2 - Faint Memories

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"Mom, what's going on?"

"Elan, you're a brave boy little boy, you know that? You're my brave little boy. Y-You know that, r-right..?" Her voice trembled, as her words cracked. Almost choking them out, the woman's eyes were becoming watery.

She stroked the child's cheek, as she stared into his beautiful green eyes. Eyes as deep as the forests, piercing into your soul.

"I know mom, but are you okay? You seem.. sad-" He looked up to his mother, tilting his head.

She sighed, slowly shaking her head. Pulling out something from her back, she placed it into the young child's hand. A black bandana, made of soft and thin silky material. "This was your father's, you know.. He cared a lot about you, so he would of wanted you to have this."

"Okay mom, I'll make sure not to loose it."

"Good boy. You're.. so much stronger than you know... Listen, Elan- I.. I'm going to be leaving, and if I don't return tomorrow, then- Then Lucas' parents are going to find you, and bring you somewhere more fun. Okay? Until then, let's play a game."

"What kind of game?"

"A waiting game. You sit here, stay in the house. Whatever you do, do not open the door until the next day. Not even if you see me or Lucas' parents, or anyone else you know. No matter what they say, do NOT open the door until tomorrow, okay..?"

"Okay momma..... Will... Are you coming back soon..?"


"Oh- Okay..."

"I'll see you on the other side my little flower."

» «

Trudging through the forest trail, the woman stopped in front of a cave.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but they're after me—- They're after my son... You'll look after him, won't you Alex..?"

"Don't worry Kat, Sabre is going to be safe."

"It's Elan. His name is Elan."

"Okay, sorry- I'll make sure to keep an eye over little Elan."

"Thank you, it's means so much- I'm sorry for the way the steves have treated you, but I hope you know that there are people that care about you. I know there aren't any steves in this world, no magic.. Just humans, the players of Minecraft. In other worlds, some may consider us to have great power, but here- Here we're just humans.."

"It's alright, I've gotten used to it."

» «

"Leave me alone! Stop!" She cried, not daring to look back as her legs kept her bolting forward. Her heart thumped, as she panted heavily on her getaway.

As she ran forward, a large root sticking out of the ground caught her footing, as she stumbled over. She yelped, crying in pain as her ankle was twisted to a strange angle. The pain surging through her body, she cried.

The loud stomping that darted across the forest grounds, crunching leaves at the speed of light.. had turned into soft footsteps that came closer. As she dreaded the sounds, not daring to look up- The The soft crunching came to a halt.

Above her stood 6 figures, all black as night. Their bodies appearing transparent, as they stood there. The beings completely surrounded her. She had nowhere to go, no escape, and even if she wanted to..! She couldn't get up.. Her ankle was twisted horribly.

The circle of black gaseous figures slowly opened up. A 7th figure, this one more solid, stepping forward. It almost hissed at her, but these things didn't really make any noise. It just stared at him even though it had no facial features, as it grabbed her by the collar. Pulling her into the air, it stared right into her soul.

She knew what it wanted, but- She was never going to give it to them.

They wanted her baby, her child. Her Elan. They wanted him, and she was never going to give him to them. No, she'd rather die than do that.

It seemed they quickly figured that out too, as it dropped her.

She knew what was going to happen next, and it wasn't pretty. Thank god there weren't any kids around to see this, because it wouldn't be the best sight.

» «



"Oh Sabre, open up~" Her soft voice called to him in a singing tune, as she knocked softly at the door.

"I- N-No.."


"You said not to let anyone in, even yourself until tomorrow-"

"But this is different, things have changed sweetheart. Just open the door, I want to see my little boy."



"You're not my mom."


"I don't know who you are, but my mom never calls me by that name. You're not her, are you?"

"What a smart little child."

"Just go away."

"Just open the door, Sabre."

"NO! LEAVE MY ALONE!" The small boy hugged his knees, as he sobbed softly into his chest. The soft knocks turned into horrible pounding that went on all throughout the night. Screams- No, more like.. Demonic screeches ripped through his ears, as the boy had no sleep that night.

However, everything fell silent when the sun rose.

"Elan? Hello, Elan are you in there? My name is Alex, and I'm here with Lucas' parents. You know them, don't you?"

The boy slowly stood up and went to the door. Opening it, he looked up to the female in green cloth.

His eyes red and puffy, having cried all night. Bags under his eyes, he brought up his small hands to rub them.

Her eyes filled with guilt and sorrow for not having been there sooner. For not having been able to help his mother, she could have done something-

» «



"Are you alright?"

"Are you okay?"



"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Hey bud, it's cold out here, isn't it?"

"Sorry Rainbow Steve, just- needed some time to think..."

"I like looking at the stars, mom used to stare at the stars with me."

"It's alright, but- Are you okay Sabre? You've been worrying everyone.."

"Listen, Sabre- You know how your mommy went to sleep? I might have to join her soon- She went away in order to shine the light in the darkness for you, and I might have to do the same soon..."

"I'm okay! I'm fine."

"Are you gonna come back..?"

"Well, if you say so-"

"Maybe, who knows..."

"Oh, and Rainbow Steve- One more thing..?"

"Oh... Well, bye-bye I guess-"


"I hope I'll get to see you soon Elan, but who knows. Goodbye."

"Can you just call me Elan..?"

"I'll miss you."

"Oh, um- sure?"


"Thanks, I'll see you around."

She was gone forever, just like that.

» «

Sorry if that last part was confusing-

Listen, just to clear things up

The Alex that appeared in this chapter was NOT the same Alex from the original steve saga. This Alex is from a different world, just like how this is not the same Sabre from the original Steve Saga. Things are different

I wanted to add some more backstory, so yeet

Anyways, have a good day/night and stay safe <3
