Chapter two: A letter

Me: I'm so proud of you Lucy! *pats lucy at the back*

Lucy: Eh?! What for?

Me: For being asked out and for falling in love!~

Lucy: Eh?! *blushes madly*

Natsu: Just get to the disclaimer already...

Me: Awe... Little idiotic, red, salamander, Natsu is jealous.

Natsu: Am not!

Me: yea yea, whateves *roles eyes*

Natsu: Like I said! I'm not! *lights fist on fire.*

Me: geez... Cant you take a joke?

Lucy: FairyAnime does not own Fairy Tail, it is owned by the rightful owner-

Me: Get out of the way! Running from an angry person who is currently on fire here!!!"

Natsu: I'm going to get you!

Me: nooo!!!

Happy: The rightful owner is Hiro Mashima! Aye sir!

Me: Arigatou Happy!

Lucy: What about me?

Me: Happy finished the disclaimer, so im giving all the gratitude to him

Lucy: Darn cat!

Happy: Oh no... *flies away*

Lucy: Come back here!

Me: Readers, please proceed to chapter two and-

Natsu: come back here!

Me: got to run, here is chapter two~


~Chapter two: A letter~

Third person's POV:

"Who is the lucky bastard who stole my blonde celestial mage's heart?!"

The Fairy Tail guild heard this and they all turned around. And they saw the most shocking thing... well not thing... he too was human...

"Dan??!!!" Every Fairy Tail guild member exclaimed. "Konnichiwa! (Hello!)" He waved. "What are you doing here?!" Erza asked. "Did ya come for a fight?!" Natsu exclaimed, excited. Some of the guild members sweat dropped and sighed. "What's wrong? I just wanted to see my girlfriend..." Dan answered.

"Nani?!" Gray and Natsu exclaimed at the same time. "And also... Who said Lucy-san was yours?" Wendy asked. Dan looked at the little girl and chuckled. "Sorry kid... you're not in my age and plus... you don't have the curves..." Dan patted wendy's head. Wendy started to blush because of embarassment, but she too was offended.

"I don't like you!!!" The little blue haired dragon slayer exclaimed.

"Oi! Don't touch Wendy!" Warren growled. But not knowing... behind Warren were two mages who never get along but for this momment, they actually agreed to something... "Who said Lucy was your girlfriend?!" Natsu and Gray glared and growled at the legionaire in front of them.

Dan lifted his hands and surrendered. "It was just a joke, but seriously, who stole my LuLu's heart?" He asked. "Thats what we are trying to figure out." Mira answered. Dan stared at Mira and all of a sudden, his eyes had shaped into hearts. "You are so beautiful, tell me, what is your name, fair maiden?!" Dan asked. He was so closed to Mirajane as if he teleported.

"Mirajane..." Mira answered. "Uwaahh!~ Thats a beautiful name for a beautiful and cute woman like you MiMi!~" Dan cheered. "MiMi...?" The guild said. "Now if you'll excuse us, may you please leave our guild hall, for we have important matters to discuss." Mirajane asked politely. Most guild members started to back away slowly because their pretty barmaid was now emitting a deadly and dark aura... as if she was really, really pissed off. But her look was diffirent, she had a smile plastered on her face, but a deadly aura.

The Fairy Tail guild was really scared because what if the 'other' Mira comes out? Mirajane Stiri... The other Mira... just thinking about her make the members shiver, except for a scarlet haired woman. Erza stepped up.

"We will give you five seconds to leave our guild hall, if you do not leave within the 5 seconds, we will rip you to shreds." Erza said, giving Dan a death glare. "5..." Mira started to count down. "C'mon you two, stop joking around..." Dan said, uncertainty in his voice. "4..." Erza and Mira said in a unison.

"He is so dead..." The Fairy Tail guild members thought. "3..." Erza said. The next thing the FT (AN: let me use the short cut for now... my hands hurt from typing...) guild new was that Dan was already at the guild doors. "We will meet once more my beloved MiMi! I will forever and eternally love-"

"2..." Mira interuppted Dan and all of a sudden, he was gone. Like poof, he vanished in thin air. "I'm glad he's gone, but who was he calling MiMi?" Mirajane asked. The FT guild sweatdropped at this. "He was refering to you..." The guild members said in a low voice. "Anyways!" Mira clapped her hands and got the attention of the entire guild. "Okay everyone, operation: Admirer; commence..." The guild members gathered around and were listening attentively to the two she-devils.

"What's the plan Mira?" Erza asked. Mirajane smiled. "Well I don't exactly have a plan but I have something that might help..." Mirajane answered. "What is it?" Natsu and Gray asked in a unison. They both glared at each other but they both noticed that there was also another person glaring at them, so they stopped glaring.

"Well you see..." Mirajane lifted her right hand and there she held a letter or an envelope. "An envelope?" Natsu asked. "Ya dumbass... she's holding a letter..." Gray said. "Oh yeah?! Then where is the letter stripper?!" Most of the FT guild members sighed. Their going at it... again...

"Stop fighting!!!" This time, Erza was merciless... she knocked the two mages out... cold. The guild members just pitied the two mages. "Anyway, as I was saying..." Mira tried to get the attention of the entire guild and it worked. "Inside this envelope is a letter... A letter that was addressed to our guild hall but was specifically for Lucy..."

As soon as she finished, the entire guild was starting to crowd Mira so they could read the letter. They were pushing, fighting, shouting and unknown to them, they were stepping on some unconcious mages who were recently knocked out by she-devil 1 (Erza)

"Stop!!!" Shouted Erza. She was wearing her Heaven's Wheels Armor and that made every guild member, except she devil 2 (Mira) back away and cower in fear. "Mira will read it aloud." Erza said, giving death glares to guild members. "So this is what it says..." Mira started.

"Dear Blondie... or Lucy,

Just accept my offer for brunch already... I know you want me... And are you trying play hard to get? Well if you are, its working... I'm getting impatient and tired of waiting for your response. I'm about to leave Magnolia in a few days, will you past by my door? Don't tell me your busy or hanging out with your guild or Natsu-san. Just accept my offer... its the least you could do since you know... just please go out with me for brunch. Please? If you are to accept, which I know you will, just go to the inn that we are staying in.

From yours truly, the only one on earthland who calls you mine and only mine, the great blonde"


Hehe let me stop you readers there... This was dedicated to all those who voted and commented at chapter one, hope you enjoyed your update. Find out Fairy Tail's reaction on the next update: Chapter three: A bad day

This chapter was third person the entire time, but at the next chapter, thats all about to change. If this chapter was too short I am sorry... And for those who don't know who dan is, let's just say he is a character who had a crush on Lucy and he appeared in the infinity clock arc (there is a picture of him on the lower right-if you are using computer- or at the first page of the chapter or starting of the chapter -if you are using your phone or tablet)

If there were any grammar or spelling errors, I am sorry, until the next update!
