A Blurred Night, Part 1

The night has only just begun, and a few friendly drinks plus light conversation quickly turned into a drinking competition between the guard and I. We both chugged two bottles of mead with ease, until he began to tear up.

I could feel my face become hot in worry. Did I do something wrong? Did Sheogorath do something to his mind? "Are you alright?" I ask hesitantly.

The guard grabs my arm with full force and flops his head on my shoulder. Tears rush down his cheeks and he begins to blubber about the tragic story of a missing sweet roll.

"Wow, you could've warned me that you can't handle your alcohol." I mutter under my breath as I soothingly pet the guard's head in hopes that he would stop his hysteria.

Everyone else in the room shoots us an odd look, but they quickly continue on with their own conversations.

A few more drinks later and he seemed in high spirits again, but maybe too high of spirits. He shoots me a goofy grin, and lets out a snort and a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask curiously as he wobbles around on his barstool in a fit of laughter.

His cheerful demeanor practically lights up the room. His hand claps onto mine tightly as he starts to speak: "That's fine armor you got on. It's reeeaaallll shiny."

I furrow my brows for a moment and then let out a soft laugh. At least he didn't start sobbing again.

"Thank you-"

He clears his throat and then continues speaking, "Hey- Hey Dragonborn," He says with a giggle. He is so drunk he can hardly look me in the eyes at this point. "You mix potions right? Can you brew me an ale?"

I smile and then stand up. He grips my hand tighter and the grin completely disappeared from his face. "Where are you going?" He asks like a child afraid to be separated from his mother. "You're not lollygaggin' I hope."

I never thought such a ridiculous sentence could be said with genuine concern until now.

"I'm going to get us each our own cozy room. I'll only be a moment; you won't even notice." I state, trying to be gentle of his drunken, fragile emotions.

He gives a sigh, and then releases my hand begrudgingly.

I had left only for a moment to rent us each a room, and when I walked back down from the upper floor I was stunned and frozen in my tracks.

The piercing sound of out of tune singing left me unable to think. The Whiterun guard threw his body around dramatically as he belted Ragnar the Red at the top of his lungs. Well I suppose I should really say "my whiterun guard." Everyone in the room gave me annoyed expressions and cold looks although I am the thane and Dragonborn. I suppose they were too upset to care about my titles.

The bartender walks over to me and pats me on the shoulder. "You and your interesting friend are going to have to leave." He states bluntly and he motions to my guard frolicking and singing around the room.

"Let me get him to his room upstairs, and I will watch over him like a hawk to ensure he doesn't cause another scene." I say to the bartender. He sighs in thought and then shrugs in agreement.

"Alright. Go round up your guard."

"There once was a hero named Ragnar the bagnar, and he was rednar... and Hadvar asked him was his night was at the bar! Annnddd there once was a hero named Dragonborn who knew Hadvar but not Ragnar, beware beware the Dragonborn comes! Ooh, and Red the Bread was boastful no more! When the Dragonborn danced around on the floor!" The guard poorly sang mixed up songs and made up lyrics as he skipped around and sipped his ale.

"Hey!" My guard stops his concert to shout at the bartender who was speaking to me. "You found my person!" He smiles as he stumbles over to me and pushes the bartender to give me a bear hug.

I can't help but to smile a bit. "Let's go upstairs." I say to my guard, and he gives a fast nod. The bartender rolls his eyes, and struts back to his customers in a hurry.

Before we walk up the steps my guards yells, "sorry you all will have to enjoy the rest of the night without my fine bard talents, unless-"

"No." The bartender grunts as he makes a shooing gesture towards us so we would continue up the stairs.
