Episode 10



Prominent Philosopher(phil)=~phil~

Great Sage={sage}


"The Orc Lord"

*Right now all the goblins are surrounding rimuru to see how he likes the meat all showing a very tense face*

^Rimuru then picks up one of the meats and takes a bite then leans his head down^

Rigurd:Do...you... like it

Rigur:Or is it not to your taste

Rimuru:ITS GOOD hahahaha

^All the goblins then cheer^

Rimuru:'Ah this is awesome my usual slime form doesn't have any taste buds so this is the first time I've tasted anything since I've come to this world <sparkles> man it's great to be alive'

^Everyone is then seen celebrating talking to each other or doing their own thing and in the back you can see the red and white goblins talking with rigurd, rigur and kaijin but then kaijin spits out his drink^

Kaijin:Wait so you mean to tell me that orcs attached ogres that's crazy

Red:But it's the truth

Kaijin:I can't believe it, can you

Rigurd:It is surprising

Gobta:<mouth full> Wait so is that really a big deal

Rigur:Hey gobta

Kaijin:Of course it is compared to orcs ogres are much stronger people that such a weak race would go and attack them is unthinkable

Red:Regardless they did attack, the orc army struck our village at the dead of night. They had weapons and wore armor and their numbers filled the forest and overwhelmed us those detestable pigs destroyed our homes and my people

Kaijin:Orcs wearing armor

Red:That's right similar to what humans wear, it was full-plate metal

Kaijin:Hmm that can only mean-

Rigurd:That the orcs aren't working alone someone's helping them

Kaijin:It would make sense since they wouldn't be able to get valuable armor by themselves

Red:You would be correct someone was with them

Kaijin:A masked moujin

Red:It was extremely powerful I'm certain

Rigurd:When you was lord rimuru in the forest and you believed it was him and that's why you attacked


Gobta:Ok so what's all that suppose to mean

Rigur:It's only a guess but it could mean that the orcs have sided with a demon lord it's hard to know for sure

Gobta:Uh yeah I knew that

Kaijin:Hmm a demon lord

Rigurd:Perhaps but why side with orcs

Red:I don't know but I can tell you this much of my three hundred brethren only seven of us managed to escape them with our lived

Rimuru:I see


Rimuru:No wonder you were all upset

Red:Are you finished feasting lord rimuru

Rimuru:I'm just taking a break man your sisters something else she knows so much about medicinal and cooking herbs that the goblinas took too her in immediately

Red:She was a very sheltered child I'm sure it makes her happy to be relied upon


^Before rimuru could finish a white Phoenix appeared and landed next to rimuru surprising the ogres^

Rigur:Lord M/n

Rimuru:You finally finished training

^M/n nods his head then looks at the ogres making rimuru turn to see what he's looking at^

Rimuru:Oh yeah I haven't introduced yall well M/n these are the ogres and ogres this is M/n my brother

Red:How is a white Phoenix here I thought they were fake and all the Phoenixs got killed

^M/n then turns into a human surprising the ogres even more^

M/n:They finally got what they deserved that's good. Also, white phoenixes existed The king just wanted outsiders to think it was just a small fairy tale. Do you know who killed them? I need to thank whoever did

Red:I heard it was a demon lord but why would you hate your own kind

M/n:THAT IS NONE OF YOU BUSINESS <calms down> sorry for my yelling also rimuru continue what you were going to say I just came to get food and then go back to training bye

^M/n then walks off into the crowd but the red ogre is still looking in his direction. What he didn't know was that the black ogre was also looking in his direction^

Black:'Interesting he has a very strong aura but he must be suppressing most of it'

Rimuru:Yeah he doesn't like to be reminded of the past well as I was saying what's are you guys going to do know

Red:<stops looking your way> Wait what

Rimuru:As in what's your next move are you going to rebuild your village or maybe relocate somewhere else your comrades are depending on your leadership Aren't they

Red:That's easy once we regroup we will go back for revenge

Rimuru:Do you know where they are

Red:Agh <drinks some more>

Rimuru:'Aka he has no idea'

Rimuru:Mind if I make a suggestion how about you guys join me and become my subordinates


Rimuru:Yeah I can give you much but I do have food shelter and clothing you need a home base right

Red:We do but that might get your village involved I'm our path for revenge

Rimuru:Well I'm not just offering this as a favor to you guys you said there were thousands of armed orcs that attacked you village and that there might be a demon lord pulling the strings

Rigurd:There's also the possibility that it's part of a devilish plot to take over the great forest of jura

Rimuru:Mhm which would mean our little village is also in danger you guys are strong adding numbers to our rank will only benefit us in the end and then if you got into a fight or something I'd help you all out I'll never abandon a friend

Red:I see please let me give it some thought

Rimuru:Sure take all the time you need on that note it's time for round 2 of the all you can eat meat

