
We ran to Ruby's house as fast as we could after someone pulled a gun at a party. No, we weren't exactly at the party, more like peering over the wall waiting for Cesar to get us beers while we watched everyone. My older sister, Izabel, was there, so I had to make sure she didn't see me or she'd kill me and tell our parents. My sister and Cesar's older brother, Spooky, were kind of a thing too. They didn't really date, though. They just fucked on and off. 

While Monse sat down on the couch, the rest of us watched through the window as Ruby's brother, Mario, was getting yelled at by his girl, Angelica. Angelica was my sister's really good friend, so I always saw her. She was practically family. 

"Angelica's pissed!" Jamal said.

"She's always pissed," Ruby said.

"You would be too if you had a dangler," Jamal said.

"Shut up!" I said, smacking Jamal's head, which made Cesar laugh, "Oh, shit. Mario's crying."

"My brother doesn't cry."

"Is that not crying?" I said, watching as Mario wiped his eyes. 

We continued to watch from the window until Mario walked toward the house, and we all ran toward the couch.

"Were you guys spying on me?"

We all shook our heads except for Jamal, but Ruby and I elbowed him. Mario started crying again.

"You ok, homie?"

"Yes," he said, "No. I don't know! Look at you. On the verge of high school! All the excitement. All the firsts. First parties, first football games, first love. Want me to drop some knowledge?"

I did not want to hear Mario yap on and on and on, but he did. 

"High school is the foundation for the rest of your life," he said, "Any false starts could lead to your own dead end. Now sure, you guys are smart, setting curves and all that, but you still have to go hard because there's only one chance at a first impression."

Blah blah blah, getting your heart broken, blah blah blah.

"Don't go into high school without backup," Mario said, "You guys need to stick together to survive. Got it?"

We nodded slowly.

"I'm going to college, Mofos! WOO! Now kiss my class ring!"

Ruby slowly bent over and kissed Mario's knuckle. As he walked away, we all started speaking at once about how crazy Mario was. There's no way he wasn't high as a kite. 

"Oh, damn. I almost forgot," Mario said, coming back, "One last thing. Don't bone Monse or AJ."

We all started laughing like hyenas. The idea of me having sex with ANY of the guys was hilarious to me.

Ten Weeks Later

Summer had come to a close, and so much had changed. For starters, my sister took me to get a belly button piercing and highlights. The piercing didn't hurt, but the healing sucked. Second, Ruby, Jamal, and I dumped Cesar. 

I don't care what you meant or what you were trying to prove to us, saying that you "Smashed Monse like really hard" is disgusting, and he wouldn't even take it back either. Monse was still at writing camp when he said it, and she wouldn't be back for another couple of weeks.

Mario was about to move away to college which means Ruby finally got his own room. Izabel wasn't going to college, though. She had no desire to go and my parents weren't going to spend their life savings on beauty school. She'd been doing people's hair, nails, and makeup for years, and even pierced a few of her friend's ears, so it's not like going to school would help her that much anyway. 

Jamal and I were at Ruby's helping him get settled into his new room when Monse came in.

"I'm back!"

I smiled and hugged her, "I missed you!!! How was camp?!"

"Camp was fine," she said, smiling, "Notice anything new?"

"You got boobs," the boys said at the same time.

"Shut up," I said, "Yeah, you got your braces off. Nice!"

"Where's Cesar, by the way?" Monse said.

I looked at Jamal and Ruby because I wasn't going to be the one to explain it to her. 

"We're not talking to him," Ruby said.

"Why not? You get in a fight?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly a fight. More like-

 "We're not getting into it," Ruby cut Jamal off, "Trust us, Cesar's not cool."

It sucked, but she'd get pissed if we told her the truth.

"Well, I'm not cool being not cool," Monse said, looking at Jamal, "And why aren't you at football?"

"We should really get to orientation before those lines get too long," Jamal said, evading the question. 

"He's too chicken to tell his dad he doesn't want to play," I said.

"AJ!" Jamal said.

"What?" I said, looking in the mirror, "Do you think the outfit's too slutty?"

I wore a white crop top and black jeans shorts, perfectly showing off my piercing and my tan. I'm half Puerto Rican and half Brazilian, so, basically white passing especially during the winter. But in the summer, I'd get extremely tan. 

"Stop changing the subject!" Monse said, "What happened with Cesar?"

