Chapter 1: "We're just friends."

Sitting at the window, watching over the road where many cars were passing by, many children were playing and parents were laughing to each others. Looking at those things, a young man at the age of 14 years young had been had a thought of maturity was sitting in the window listening the music with an earphone at his ears while watching outside. He was Alfred Zamora, the son of Nicholas Zamora and Mary Ann Zamora. He was born in Denmark. He is very kind to others, has pleasing personality and very smart. He knew a lot of sports namely, volleyball, basketball, badminton, swimming and many more. He was to be considered as the only one of his family because he is the only one son of Nicholas and Mary Ann.

                “Fredo!”, calling his mother as his nickname, “Be careful there, it is very high, you are 20 feet above from the ground.”

                “Okay mother.”

                His mother went to him and asked, “Are you listening to music or you just watching outside?”

                “I am doing both mom.”

                “Well, it’s nice. Okay can we have our lunch now?”

                “Okay mom, i am ready.”

                They ate together then he decided to go to the park in order to refreshened his mind. While in the park, he observed many things that are rare to him. He could not explain why they were existing. Since he was still a young man, he could not understand the meaning about love. Picking some stones, throwing it away and loitering anywhere. On the corner, a young girl caught his eyes, writing something, with her father and mother a little bit farther away from her. He just thought  that the family is a sort of owning hectares of land.

                Wanted to be friend with her, he went forward to the girl with courage and asked the girl of her name. The parents of the girl saw the boy, but they just let him to be friend with their daughter.

                “Hello! I am Alfred, what’s your name?”

                The girl turned her head to her parents seeing them nodding at her and begun to talk.

                “I am Greanne, and they were my parents.”

                “So, can we be friends?”

                “Yes of course!”

                Greanne was the second daughter of Selmo Santillo and Lorench Santillo. She is about 12 years young, 2 years younger than of Alfred. Well  Greanne is performing well in the class, living somewhere in Denmark. Greanne loves pet especially birds and dogs. She is very gorgeous, has pleasing personality and has a curly colden hair.

                They started their friendship at the time they were in the park. They always see each other because their houses is just 5 kilometers away. Alfred would just went into her house and talked to each others, since her parents welcoming him well.

                The family of both of them became friends because of them. They didn’t even know how the love is form, nor how to love, but they just only knew that they were brother and sister. But all of these things were being cut because they will be separated. The family of Greanne went fo Washington, DC. Together with their daughter. Alfred get hurt upon knowing that they will live Denmark, he wanted to prevent her but Greanne cannot force her father to stop the decission, so they left Denmark. They’ve been 2 years before they Greanne left Denmark. So he let her go to her way.
