
It was the day of the biggest football game of the year. Ruby was somehow able to get Jamal into the game because surprise surprise, Jamal still hadn't told his parents the truth, and even worse, they thought he was going to be playing in the game! 

Meanwhile, everyone was still at odds with each other. Ruby was still upset with me, but Monse had mostly gotten over it. Monse and Ruby were still mad at Cesar, and Olivia was like the monkey in the middle.

"So petty," Ruby said.

"What's petty?" Cesar said. 

"Oh, now you wanna talk to me!" Ruby said, "We've been sitting here four quarters, you haven't said a word. Like hello, how was your day? Your hair is looking immaculate. Or I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry!" Cesar said. 

"Really? That's how you're going to do it?"

"I was going to do it one-on-one."

"So, your apologies are like your betrayals. Stealth and untimely."

"Ruby, stop it," I said.

"I wasn't talking to you, Lilith," Ruby said.

I gritted my teeth.

"Call me that again, and you can say goodbye to your immaculate-looking hair," I said.

Olivia tried to cut the tension by asking if anyone wanted soda or candy, but we said no. 

"Ruby, come on, can we not do this?" Cesar said.

"Do what?" Ruby said, "Cat got your tongue? Or was it Olivia?"

I groaned loudly and put my hands through my hair. All I could do was watch the game and hope that Jamal didn't get pummeled. I could hear his parents through everyone else in the crowd. Eventually, Ruby and Cesar's fighting turned into Monse and Ruby fighting until they were all screaming at each other.'

"ENOUGH!" Olivia said before screaming at us in some awful Spanish. Part of me was just trying not to laugh at how bad it was. It sounded like Google Translate.

 "All of you behind the bleachers, now!" she said, "AJ, you too!"

I groaned, really not wanting to be a part of this. 

We went behind the bleachers and stood in a circle, "Look, despite what may or may not have happened, you love each other. You're each other's family, and you've become mine. So, whether or not, you wanna work this out, you NEED to, because every day that you have together is precious. Trust me! I know. So, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm the one who kissed Cesar. So, if you're gonna be mad at anyone, be mad at me."

"Stop!" Monse said, "You don't have to be sorry. No one is mad at you."

"I had no idea one kiss would cause so many problems," Olivia said. 

"This isn't on you," Monse said, "It's on me. I've been lying to everyone. And I need ot come clean."

"Monse, are you sure?" I said.

 She nodded,  "So, here's the truth. I was into Cesar. I had a big crush on him, and before I went to camp, I told him."

I closed my eyes, knowing that this part could change everything. 

"And he didn't feel the same way," she said.

I was shocked and confused. She just continued to lie and deny that they ever hooked up. 

When we heard cheering, we ran back out and saw Jamal running with the ball. We all cheered for him as he scored a touchdown. 

I couldn't believe it. Jamal actually went through with it and SCORED. 

"ALL FALL DOWN!" We all cheered. 


Everyone else left to go home, but I waited for Jamal to get out to congratulate him. 

When he came out of the locker room, I ran over and hugged him.

"GREAT JOB!" I said, "Holy shit! I didn't even believe you could pull it off, and you did!!"

He hugged me back and laughed, "Yeah, I know. That's just how I roll."

"Your parents were so proud too!"

"Yea, about that. I need to break it to them," Jamal said, "And this time I'm actually going to do it. Also, I have a new lead on Lil Ricky."
