking to find the address of Greanne. The next morning he spent his time finding the source to those who knew the address of his friend. In the whole morning he did it, but sad to say he did not know the address. So he continued in the afternoon, then finally he found the source where he will get the address of Greanne. He was asked to go to Richard King, who was the right hand. Richard King was working before to the family of Greanne, but since he needed to resign in the work, then he is not that connected anymore to the family.

                There he asked, and he was given the address. The next morning he started to go to the address. Travelling anywhere, since it is a long distance. His heart was pounding, not because that he will meet Greanne but because of travelling into an unfamiliar place.

                Then finally he arrived at the place where Greanne lived. He started to push the button to ring the bell, then door was opened by their maid. Then he begun to ask.

                “Is this the house of Santillo’s family?”

                “Yes, Sir.” The maid answered him.

                “May I talk to them?”

                “Yes of course, wait there, I will call them.”

                Calling them. Upon seeing who came down first. He saw Greanne coming down the stairs first. Greanne then hugged Alfred upon noticing that it was his friend. Then the parents of Greanne welcomed him. They prepared snacks to them for comfortability of eating.

                “Oh how are you my dear son?” ask the mother of Greanne.

                “Oh, I am find ma’am, we are now living near from your place.”

                “Is that true?”

                “Yes, sir. Now my parents there left in the house because I am trying to find you.”

                “That’s great.”

                They talked a lot from the past experience of Alfred, so as to them. Then afterwards, Selmo gave and invitation letter to Alfred. A wedding invitation of the sister of Greanne who is Martha.

                Then after a moments, Alfred started to go home because it was already late in the evening. Arriving at his house, his parents were very happy watching the movie. Then he hugged them without any question. He went straight to his room, then after a few minutes, he went back to his parents and talked about the pounding heart of travel going to the place of Greanne.

                “Dad.”, giving the letter to his father.

                “Oh, this must be an invitation letter?”

                “Oh yes dad, it was. It was given by the father of Greanne when I came there.”

                “So we will n=be having great chance to see them again.”

                “A big chance dad, no worry and delay.”

                Then all of them were laughing upon this thing. Then they go to their rooms, and sleep. Preparing for the travel tomorrow going to the Santillo’s family.
