"No, Stop!"

In which, Tony Stark feels superior. More than usual, anyway. Also in which, Author apparently can't really do whump, because she is too soft, so a thing was created to fill the prompt. (NOT sexual. There is no Starker, this is an Irondad fic)


"Peter Benjamin Parker, get back here! No superpowers in laser tag!"

The voice echoed through the newly added "Fun-Zone," as Clint dubbed it, of the Avengers Compound. It caused several people to turn their heads toward the second to last survivor of the game, Tony Stark. It was incredible how all of the Avengers could be taken out by a fifteen-year-old. And frankly, quite terrifying. Even Natasha, the hardest to beat, was snuck up on by Parker. A vicious round of cat and mouse later, she was down. The child who could talk to you for hours on end without taking a breath was now so quiet that he could sneak up on the most elite.

As for using superpowers, all of them were using any advantage they could. Thor even electrically charged his low laser gun when he started running out of power. For Stark to still be alive with no powers and no suit, they all knew Peter was saving the proudest for last.

If Tony knew it, he wasn't about to show it.

The man kept his head low as he walked through the dark room, glancing out from behind hastily made wooden walls with neon paint decorating their fronts.

He was silent, waiting for the spider-ling to answer him.

And boy, did Peter answer.

A war cry erupted from above Tony and he looked up in horror at one Peter Parker, who wasted no time in jumping down from the ceiling.

Gun raised, the boy charged.

Tony promptly dropped his own.

Peter stopped when the older man abandoned his weapon, watching Stark as if he had another one up his sleeve to attack with. In curiosity when Tony only stood there, an eyebrow raised, he cautiously stepped forward.

Clint, an experienced father, saw the ambush from miles away.

As soon as Peter had stepped close enough, Tony sprung out and grabbed the boy. Putting the now yelping teen into a headlock, Stark gave a mirthful grin. Peter may have superstrength, but Tony had perfected the headlock and outweighed his opponent experience-wise by more than thirty years. Peter was stuck.

Tony started tickling.

It only took a small bit of tickling under the armpits to basically cause Peter to nearly keel over with laughter. Tony was merciless, getting to the point where Peter had tears leaking from his doe brown eyes.

"No, stop! Mr.- St- AH, AHA, stop!" Peter yelled between giggles. Tony didn't, of course.

Clint by this point had almost peed himself with laughter at the scene, and even Natasha couldn't hide her sly smirk as Peter continued to be tickled.

"Surrender and I'll stop, kid!"

Peter screeched in protest as Tony started tickling his feet. "W- what?! Mr- AHAHA, c- c'mon, this h- HA- has to be child abuse!" he argued. "N- not fair!"

Tony chuckled. This really was Spider-Man's weakness, because god, even this kid's knees were ticklish. "Life's not fair! Surrender, Underoos!"

Peter's chest hurt from laughing by now. This was worse than when Ben tickled him in the old days; at least May would step in and start tickling Ben too until they were all a giggling mess.

Finally, he had to give in.

"Okay, okay! I... I surrender!"

Tony smirked. Leaving Peter where he was on the carpet, the billionaire picked up his abandoned gun from the ground.

"Starks always win, kiddo," and he pointed the laser at Peter's bodysuit. The light on the suit went out, and there was a ding from the speakers. Tony had won, in the most dad-way possible.

Now, this was a story for Peter's wedding day. One day, perhaps, Michelle Jones would know the weakness of Peter Parker from Tony himself.

Tony Stark would forever be known for his defeat of the untouchable laser tag god; Peter Parker.

Clint decided that this was the reason he was still in this gang of outcasts called the Avengers. As long as this shit happened, he didn't think he'd ever leave.
