Chapter 24: Sunset (Part 4)

The sun begins to set. Susie approaches Kris first, swinging her heavy axe at him. Her weapon strikes the ground with a loud boom as Kris barely sidesteps out of the way. He laughs, then blocks another heavy swing from Susie with his own long, shimmering knife. A dent is made in the blade as Susie's axe barrels down on the knife, but he continues to smile confidently. He pulls the knife out, then spins around her third swing. After landing, he darts at Frisk and raises his knife, slashing. Frisk jumps over the slash and contorts as Kris swings and misses again halfway through the strike. He bites his lip and goes for yet a third swing, but Asriel jumps in the way and blocks with his chaos sabers. Asriel's teal eyes glow and shine in the dimming light.

"You will not kill anyone anymore, Kris," Asriel proclaims. "We will stop you!"

As Kris tries to push against Asriel's tough grip, he hears footsteps behind him. Kris releases his deadlock and, with a quick swing of his leg, sweep-kicks Susie in the shin. He lands the hit, and she falls to the ground, holding her leg in pain.

"YOU JERK; dirty move!" she yells. Kris shrugs and charges Susie to slay her, but a spear lands next to his feet. He spins around and blocks another spear throw from Undyne, then dashes along the left side of the hill as bones begin springing upward from the ground behind him.

Undyne pulls out shortened spears from her armor belt and hurls them at Kris, and Sans begins chucking bones at Kris from behind. As he runs around the hilltop, Asriel and Susie start running at him from the other side. Kris swings, blocks, blocks again. When more bones hurl at his head, he backflips through the air and ducks underneath another spear. He knew he had to keep his DETERMINATION up and his wits about him. As long as he was swift on his feet, this wouldn't be nearly as hard as one would think.

Susie moves in toward Kris again and hurls her axe at his head. He quickly ducks, and it lands in the dirt beside him. Kris shrugs and rushes at Frisk again. Before reaching that side of the hill, a wind passes by his right ear. He swaps the knife from his left hand over to his right and swings to block. A chaos saber barrels down on his blade. He looks over his shoulder to see Asriel swinging his other sword as sweat pours down his face. Kris dodges and moves away as Asriel's teeth clench with anger.

"Aw, the goat kid is trying to fight me. How adorable," Kris taunts.

Asriel shakes his head again and dashes forward with both swords. Susie runs over to grab her axe and pull it out of the ground, moving towards Kris again. "Stuff it," Susie retorts.

Susie jumps at Kris and swings toward the ground. He side-steps then blocks a few more saber slashes and spears from Asriel and Undyne. As Susie throws her axe again, Kris spins and moves with the grace of a falcon, blocking every throw from Undyne with his knife. As Kris lands on the ground, he stares up at Susie. Her yellow eyes tremble with darkness and misery, and her brow runs hot. Kris smiles. "You've gone soft, my old friend!"

Susie tightens her grip around her axe handle and clenches her teeth together. "Were we even friends to begin with?"

Sans teleports in front of Frisk and forms another bone wall between them and the rest of the battlefield. Sans shrugs and chuckles. "Can't have ya in the middle of the fray, kid."

"Thank you, Sans, but are you doing alright?" Frisk asks. 

Sans snickers. "Never better, kid. Now, watch this."

Right eye going blank, and his left eye flashing blue and yellow, the wall of bones stretches higher. A tiny peephole rests in the center of the wall of bones, and Frisk gasps through his teeth. "Sans, how will we get to them in time if they get hurt?"

Sans nods and winks at Frisk. "I'm a skeleton of many talents; one of them is teleporting over there for backup." He shrugs. "But I'm pretty lazy, so I dunno how often I'll use it."

Frisk nods slowly and lowers his head. (Well...time to get closer to them, to protect them...but maybe make a move against Kris.)

Frisk shakes his head and runs around the bones. Sans reaches his right arm out and calls out to Frisk. "Where are you going, kid? You'll get yourself killed."

"Sorry, Sans. This plan is better!" Frisk yells back. 

Sans groans and lowers the bone wall, revealing full sight of the rest of the group. Frisk positions himself halfway in between Sans and the center of the fray. Saber blades, spears, and an axe fly and swing in all directions. A cacophony of clanging metal fills the atmosphere as Sans lowers his head, and his eyes go blank for a moment. "Welp, it's time to throw around my power again."

Sans summons a Gaster Blaster, firing a large laser in Kris' direction. The assassin sees this and ducks, but the blue and white light scrapes against his shoulder. After the laser dissipates, Kris grips his burnt shoulder heavily while the HP falls a little. Shaking his head, he regains his arrogant composure. "Do you really think that will work?" Kris smugly asks. "With all of this DETERMINATION and LV, I'm untouchable!"

Kris moves to the right, ducking under every spear and charging up to Sans, knife in left hand again. The attacker craved blood, slashing at Sans' mid-section. But Sans side-step dodges and teleports behind him. Sans' blue eye glows as Kris turns around slowly to see Sans' body over him. "What, you think I'm gonna stand there and take it?" Sans asks with a twinge of glee in his voice.

Gaster Blaster lasers fire again, lights erupting into the atmosphere. Kris is prepared, contorting his body and dancing around the lasers with little effort. After the earth settles, Asriel and Susie charge him. With a series of cross-slashes, Asriel attempts to hit Kris' hands to disarm him. With every clanging of metal and woosh, Kris distances himself further and further from Asriel. Leaping forward, Asriel slashes at Kris' hands, but the villain moves the knife back and forth with precision every time he blocks the swing.

