Chapter 22

*Three Months Later*

Dean's P.O.V.

"we should go on a trip" i say out of the blue

"what?" cas says turning to his other side, facing me

"we should go on a trip" i say again, like it was nothing

he turns back on his other side, looking at the clock on his nightstand

"dean, it's 3 in the morning, why are you not asleep?" he asks with sleep filled eyes, turning back to me and throwing his arm over my waist

cuddling up to me

i hug him back, smiling slightly

this was nice

It took a long and difficult time but we finally stopped fighting.

We both just got to tired

We didn't end up going out again right away

But after we became closer and closer with eachother, we ended up getting together

Even though we havn't talked about anything in our past

It's like we forgot all about it

And i'm fine with it, cause right now we're in a good place

i cover ourselves with the sheets on the bed

cuddling up to him more

"i'm serious cas, why don't we just leave, take a damn break from everything and everyone...just us" i say looking up at the ceiling of our small dorm

rubbing my hand up and down his arm

i assume it tickles him, after i feel him shiver next to me

waking him up a little more

"and where would we go? and when? we have class" he says sitting up slightly, looking up at me

i turn on my side, facing him, shaking the bed slightly

"spring break is next week" i tell him smiling big

"and so is that big exam the week after spring break" he says looking at me knowingly

"So?" I say shrugging

"So, we have to study! If we fail this exam we will fai-" he says but i cut him off quickly by kissing him

I pull back and smile at him

"Cas..." i say lovingly

"Dean..." he says slightly annoyed

"We should go on a trip" i tell him again, smiling big at him

He sighs loudly, knowing i won't change my mind

"Where?" He asks, laying back down hugging my waist again

"Maybe we can go up to Ellens cabin, she only uses it in the Winter, but i'm sure she'll let us use it for spring break" i tell him

"Ellen has a cabin?" He asks looking up at me

"Yeah i've only been there a couple times as a kid when her and Bobby used to take care of us, i don't remember a lot, just that it was right on the lake, and it was beautiful" i tell him staring up at the boring tan colored ceiling of our dorm

Cas and i ended up just pushing our beds together, so we could sleep next to eachother.

"Why did she only go up there in the winter?" He asks me

"She doesn't like heat, she would rather ice-scate then swim" i say laughing

He laughs to and then it becomes silent

I wait for a response from him, all while we still cuddle up together

"I'll think about it" he says

I turn my whole body and role on top of him, straddling my legs on the sides of his waist

"Really!?" I ask excitingly

"I SAID i'll think about it" he says trying not to smile

I bend down and i kiss him with pure happiness

We needed a break and i think this will be great for us, considering all we went through...

I pull away and we smile at eachother

"Maybe i should think about things more often" he says laughing

I shake my head laughing, laying back down next to him

"Now can we PLEASE go to sleep, it's now four in the morning!" He says still smiling at me

I nod my head at him, leaning in to give him one last kiss on the nose

"Goodnight cas" i tell him

"Goodnight dean" he hums in almost a whisper

It's silent for a few seconds

"I love you" i say whispering to him

I didn't really think when i said it, but at the same time, i knew exactly what i was saying

And i didn't regret it one bit

I see his body tense up slightly

Then after a couple minutes i see him shake

He was crying...

I put my hand on his shoulder, turning him so he could face me

"Cas, i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you cry- i didn't know if it was to soon o-or..." i said scared and trailing off

His face was wet with tears and i immediately felt terrible

But soon all that fear went away as he smiles through his tears and says

"Dean, i love you too, i love you with all my heart!" He says, throwing his arms around me, hugging me.

I smile big hugging him back

I then pull away wiping his tears and kissing his cheeks

I look at the clock and back at him

"Now can we PLEASE go to sleep, it's now 4 in the morning!" I say sarcastically, still smiling at him

He laughs wiping his eyes

"Shut up" he says as he smiles, laying back down next to me

We both cuddle eachother in a hug and sleep comfortablely through the night.

Wow! Has it been a while

I'm sorry this took so long, it's been quite a year so far!

Well i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it's a little weird

I hope to come back more often now, and hopefully make a new story soon!

And thank you guys for all the nice comments!

Love you guys!!



Ok bye :)
