
Present Day

*Satoru is currently walk to meet up with his co-worker*


Satoru: Sure is nice out today

Satoru: 'My life is pretty normal in the grand scheme of things. I graduated from college, landed a job at a major contracting firm and I work my way up the ladder like you do and started making some decent money. I'm just your average 37 year old man, their is one thing missing, I'm kind of lacking in the girlfriend department by lacking I mean I never had one at all ever but to be perfectly honest it doesn't bother me that much'


*Satoru them meet up with his co-worker*

Tamura: Satoru, hey there good to see you

Satoru: Tamura, hey sorry I'm late what was it you needed

*Before Tamura could answer Satoru heard his name being called, so he looked to the left and saw his childhood friend Sana Kaiyō*

Kaiyō: Satoru, long time no see

*Kaiyō was a (height) handsome man with short white hair and light blue eyes*


Kaiyō: 'I was just walking along minding my business when I saw my middle school friend Satoru Mikami I haven't seen him in a while because I've been busy with my own company called Sana Industry I wonder how he is doing bet he still has a weird mind'


Satoru: Hey, Kai nice seeing you around, how have you been?

Kaiyō: I'm ok I've been busy with the company here and there but doing just fine how about you

Satoru: I'm fine I was just out here talking with my co-worker would you like to hang around with us

Kaiyō: Sure, hi I'm Sana Kaiyō Nice to meet you

Tamura: OMG your the famous Sana Kaiyō of Sana Industry I'm a fan of your work

Kaiyō: Thanks haven't heard that in a while

*You rubbed your nape and chuckled a little*

Satoru: Anyways why did you call me here

*Before he could say why the girl beside him started talking*

Miho: Hi, I'm Miho Sawatari it's a pleasure to meet you I've seen you around the office before, but I don't think we've ever been introduced

Satoru: Ah, of course I'm Satoru Mikami this is my friend Sana Kaiyō come to think of it I've actually heard a lot about you

Miho: Huh, wait you have

Satoru: Yeah I'm mean there's plenty of rumors

Miho: Ah uh what kind of rumors

Tamura: Miho calm down he's kidding, go easy on her she's not used to your jokes yet

Kaiyō: Yeah Satoru

Satoru: Sure, sorry


Satoru: 'Why am I even here does he want marriage advice or something well at least Kai is here'

Tamura: Do you wanna grab some food we can talk over dinner you said that you like yakiniku right come on I know the perfect place

Satoru: 'Yesh he made dinner revolving around my favorite food he's really buttering me up'

Kaiyō(whisper): You know exactly what he's trying to do

Satoru(whisper): I know but let's just play along

*Kai nod understanding his intentions*

Sana: Is their any F/f and F/d their?

Tamura: There should be

Kaiyō: Ok lets go

Miho: It's right up here

Satoru: 'Their good kids I should congratulate them'


*Before they could continue they heard a women scream, so they all stopped walking looked forward. There was a guy with a black hoodie and khaki pants running through the crowd holding a knife at his side and he was running straight for Miho but Tamura got in front of her'

Satoru: TAMURA!

*Satoru pushed Tamura out of the way and was now in front of the person back facing towards him then the man ran faster and stabbed Satoru's back

Satoru: Agh


*The man then pulled the knife out and grabbed Kaiyō and stabbed his heart'

Kaiyō: Ahh

*He then let go of Kaiyō and the knife and ran away making Kaiyō fall backwards*

Tamura: Satoru

Miho: Sana-Sama

*They both ran towards the individuals name they yelled out*


Satoru: 'Hey, what's going on this heat I cant stand it it's too hot'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of the skill "Heat Resistance" is successful'

Satoru: 'Is this it death by stabbing what the hell'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of the skill "Stab Resistance" is successful continuing "Physical Attack Resistance" Acquisition Successful'


Kaiyō:  'So this is how I die huh could have been better, dang so I can't copy what Satoru does anymore boring'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of the skill "Copycat" is successful'

Kaiyō: 'I knew my senses was telling me something bad was going to happen but I just ignored it I should have brung one of my weapons'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of skill "Supreme Six-Senses" is successful continuing skill "Master Weapons-man" is successful'

Kaiyō: 'I should have brung a bodyguard so they could call the hospital and make this pain stop quicker probably would have had more energy if I hadn't stayed up watching anime'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of Rare Skills "Ultra-Speed Regeneration" and "Magicules supply" is successful'

Kaiyō: 'I wish I was like Saitama and had a resistance or nullification to anything, or like aang and could control all the elements no like the wizards in fairy tail and could create anything... I wish I could think fast to come up with more things i had watched'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of Skills "Infinite Nullification/Resistance", "Elemental Magic", "Creation Magic" and "Thought Acceleration" is successful'

Kaiyō: 'If only I could teleport and tell my parents and little brother I love them'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of New Skill "Spatial Teleportation" is successful'

Kaiyō: 'Well I could probably give the company to my little brother I wish I at least had someone who was as smart as me to help me when I needed to know thing like the truth'

???: 'Request confirmed-acquisition of Unique skill "Prominent Philosopher" is successful'

Kaiyō: 'Is someone their must be my imagination'


*Kaiyō was slowly starting to close his eyes but was staying strong trying to keep them open*

Kaiyō: M-Miho can you do one last r-r-re-request for me

Miho: No no stay strong Sana-Sama the ambulance is coming

Kaiyō: P-Please

Miho(sobbing): O-Ok what is it?

Kaiyō: Tell my a-assistant to give my company and will to my lil-little brother and my (spits out blood)house to my par-parents

Miho(starts crying): O-Okay I will

Kaiyō: Tha-Thank you

'Kaiyō started slowly closing his eyes and then everything faded to darkness'

Kaiyō: 'As long as I'm with Satoru I'm happy'

???: 'Request to stay with individual Satoru Mikami is successful all request complete transporting individual Sana Kaiyō to new world'

Tamura: Send an ambulance hurry


Satoru: 'Their is so much blood it hurts'

???: 'Request confirmed "Pain Nullification" Acquired creating a body that does not require blood successful'

Satoru: Calm down you got to man up Tamura

Tamura: Satoru hang on

Satoru: 'And now I'm cold

???: 'Cold resistance" acquisition successful attainment of both heat resistance and cold resistance had resulted in a new skill "Thermal Fluctuation Resistance'

Satoru: 'Am I going to die'

Satoru: Hey Tamura promise me something my computers hard drive I need you t-to dump it in the bathtub and fry it

???: 'Deletion of data the electronic current has failed due to insufficient information as an alternative "Electric Current Resistance" has been acquired "Paralysis Resistance" is included successful'

Tamura: Satoru

Satoru: Tamura

Tamura: listen(sniffs) the reason I wanted to have dinner was so I could show off Miho like a total jerk

Satoru: Yeah I know don't worry about it

Miho: Mister Kaiyō

Satoru: Just promise me you will have a happy life together and please wipe my hard drive

Satoru: 'I cant believe I'm going to kick the bucket as a girlfriendless virgin. In my next life I'm going to go on the prowl I'll hunt down all the ladies

???: Acquisition of Unique skill "Predator" successful

Satoru: 'In stories 30 year old virgins are wizards saying this as I'm pushing 40 I guess I'm some type of sage a few more years and I'll be a great sage

???: Extra Skill acquired "sage" continuing sage will transform into the Unique Skill "Great Sage" successful

Satoru: 'Shut up already can a guy just get some peace and quiet'

Tamura: Satoru?

Miho: Sana?

Tamura: SATORU!

Miho: SANA!


Okay their is going to be a prologue 2 and it is going to be about Kaiyō