^We can now see the red ogre walking deeper into the forest for some quiet time until he stops and the blue and black ogre appears beside him^

Blue:It's not a bad offer still though it's your choice to make we'll do whatever you and the princess chose

^The black ogre nods his head agreeing with the blue ogres statement^

^The red ogre then walks deeper but then stops and punches a tree^

Red:If only I was stronger

^The red ogre then hears what sounds like a person fight and goes to see what the commotion is but ends up seeing M/n practicing with his scythe^

Red:'So this is where he went, looks like he's been practicing for a while'

^Before the red ogre could continue his thoughts something is thrown his direction but he dodges last second but falls out from behind the bushes at the same time^

M/n:Oh it's you why are you out here

Red:Sorry for interrupting your training I came out here to think about something but ended up hearing you practice why are you out here alone

M/n:I usually practice here so I can get stronger but I truly am sorry for yelling at you I just want to forget the past but it keeps coming back

Red:It's fine I pushed your boundaries when I shouldn't have

^They both then go silent for a little before M/n puts his sword away and sits leaning against a tree patting a spot next to him which the ogre sits at^

M/n:You should accept rimuru offer

Red:How did you know

M/n:I could hear everything yall said but you should accept it cause I've know rimuru almost my entire life and I know he never breaks a promise and if he does he will do something to make up for it


^M/n then stands up^

M/n:Well it is your decision to choose so I will be off and let you think about it <starts walking off>

Red:<stands up> Wait-

^M/n Then stops in his tracks and turns towards the ogre with the light shining on him making the ogre blush but very faint and unnoticed^

Red:Thank you for the conversation it's been a while since I actually got to talk to someone who is similar to me

M/n:No problem well, goodnight

^M/n then turns into the Phoenix and flys away^

Red:'What just happened? Why did I feel weird when he turned to face me?'

^The Red ogre then walks back to the village with a image of M/n imprinted in his head^

^The Next Day^

*The red ogre is seen talking to rimuru and M/n inside of rimurus tent*

Rimuru:Have you decided

Red:Yes, the ogres are a worn clan as such we aren't opposed to fighting under others if our master is strong we are more than pleased to serve them


M/n:'It's obvious he's going to accept but I want to see what he has to say

Red:Although we'll only serve you till we defeat the orcs

Rimuru:Once we win you can do whatever you want whether that's staying to help us build a nation or going on your own way


^The red ogre then gets on one knee^

Red:In that case I accept your offer myself and the other ogres shall serve under you

M/n:'Knew it'


Rimuru:'I didn't really think about what he must be feeling I'm sure all he wants is to avenge his people even if it means his own death this is a choice he's made not just as a leader but also as someone who had to accept his own weakness'

M/n:That's what every leader thinks when they have no choice but to show their weakness'

Rimuru:Lift your head thank you for accepting, call in the others


Rimuru:'All we can do-'

M/n:Is make sure he doesn't come to regret his choice'

^Time Skip^

Rimuru:We will give you names to mark you as our subordinates

^The ogres then look surprise^

Red:All of us my lord

Rimuru:Why wouldn't it makes things easier

Red:Are you sure

Pink:Please don't do this naming someone uses a lot of power and is very risky and were already strong

Rimuru:It'll be fine you don't have to worry about me


Rimuru:'The only risk is me using too many magicules and falling asleep. Plus there's only seven of them. How bad could it be'

M/n:'He probably won't be able to name all of them since he is still not that strong yet'

Rimuru:Are you trying to tell me you rather pass on the name thing

Pink:Umm not exactly

Red:We accept

Pink:Big brother

Red:It would be our honor

White:We will do whatever the young master wishes

Rimuru:Alright then your name is-

^Rimuru then faints but M/n catches him before he falls^

M/n:I knew you wouldn't be able to name all of them well don't mind this he just fainted and will be asleep for about 3 days I will name you then we can get you guys some new clothes from the dwarf brothers


M/n:And can you two take care of him I'm going to have to watch the village while he is asleep

???:It would be an honor

???:I will watch him first

M/n:Ok now to name you

^Time Skip^

*Rimuru starts to wake up but hears two unknown voices*

???:Shion come on it's time to switch places

???:Don't worry princess I'm more than happy to look after lord rimuru why don't you go get some rest

*Rimuru's eyes slowly start to open*

???:I'm not even tired


Both:Lord rimuru your finally awake

Rimuru:Uh who are you again

Rimuru:'Man I'm trying to remember but my memory is all fuzzy. I was getting ready to name the ogres when wait-'

???:It's good to have you back among us lord rimuru

Rimuru:Huh are you the young master of the ogres

Benimaru:Correct though now I have evolved into a kijin thanks to my new name benimaru

Rimuru:'Oh now I remember I went into sleep mode the moment I named them'

