Chapter seven: Different

Konnichiwa minna-san! I'm here with a new update!
Gomenasai for not updating earlier 😅, I'm pretty sure you all are pissed at me for not updating like... 3 or 5 or 6 months? I don't even know. But it must've been forever for you guys... Gomene....

But now I have a new update! At least I updated right?
This update is just... Possibly filler? But affects the story 😊.

If you ship _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ , then I am sure you'll like this chapter (I hope). So here's the update!


Third Person's POV: (meanwhile, in the guild)

Erza sat up straight as she waited impatiently by the bar for her delivery. Her cake delivery.
She was closing her eyes as her index finger quietly tapped the bar counter. "It's taking forever," she mumbled to herself.

Mira, who was currently wiping beer mugs and glasses, just looked at her and smiled. "Is your cake delivery late?" She asked. Erza nodded in response, not even bothering to stop tapping the bar counter, nor to even look at Mira.

Mira smiled even wider. "So Erza," Mira started.
This time Erza looked at the barmaid. The way she said her name was like she had thought of something, something that includes her....

"How are things with you and Jellal?"

Now that made her stop. She practically choked as soon as she heard his name.
Erza coughed and looked away from the barmaid. She took a deep breath and answered, "Jellal and I are just friends Mira, don't tell me your going to matchmake him and I, that would ruin our friendship." Erza answered, with a stern voice that had almost, almost, faltered.

Mira giggled. "I never said anything about matchmaking did I? I only asked how you two were holding up...." Mira smiled mischievously. Erza gulped. Why had she become so defensive all of a sudden?

"It sounded like you were-"

"I wonder if Lucy's crush is Jellal?" Mira asked, quickly changing the subject.

Erza choked once more. This time, she really had a hard time breathing. She was turning all red, practically transforming into a human tomato. She started coughing like there was no tomorrow.

"Erza, you alright?" Mira asked, looking concerned for her scarlet-haired friend.
With one final cough, Erza fell down to her knees. Her cheeks were still red.

"Yeah... It was just that your question caught me off-guard." Erza answered.

"Why were you caught off-guard? Do you like Jellal or something?" Mira asked, a smirk forming at her lips. Erza coughed once again. Her cheeks got warmer, and she felt flustered. 'I knew it' Erza thought. 'She's on matchmaking mode'

"Of course I do!" Erza immediately answered, but then realized her mistake. "I mean- I like him as a friend!" Erza corrected, her cheeks becoming redder by the second. Mira's smile started to grow wider and wider, if it was still possible.

Erza hated this part of Mira. Of course she loved Mira being one of her best friends but when your friend, especially your best friend is a matchmaker like Mira, you'll get into deep shit... Like... Deep Shit....

"But really, what if Lucy's crush was Jellal?" Mira started to ask herself aloud. "That's impossible!" Erza exclaimed. "I thought the guy she liked was either Sting or Rogue!"

"Sting and Rogue asked her out already, and she never accepted it. If she had a crush on one of them, then why hasn't she answered any of them?" Mira argued.

Erza gulped. Mira had a point there. But she just couldn't believe that one of her best friends, especially a teammate who she had trusted the most, would have a crush on a guy who she liked as well.

Erza started to feel sadness, a bit of hurt, and as well as a bit of anger. 'It's impossible' she thought. 'There is no way Lucy could like Jellal'
A part of her started doubting on the fact that Lucy didn't have a crush on Jellal. She knew that in this world they lived in, everyone has the right to fall in love with anyone, no matter how wrong nor right it may have seem.

She started to think deeply, but soon, her train of thoughts were interrupted.
"Erza!" Romeo called out. "Your cake is here!"

Erza stood up from the bar stool, leaving an amused Mira behind the bar. She started walking up to the little boy by the doors of the guild, so she could pay and so she can eat her cake in peace.

Quietly giggling, Mira looked at Erza as she walked away. She was very happy and amused on Erza's reaction. It was priceless indeed. "Now is the time... I wonder... JUcy or JErza?" Mira mumbled to herself.

As Erza reached the door, the delivery man gave her two cake boxes, and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Erza called, as she stopped the delivery man from walking away. "I only ordered one cake, so why do I have two? And don't you want the payment?" She asked the delivery man. The delivery man smiled, "Someone had already payed for both cakes and the delivery fee, and that other cake is a special delivery, so you don't need to worry about it miss." He smiled politely and started to walk away from Erza once more.

But Erza had stopped him again and asked, "What was the name of the person who payed for all this?" Erza questioned sternly. "He never said his name,"

"But how did he look like?"

"I'm sorry miss, but when I saw him, he was wearing a hood and as well as a mask. I wasn't able to identify him."

"Oh, okay."

"I'll take my leave then." The delivery man started to walk away once more, finally leaving Erza alone.

Erza looked at the two boxes that she knew that one had held her favorite strawberry cake, while the other box was a complete mystery. The boxes had tags, indicating what type of cakes they were. She saw 'strawberry cake' and then on the other box 'special delivery.'

There was a letter tapped on the box of the 'special delivery' so Erza had untapped the letter, making sure it was not to rip, and opened it, and there she started to read it to herself.

"Roses are Red,
But this one here is blue,
It might be different,
But that's why it's You.


Erza became confused. 'J.F.?' She thought. 'Who could that be?'
Erza observed the letter and there she noticed a small note at the bottom of the letter.

-You always get the same thing everyday, so I figured, why not try something different?-"

Erza opened the 'special delivery' box and there she saw a cake. A cheesecake. A blueberry cheesecake.
And she also saw another tiny piece of paper inside the box as well. "Why so many notes?" She asked herself, annoyed.

But she got the small note anyway and read once more.

-Meet me by the heart of the East Magnolia Forest at 7pm sharp, don't be late, and you can't refuse. This is the only time that you will ever get the chance to meet me-"


Who could that be? It's so obvious! 😊

But Erza-san is too dumb too realize it. (No offense)

Anyways, hope you liked this update, and sorry for grammatical errors.

I do not own Fairy Tail, nor do I own the poem that I typed on letter, I found that poem/quote on Instagram. So credit to the owner.

Until the next update!