She kept on asking us, and we still gave her no answer.

"This silent treatment will only last so long," she said, "I will break you. Come on, there's no way Cesar did anything on purpose to destroy our crew."

"That was then. This is now," Jamal said.

"Yea, Cesar ain't shit."

"Trust me, we're all better off. He's an asshole," I said as we turned a corner. 

"Shit. Prophets."

"Be cool."

Ruby took off his hoodie and pulled out his phone to fix his hair when he saw someone we didn't wanna see at all.

"Code Dread. Approaching on your six," Ruby said.

I groaned as we all walked. Jasmine Flores was probably one of the loudest and most annoying girls at Freeridge. She was also convinced that we were her friends when NONE of us fucked with her in the slightest. 

She started talking to us, and as usual, we speed-walked and ignored her.

"Sorry, Jasmine. We're having a private convo. Real sensitive stuff. Catch you next time."

Just as we thought we were safe, we saw her booking it behind us. 

"RUN!" I said as we all made a run for it. After a block or so, we lost her. 

"Man, she is relentless," Jamal said, "Nice save."

"Oh, you're not safe."

"Your threats aren't penetrating," Jamal said, "I'm not telling you what Cesar said."

"AHA!" Monse said,  "So, he said something!"

"JAMAL!" I said, "Do you need a muzzle?"

We walked by slowly as someone got jumped into a gang on nineteenth. Then, Spooky's car pulled up.

"We can't tell you what Cesar said," Ruby said. 

"Fine. Then I'll ask myself," Monse said. She went up and talked for a second before Spooky drove off.

"Yo AJ!" Spooky said to me, "Tell your irma I say hi."

I rolled my eyes. Irma meant sister in Portuguese. Izabel was so done with his ass ever since she saw him making out with this one chick from sixth.  

"When did Oscar get out?"

"Six weeks ago," Ruby said.

"Now it makes sense. Whatever Cesar said, he said to impress Oscar. Cesar's terrified of his brother."

"Along with everyone else," Jamal said, "Except for Izabel."

"Tax time, bitches!" We heard from behind. Latrelle.

"We don't have any money," I said, "Sorry to disappoint."

"What about that twenty?" Jamal said to Ruby.

I love Jamal, but he needs to learn how to shut his mouth. 


After orientation, Ruby went back home, but somehow, Jamal and I got roped into being Monse's support while she confronted Cesar. 

"Don't worry, girl! I got your back! From right here!" Jamal said. 

I twiddled with my new manicure Izabel gave me and looked at Jamal, "So, when are you gonna 'fess up to your dad about football?"

Jamal laughed, "You're funny, AJ. Very very funny."

"I'm not trying to be funny," I said, "Don't be a pussy and tell him."

"You don't understand!" he said, "Your parents don't set high expectations for you like mine do!"

"My mom came to America with like almost no money and two sets of clothes. My biggest goal she has for me is to stay in school and not get pregnant. And I'm a straight-A student who speaks three languages so I'm golden," I said, smirking.

Monse came back and stomped away, causing us to follow her.

"Cesar is dead to me!" she said.

"Told ya!"

Jamal was doing some weird exercises and rolling around on the ground, probably to convince his dad he was at football.

"He doesn't get to break up with us, we're breaking up with him," she said, "Sit on my face? Who says that!"

"Chairs who can talk!" Jamal said, "And buttholes!"

"I'm sorry, Monse," I said, "I don't know what happened to him."

"He's gotta be hitting the pipe!"

I shrugged as Jamal sprayed water on himself, "Hey, Pops!"

Jamal's dad was in the garden and turned around and hugged Monse and me. 

"How was practice?"

"Yea, how was practice?" I said as Jamal tossed me his bag.

Jamal of course continued to lie to his dad, and his dad seemed to buy into it. Jamal updated Monse on him quitting the team and not having the balls to tell his dad because his dad's the only one who doesn't know how bad Jamal is at football.

"How ironic that a guy who can't keep a secret is keeping the biggest secret of his life," Monse said before smirking, and I knew immediately what she was thinking. 


"I'm gonna rat you out to your dad unless you drop the 411 about Cesar. What did he say?"


"Fine," she said, "Mr. Turn-

Jamal covered her mouth, "Cesar said that you let him hit it before you left for camp!"

I sighed and put my hand over my head. Well, the secret's out now. 