Rimuru:'Hold on kijin what happened to the ogre part'

{Great Sage}:'Kijin refers to a race of beings uncommonly born of ogres'


Rimuru:'His body looks more smaller and human but even though he looks less opposing the magicules he possesses have exploded wow this is like the rigurd incident all over again'

Rimuru:I had no idea a ogre could evolve into a kijin

Shuna:Nice to meet you. I'm Shuna. I'm so happy that you're finally awake

Rimuru:'Shuna right the ogre princess she was ccx already cute but now she's plain beautiful'

^Rimuru looks up at the ogre that has him in her lap^

Shion:I'm Shion. I adore the name you have given me thank you so much my lord

Rimuru:'This busty babe is Shion. She looks a little less wild and a lot more refined'

Rimuru:And behind the young leader benimaru is the old guy who managed to cut off my arm

Hakurou:Ha ha ha is that how you remember me I must admit I was surprised when you instantly grew a new one

Rimuru:'He seems to be a lot younger now is that a result of the evolution to a kijin'

Rimuru:Uh and your name was

Souei:You have given me the name of souei I'm grateful and happy you recovered my lord

Rimuru:Uh thanks

{Great Sage}:'Giving a name to a superior monster consumes an equally large amount of magicules'

Rimuru:'In other words naming them completely drained my magicule bank these are the kinds of things I need to know sooner'

Rimuru:Huh where's the others

Benimaru:Oh one has been spending his time at Kaijin's workshop the other has been training with lord M/n

???:Is it true that lord rimuru woke up

Rigurd:Ah here he comes know

Rimuru:'He used to look like a beast. I wonder how he's changed'

???:Lord rimuru I'm so glad that you've recovered


Kurobe:It's me sir I'm Kurobe remember

Rimuru:'He looks like a normal dude there's a hot guy, a cute girl, a babe, the dignified elder, hot guy number 2 I'm actually glad the last one is so boringly normal'

Rimuru:Well I hope we'll be good friends

Kurobe:Ha ha yeah

^Just then M/n comes in with a thunderbird on his shoulder surprising rimuru^

M/n:Rimuru you barely woke up and your thoughts are already loud

Rimuru:Where did you get a thunderbird from and I thought you were the last one

M/n:Oh you mean daisuke

^The thunderbird then transforms into the black ogre^

M/n:Yeah so when you fainted you had named all of them except him so I named him and it turns out by me naming him he became a thunderbird since they are similar but he's still is a kijin

Daisuke:Lord rimuru I am glad your awake

Rimuru:'Seriously another hot guy why more I already had enough of M/n being the hot guy now there are 3 more'

^We can now see orcs in armor marching through the forest^

*Meanwhile the changes occurring in The Great Forest of Jura continues their evasive progress*

^Time Skip^

*There's a place out in the middle of The Great Forest of Jura called "Lake Siss" the lake is surrounded by vast marsh lands the lizard men control this territory*

???:Sir reporting there's an orc army just south of Lake Siss we think they may be coming to invade our territory

Lizard King:An orc army we must prepare for battle well beat those disgusting pigs easily

???:How many orcs are their

???:About that when we counted the orcs there were a lot 200 thousand or so

???;That's impossible their army is 20x our size

???:We verified the number by using magic sense and sense heat source. I swear on my life that this information is true

Lizard King:I trust you, you are excused for now


^They then get up and leave^

Lizard King:'200 thousand how do they feed such a ridiculously large army of orcs'

???:Orcs are ravenous creatures to start with

???:And their supposed to be uncoordinated, so how did they form an entire army

???:Even if someone assembled the beasts actually controlling them is another matter altogether

???:I heard there's a rumor that they recently destroyed an ogre village

???:Say what know

Lizard King:An Orc Lord if there was anyone capable of commanding an army of 200 thousand as he said it would have to be the unique monster I've only heard legends about but it's known as an orc lord

???:Wait a real orc lord

???:That's impossible

???:Now if anything it makes perfect sense it's the only way anyone can command such a formidable army without losing control of them

???:But what could the orc lord possibly want

???:As if any of that actually matters the real question is can we defeat their army

Lizard King:If what we are facing is an actual true orc lord it will be difficult for us to win because the orc lord is a true monster capable of devouring the fear and anxiety of its own allies however we can't be sure just yet still we must prepare to the best of our abilities

???:And what do you mean by that

Lizard King:We need to try and arrange some backup where's my son has anyone seen him lately

???:I'm right here father though I must say it's a bit hurtful you address me in such a boorish manner you may recall that I have a name it's gabiru and it was given to me by lord gelmud himself

Lizard King:What I call my son should make no difference



Lizard King:In any case I have an important task for you

Gabiru:And what would that be

^Time Skip^

*We can now see hakurou surrounded by some of the goblins*


^They start running towards him but he jumps out of the center and they start individually attacking him^

