Chapter 26: Victory and DETERMINATION (Part 1)

Ebott Evangelical Anglican Church is full. Humans and monsters alike fill out space in the pews. Clouds roll over the building as rain patters on the rooftop. A religious ska-enjoying Christian goat boy sings the closing hymn. Below the front stage, the Holiday family holds each other, sobbing. Most of the gathering looks on to see how the family is doing, many worried expressions and intensely blue expressions covering the expanse of the room. In front of Asriel sits a small urn made with robust and sturdy oak wood and seated on a table. Its carvings would catch the eye of the beholder due to its high quality.

After another minute, Asriel finishes the song and walks offstage, gently rubbing his throat. He sinks his head and sadly stares at the ground as he walks up to the Holiday family. As Asriel peers at them, the patriarch and youngest sister allow him to pass by. He approaches to see his friend Noelle covering her face. Her aura shows a dark gray color, contrasting with the bright snow-colored gown she's wearing for this occasion. Asriel nods gently and hugs her as she sobs.

"Thank much, Asriel...just for being here," Noelle whispers.

Asriel nods. "I do my best, Noelle. I'm sorry for all that's happened to you."

"You sang well," Noelle weakly says. 

"Thanks, I've had practice." Your sister's urn is pretty," Asriel consoles. 

The reindeer nods weekly. "I like it too. It fits her well."

"Yeah...," the goat child says. 

Asriel's body shakes with emotion. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he releases Noelle, politely nods to her parents and younger sister and slowly moves towards the church's back. Cupid's eyes follow him as he walks, with her eyes settling in on Frisk and narrowing, burning with dark, intense emotion. After death-staring at Frisk for a long moment, she shakes her head and bows it, beginning to sob again.

The goat child's bright white robes flow as he walks. Most of the attendees walk through the center aisle, giving him an easy path to where he stands next. That spot is at the very back pew, in which two of his closest friends are seated. Frisk wears a black suit, a blue dress shirt, and a purple tie. Beside him sits Susie, who has her arms gently resting on the back of the pew. She's wearing a black button-down and dressy black pants. Tugging at the collar and swallowing heavily, she sweats as she glares toward the stained-glass windows with expressions of discomfort.

"You sounded great up there, Azzy," Frisk says.

Asriel smiles and bows his head a little. "Thanks; I tried my best, I guess." Asriel rubs his voice box a second time, sinking his head profoundly and rubbing his toes into the carpet. "I've lost count of how many funerals I've sung at over the past couple of weeks. Funerals for monsters, but a few humans, too."

Frisk nods and lowers his head, solemnly holding his hands in his lap. "They say the darkest part of the night is just before dawn. I guess I agree with that right now."

Asriel holds his left hand on the pew in front of Frisk and Susie and lets his body lean on it to rest. "This is the last funeral that I know of that relates to Kris."

Asriel's eyes scan over to Susie, who scowls and stares at the glass window near her without meeting his eyes. Frisk nods, straightening his posture. "Well, we've helped comfort the families and helped turn Kris in. Now, we move forward together. It's time for all of Ebott to stay DETERMINED."

Asriel forces a smile onto his face and chuckles. "Yeah, for sure."

Susie's scowl increases; Asriel leans in toward her and smiles slightly. "Susie...would you like to join us for Thanksgiving dinner? It's only a few days, and we wanna have you over."

Susie's eyes widen, and then she lowers her head. "Are you sure? I don't wanna bother Mrs. D or anything."

Asriel shrugs and shakes his head. "Don't be silly. Of course, she'd want you there! She gave you the clothes today to wear for the funeral, didn't she? Our Mom cares about you."

Susie sighs, hair covering her eyes. "'re right."

Frisk looks at Susie now, his hand gently tapping her on the shoulder. "Noelle and her family were invited as well. I'm sure you'd be happy to hang out with them, right?"

Susie's hair flips backward as she heightens her head again. She looks at Frisk with clear eyes and smirks. "Sweet."

Asriel peers outside and sees his mother, father, and the other citizens of Ebott gathering at the park across the street. Tables are placed all around the grassy area, the trees swaying gently with the soft rain. A tent is over the top of the dining area, protecting any diners from rain. Asriel glances at Frisk and Susie, then points out the door.

"You guys hungry?" Asriel asks.

Susie and Frisk nod and follow Asriel out the door. Frisk looks up at Susie and smiles as he passes Toriel. "Hey, Susie. I may have a surprise for you when Mom gets to chat with you."

Susie raises an eyebrow. "Huh? What do you mean?"

Frisk nods and smiles to himself. "You'll see."
