A Blurred Night, Part 2

I lead my guard to our room upstairs as he stumbles alongside me. His head bonks itself on the doorway, and I can't help but to stifle a laugh. At least he has his sturdy helmet on.

The room is fairly nice with a few full bookcases, a dainty blue pitcher, a set of scarlet cushiony chairs, a table with a apple and sweetroll sitting on it, and emerald green sheets tucked neatly on the large bed in classic Solitude fashion.

The guard immediately flops onto the pristine bed and ruins the perfectly ironed blankets and meticulously fluffed pillows. His helmet even rips a decent sized whole into on of the pillows. Great, now the barkeep has another reason to hassle me for more money.

"Fluffy." He mumbles as he rolls around quickly on the bed.

"Alright..." I sigh as he immediately sits up, maybe a little too fast because he begins to sway, and points to me.

"Stop in the name of the law!" He yells in an authoritative tone before he flops back down on the bed and grumbles, "I'm sweaty."

I take a cup from the table and fill it with the water from the pitcher and set it on the end table by the bed. "Here, let me take his stuffy helmet off and maybe you'll feel a bit cooler."

I place my hands slowly in the sides of his helmet and hesitate. It seemed somewhat wrong to be taking his helmet off, but I couldn't figure out why. I snap out of my hesitation and begin to left the helmet up until he grabs my shoulders with both of his hands and yanks me closer to him.

"Did I scratch my hat?" He asks with genuine concern.

I hold in my breath in shock then laugh. "No, you did not scratch your helmet."

"You mean hat." He says sassily as he puts his hands on mine and lifts his helmet off his head. His strong Nordic features are captivating, and the way his big goofy nose-

"Are we having a staring contest?" He whispers. The smell of alcohol reeks off of him and his helmet radiates a funky smell too.

I blush and pull away with his guard helmet in my hands. The smell intensifies, and I can't help but to set the helmet as far away from as in the room as I could.

"When is the last time you washed that?!" I say, as he rubs his eyes .

"I don't know... a week before I met you... maybe never?"

"Oh..." I make a face at the dirty helmet that rested in the far corner, "anyways, you should have some water and get some rest."

He grabs the cup and chugs the water dramatically and then slams it back down and closes his eyes.

I pull up a chair near him as he quickly begins to slide into sleep. I watch him as he wraps his arms around a nearby pillow. He snuggles the pillow and begins to let out a soft snore.

Cool blue light from the moons illuminates the room the later it becomes. Hours must've passed by now as I had already browsed all of the books on the shelves and looked for any secret hidden compartments in the room. I suppose a hour or two of sleep wouldn't do any harm, besides he's been knocked out for this long.

I sit on my chair and although it takes awhile to get comfortable, I begin to slouch in the chair and doze off.

The sound of clinking metal against a wall wakes me up. It reminds me of the same sound of my guard hitting his head on the doorway... wait-

I flash my eyes open to see an empty bed and when I look behind me I see the stinky guard helmet missing... of course.