Hakurou:Too slow, move faster

^He then hits all of them^

Hakurou:Come on aren't you going to strike me back

^Gobta then aims for him but misses and gets hit in return and you can then see all the hobgoblins on the ground^

Rimuru:'Gobta made the mistake of saying he wanted to learn swordsmanship so here we are hakurou is really a tough teacher'

^We can then see M/n teaching daisuke how to infuse his magic into his weapon and rimuru and benimaru on top of a hill while rimuru is on ranga's back^

Rimuru:Orc Lord what's that

Benimaru:Well to put it rather simply its a monster

Rimuru:Thanks for that indept answer

Benimaru:It's an incredible rare beast born to the orcs only every few centuries it is a unique monster

Rimuru:Unique huh

Benimaru:It's said they're capable of devouring their comrades fear and anxiety which would make them an unnaturally effective leader


Benimaru:When they attacked our village they seemed unfazed by the deaths of their own people hence my suspicion

Rimuru:I see

Benimaru:Of course all things considered it's only a possibility

^We can then see the hobgoblins training with hakurou running away from him^

Rimuru:It's so weird though, why would they want to attack your village in the first place

Benimaru:Good question I'm not sure if there's a connection but shortly before the attack a moujin visited our village


???:I shall give you a name

^Flashback End^

Benimaru:That's what he told me but he seemed untrustworthy naturally I refused and he cursed me as he left our village

Rimuru:A moujin huh so you think that dude is mad at you for refusing his name gift

Benimaru:I didn't have a choice. I never want a gift from such an unsuitable master I am rather particular so I wouldn't a certain a name from just anyone

Rimuru:'Huh agh'

Benimaru:What was that moujin's name let's see geli, gele, maybe gela or gelo

^They then sense a presence from a tree near them but see souei appear from the shadow of the tree^

Souei:It's gelmud

Benimaru:Right that's it

Rimuru:'Gelmud weird for some reason that name is ringing a bell'


Rimuru:Hey rigur who exactly gave your brother his name

Rigur:Sir I'm told that he received his name from a passing demon called lord gelmud he saw promise in him


Rigur:Oh lord gelmud he's from the demon lord's army

^Flashback End^

Rimuru:'I bet that's the same guy'

M/n:'I'm surprised you actually remembered that and I didn't have to remind you'

Rimuru:'Oh shut it will ya but why is he passing name around like candy'

Souei:Is this a good time I have news


Souei:I saw a group of lizardmen not far from here

Rimuru:Lizardmen not orcs

Souei:Correct typically they make their home in the marsh lands it seemed unnatural of them to stray so far away and so I thought you should know


Souei:It appears they were attempting a negotiation with a nearby goblin village which means it's likely they will come here next

Rimuru:'I see lizardmen huh'

*We can now see the goblins training with hakurou on the floor tired*

^We now see the lizardmen riding their lizards through the great forest of jura^

Gabiru:Honestly my father can be so paranoid


Lizard King:Go visit the nearby goblin villages and enlist their aid

^Flashback End^

Gabiru:Whatever since when did we the estimated lizardmen race began to fear a bunch of fat disgusting orcs you know once upon a time father you to be such a proud noble leader

Yashichi:That's true maybe you should be the chieftain sir gabiru

^Gabiru then stops his lizard^

Gabiru:Oh no if anything my comment was a bit disrespectful I still fall quite a bit short when it comes to my father

Yashichi:You think so but as you are now I better your just as mighty as the chieftain during his glory days


Gabiru:No I mean not really

Yashichi:Sir you have a name he doesn't

Kakushin:Yes and no one can match your skill when it comes to the spear

Skellow:If you don't take your stand now then when will you


^Gabiru then looks at them^

Gabiru:'Uh Uh wait does that mean is it possible that I'm actually pretty incredible'

Gabiru:Mhm well then perhaps your right my father's grown old and it may take a bit of force but I'm determined to show him that I have the strength worthy of a true Lizardman chieftain

All:That's the spirit sir

Gabiru:Then he can retire knowing that our clan in capable hands


Gabiru:Yes once I drive away this petty orc army I shall take my rightful place as the next lizardman chieftain

^They then started cheering for gabiru^

Yashichi:Yay that's our sir gabiru

Skellow:Your the best

Kakushin:Glad I thought of it

Gabiru:Hmhmhmhmhm let's go! Alright then comrades follow me to a brighter future

^They then started riding through the forest still shouting gabiru's name^


Hey guys sorry it took a while to update my mind has been stuck on my other story which is taking forever but also me holding back the urge to make other story but one more thing from now on I'm going to be splitting the chapters in half so it's going to be the same episodes but in 2 different parts well that's all for now bye

P.S:sorry for the inconvenience for some people I'm like using two different phones when I'm doing this and when I do something on one phone it might not come up on the other
