7 - Sniffles

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"Who's out there?!" Elan called out, although with a tone of uncertainty in his voice. You know, the realization dawned upon him that calling out to something while you're alone in the middle of the woods is a bad idea. So, he took out his stone sword and glanced around warily.

There was a soft rustling coming from the bushes, making the chicken themed man snap his head in the direction it came from. His grip around his sword tightened, as he held a sort of defensive pose.

There was a soft howl, before a wolf jumped out of the bushes and right onto Elan.

"Woah, hey there buddy!" Elan had exclaimed, as the canine practically knocked him over.

The wolf proceeded to lick his face, covering it in slobber as it's tail wagged excitedly. The player laughed, as he proceeded to pet the animal.

As he finally had a chance to get up, Elan did so. Slowly pulling himself up, as he took a moment to look at the wolf a bit more. This canine was actually quite small, not a pup, however seemed to be the runt. Well, perhaps they were still growing.

"Hey there pal, do you have a pack? Are you by yourself?" The dog only howled in response, as it seemed there were no other canines around.

Elan sighed, as he glanced around the woods. "Me too buddy..."

The player sighed, and started heading towards the direction of the Rainbow Hub. The wolf only followed them, tilting their head curiously.

Now, this good boy had black and white fur- Well, more like a peachy color rather than white? Not exactly skin peach, but it wasn't completely white either. There was also some brown on the fur, mainly for the inside of the ears and the little dots that looked kinda like eyebrows.

So, Elan reached the Rainbow Hub, and it was surprisingly clean. Last he saw, the Nether was leaking out. However, Rainbow Steve must have fixed it by then. It looked untouched and was a bit of a beauty.


"Oof-" Was the only audible noise coming from the player, as his friend tackled him into a hug.

"Where have you been?" A worried Rainbow Steve sat before the chicken man, as he slowly pulled himself off of him. Given his own space, Elan slowly picked himself up and dusted himself off.

"Well I got chased into the woods by some Wither Skeletons- and I uh- I got lost...." The player sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry-"

"Oh no no no, it's fine- Really, it's all good. I just got a little worried for you, being missing for a bit and all..! Tried looking, but didn't find any trace of you." Rainbow Steve looked up to his friend, just a little skeptical from his tone when stating his excuse.

"Yeah, guess I got in a little too deep-" A soft bark interrupted Elan, as he turned to the dog. "But hey, I made a new friend!" He smiled, petting his new animal companion.

"Awww, he's so cute!" Rainbow Steve's heart immediately melted, as he went in to pet the wolf. However, as soon as he brought his hand in for embrace- The animal let out a soft growl towards him.

The steve pulled his hand back, as he glanced back to Elan.

"I don't think he likes you." Elan laughed again, as he picked up the animal and started baby-talking to it.

"Yeah, but I have Gerald anyways." Rainbow Steve laughed, glad to see his friend filled with genuine happiness. These last few days, Elan's been a little angsty- Well actually, ever since The Darkness and Nightmare Steve were banished, he's been a little angsty. So, it's nice seeing he's been able to catch a break for once. If he was happy, then of course Rainbow Steve would be happy too!

The wolf stuck his tongue out, and starting licking Elan's face.

As the steve watched the scene play out, there was something off. Something that hadn't felt right- Everything looked normal, and there was genuine happiness and joy coming out but... Something was just giving off this weird feeling and Rainbow Steve couldn't tell why or where it was coming from. Something simply wasn't right.

"I think I'm going to call you......" Elan's soft voice snapped Rainbow Steve out of his thoughts, as he snapped his head back towards the wolf and chicken man. Both were genuinely happy, and they gave off this warm aura. It seemed like they would get along quite well, and that was great!

Rainbow Steve noticed that Elan was distancing himself from everyone recently, he was no idiot. He could tell something was fading with all his relationships, and he hadn't really tried to stop it. In fact, Elan seemed to be loosing sleep on some hard nights. He was acting a little strange, and Rainbow had started to worry about his mental state.

However, here in this moment. At this time. Elan was truly happy, and that's all that matters.

"Sniffles." The name came off the top of Elan's head, as he snuggled his newfound pet I suppose, and ran a hand through the canine's soft fur.

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Aaaa I'm so tired

Okay bai
Stay safe, and have a good day/night <3