After taking a moment to breathe, Kris' right eye twitches as he goes for Susie, who pulls her axe out of the ground. He swings at her again, but she blocks with her axe and pushes against Kris' frame. Sans teleports behind Susie and fires two Gaster Blaster lasers over her shoulders. Kris dodges each one, but Sans then teleports behind Kris, hurling bones up from the ground. The villain twists his body, but after another bone hits him, he falls onto the ground and winces. "Heh, get boned," Sans quips.

Susie laughs and prepares another giant swing at Kris' body. "I've got you now, Kris!"

Kris' red eyes widen, and he angrily grits his teeth. Jumping, the axe blade misses, and he lands on it, using it as a platform to vault into the air. Re-gripping the knife, he hurls himself at Susie, barely blocking another swing from her. "Don't get cocky," he growls.

Kris spins around to see spears hurling. Lowering his body to the forest floor, he runs under each one. Jumping upward, Kris performs a somersault into a slash, but Undyne dodges to the side, and Kris lands on his feet, his brow beaming bright crimson. The fish warrior pulls her spears out of the dirt and places them back into her belt. After doing so, she points one at Kris' face confidently. "We refuse to die."

Kris lowers his head, charging at Undyne. Undyne blocks Kris' next swing, and his knife deadlocks with the tip of her spear. Kris' grip tightens around his knife as he begins slashing and kicking at her armor. Undyne steps backward and blocks each swing. As he moves as close to Undyne as he can, Susie comes in and swings at Kris' left arm. This time, it hits.

Kris clenches his left arm as blood wells from the cut, backing away and grimacing. After a few seconds, he chuckles and swaps his knife to his right arm. Undyne shakes her head. "What's so funny?"

"Good thing I'm ambidextrous," Kris cockily replies.

Undyne growls. "Of course! What's next — he spawns extra limbs?!"

Susie backs off and sputters, staring at Kris' bloodied arm. "Wait...I need a bandage," she says. Susie stares at Kris, and he smirks. She shakes her head and rubs her forehead.

"Wait, hold on." Kris laughs. "You're actually concerned for my health? Looks like you really have gone soft!"

Susie rubs her eyes and readies her position again, remembering where she is. "S-shut up!"

Asriel, Susie, and Undyne charge Kris. As Asriel and Susie attack in front of Undyne, Kris ducks underneath both. He slugs each in the stomach as he slides underneath their bodies. Susie and Asriel fall to the ground and clutch their abdomens. Frisk gently massages his belly as he watches the battle, his eyes dancing. (Ouch, that stung. Be careful, Azzy. Please, I'm begging you.)

Kris gets up and looks over at Undyne, who charges toward him, spear in hand. Her eyes flash bright orange as her teeth shine with brilliance in the moonlight. As the attacker continues to move around more spears and blaster lasers, a brilliant thought appears in his brain. Kris nods and whispers to himself. "Oh, right...I can't defeat Undyne head-on, but maybe I can turn her own armor and body against her...all I need is to throw her off balance and throw her off the course. Then, it'll get way easier for me!"

Kris spins around and runs towards the hill's edge, with Undyne following quickly behind him. From the center of the hill, Frisk looks up at Undyne as she charges toward Kris. Frisk's brain begins to itch, realizing what the villain as about to pull. He moves forward and holds out his arm to Undyne, body trembling. "Undyne, stop! It's a trap!"

Kris stops dead in his tracks at the very edge. He looks over his shoulder and sees Undyne about to shove the spear through his heart. "END OF THE ROAD, KID!"

Kris chuckles and narrows his eyes at Undyne. "Oh, I don't think so."

As Undyne shanks her spear into the ground, Kris side-flips over it. As she finishes pressing the spear into the ground as far as she can, Kris grabs hold of the spear. Landing behind her, he smirks and gives the fish warrior a quick shove. Undyne can feel the weight of her armor and muscular body give way, and her balance fails. Kris hurls her over the side of the hill; one warrior is out of commission. Frisk trembles as he bites his lip. "No, Undyne!"

Undyne isn't able to stop the momentum, her body beating against metal, bones thrashing as she hits tree after tree and falls on rock after rock. Reaching the bottom of the slope, she vaults into the small creek bed below and lands badly on her leg, with a loud POP erupting from her being.

"Ngaaah..." Undyne groans painfully as she looks down at her leg. It's facing the wrong direction. She slams her hand into the ground as she holds her face with her other hand. "Of course, that kid used my own frame against me...heh, clever; I'll give him that."

Undyne then looks up the towering hill and glares at the peak above, the noises clashing of metal and gaster blasters still sounding for her. Her voice lowers, and she growls. "Once again, that punk dishonored me."

Feeling ashamed but DETERMINED to fight still, Undyne begins to crawl out of the bank, slowly inching towards the hill's edge. She intensely grabs at the earth, her hands creasing and tightening as she tries to get back up the incline. "Fight on, my friends. I will catch up soon. We will live on, and this world will live on!"

Out of the corner of her eye, a ghastly friend appears and floats up with a medkit. "'re here. Epic."

Blooky shakes his head. "I'm sorry I'm late, Undyne...just had to verify the condition of the officers...they're safe...I placed them inside the house, and I also was able to contact their fellow officers...reinforcements should be on the way soon."

"Heh, nice," Undyne says. 

Blooky nods and nervously looks down at her body. "Let me try and fix your legs...they look all twisted."

Undyne grunts. "Please move as fast as you can! Our friends need me."

Blooky nods as he prepares the bandaging. "I hope we can make it back up the hill in time..."

"Yeah, dude," the fish warrior laments. "Me too."

***Author's Notes***

Good timezone, friends! I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter. 

The final battle has finally begun. I hope you're ready for a while ride, because this chapter and next chapter move at *breakneck* speeds. That's all I'll say for now. :P

What did you think of the penultimate sequence? Leave your comments below and remember to press the star buttons on each chapter part, too! Until I see you all again, take care! Stay DETERMINED.
