
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

-Ingrid Bergman

The picture that Evelyn drew of Spencer stared back at her from Reid's desk. She smiled and shook her head, amazed at how far they had come from just bumping into eachother in the cafe. She loved him. She knew it for sure now. Everything about her just made her feel with a warmth and excitement for life. His dorkiness, but his strength at the same time. The way he didn't care what people thought of him. His brains. His sensitivity and sweetness. Just everything Spencer Reid, she was uncontrollably in love with.

She remembered this feeling though. She remembered how she had once felt it and how it had ended...

Evie shook her head as if to rid of the bad thoughts, her brown curls brushing against her face as she did. Spencer wasn't anything like Calvin. She had to get that out of her head and just relax and let Spencer happen. It was easier said than done after what she had gone through, but she had decided to trust him.

Evie grabbed the rest of the things from her desk and slung her bag over her shoulder. She took one last look around the empty bullpen that was beginning to feel like home, and then made her way to the elevator.

The dark parking lot was illuminated two lone street lights, and there were only a few cars left. Under the nearest street lamp, the silhouette of Spencer was leaned over the open hood of an old light blue car. She could see the outline of him fiddling with the insides of the car, smoke rising from the engine. Evie didn't know a ton about cars, but she did know that it didn't look to good.

"Hey, what are you still doing here?" she called out as she approached Spencer, making him jump and look at her with wide eyes. She raised her eyebrows at him, startled by his response.

"Sorry, you scared me. Mm... my engine just is... dead..." he said, examining the parts of the car through the thick clouds of smoke. His eyebrows were pulled together in thought, his jaw set as he examined the car. Evie tried to hold herself back from thinking about how sexy he looked in that moment.

"Let me give you a ride. It'll make us even from the night you drove me home from the bar." she suggested, ignoring the car and looking into Spencer's eyes that were glimmering, even in the dim light of the night. He frowned at Evie and tilted his head.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Come on, I'll get you a ride here tomorrow too." she said as Reid nodded and slammed the hood of his car shut. He walked to the driver's side where the front door was still ajar and turned off the car, pulling out the keys. Evie bit her lip, watching every single move he made. She felt the need to be his. She felt the need to wake up every morning in his arms and to fall asleep to those sparkling brown eyes. They'd be engaged, then get married, then have kids, then grow old...

Woah, Evie... she thought to herself. You're not even dating yet. Slow down. What if he didn't want to date? She was pretty positive that he did, but...

Stop overthinking. He's Spencer. He's sweet and thoughtful, and he loves you... he does... she told herself. Watching the way he smiled at her when he turned to her made Evelyn believe everything she told herself.

"Ready?" she asked, trying not to reflect her thoughts in her voice. Reid gave her a small smile and nodded, grabbing his satchel from the backseat of his car and pulling it over his shoulder. Together, they walked towards Evie black car at the other end of the parking lot.

"I love your car, by the way. What is it?" she asked, glancing up at Spencer.

"1965 Horizon Blue Volvo. We've been through a lot together." Spencer said, looking down at his keys.

"You know a lot about cars?"

"Pfft... not really. Just what I've read about." he chuckled, walking around to the passenger side of Evie's car and climbing in.

"Of course." Evie smiled and said under her breath. She got into the front seat and started the car, turning up the heat against the slight biting chill of the late night. She yawned and ran her hand through her hair before looking out her back window and pulling out.

"Tired?" Spencer asked, observing Evelyn intently from the seat next to her. She didn't mind though.

"Well it is one thirty nearly. Aren't you?"

"I don't sleep a lot."

"That explains the coffee."

"Yeah. That and I just love my coffee."

Evie laughed and pulled out onto the street, driving in the direction Spencer told her to. It only took less than ten minutes to get there, and Evie realized that it really was close to her apartment. The parking lot was pretty full, but luckily there was an empty space close to the entrance. She pulled her car into the slot and braked, looking over at Spencer who raised his eyebrows at her.

"You can come in for a bit if you'd like. Nothing wrong with a drink at one thirty." he said, making Evie laugh. She didn't even have to think twice about what she wanted.

"Ok. I guess for a bit." she said, trying not to sound too excited. On the inside she was bursting with fireworks, but she tried to keep her cool on the exterior. Spencer bit his lip, obviously trying to do the same. She shut off the car and stepped out, Spencer doing the same. Maybe this could be the night that changed everything...


Spencer watched her all the way up to his apartment. Was that weird? No... not when she was that beautiful. The way her perfect hair fell over her back, the way her cheeks were the lightest of reds from the cold, her eyes flickering from one thing to the next, taking in Spencer's apartment building.

He found it harder than normal to get his door open with her standing so close. His shoulder was just barely grazing hers with how close they were. Reid could hear her soft breathing pattern, making him relax. He swung the door open and held his hand out for her to walk in first. The moment he had opened the door, her eyes had gone wide just as they had in the bookstore. Any signs of fatigue that she showed from before had disappeared, leaving the wonderous and curious Evie that he loved. She moved into the room as if in a trance, observing every detail she could.

"Don't look so amazed." he laughed while throwing his keys on the counter. "It's not that great."

"That's the definition of an understatement. You have so many books! She said, examing the walls and shelves full of varied spines of novels stacked next to eachother. Spencer shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"Stop with the modesty, Spence. It doesn't suit you."

Spencer smirked and moved to Evie's side who was examing a row of books in the bookshelf nearest to his chess table. She ran her hands across the bindings, seeming to read all of the titles. Reid admired her passion for literature. It was very rare to come across someone who shared the same devotion as he did. While standing close to her, he could smell a familiar scent of flowers as well. Her hair had smelled like that when they had embraced back in Alexandria. He longed to go back to that moment. He never wanted to let go of her in that moment.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, snapping Reid out of his thoughts. She was pulling out one of the larger books from the middle shelf with leather binding and gold letters on the front. "J. R. R. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings, full set." she said admirably, running her fingers over the gold inscripted writing. "My mother would read me these before bed."

Spencer watched her eyes become sadder before him at the mention of her mother. He felt awful, so he put a hand on the small of her back, making Evelyn look up into his eyes. He gently took the book from her hands, making her frown at him in confusion. He didn't explain what he was doing, but took her hand in his and led her to his couch. She hesitantly sat, Reid sitting besides her so they were close enough to be touching. He flipped open the book and flipped through the pages, holding it between them so they both could see.

"What's your favorite part?" he asked, looking into her eyes that were only six inches away at this point. A grin formed on her face. He couldn't help but focus on her lips. He couldn't help but imagine him kissing them either.

"Um... I like when Gollum is first introduced." she decided, looking down at the book as Spencer flipped through the pages to find the right place. He thumbed through the pages, remembered about where he knew her favorite place just about lied. Finally getting the right page, he cleared his throat and began to read to her.

He had only gotten to the second paragraph when he was aware of her watching him, not paying much attention to the book. He took this as a good sign, especially with the way she looked at him. She was biting her lip and staring at him with a gaze of... was that longing? Did she want him as much as he wanted her? Spencer kept reading, deciding to pretend not to notice at first. It was awfully hard to ignore the warm feeling building up in his chest and the butterflies in his stomach though.

"Uh... you know, Tolkein was born in South Africa, actually. He only moved to England when he was three." Spencer spat out nervous facts while flipping through more pages, trying to find something to calm him down. It wasn't working. The most gorgeous girl, inside and out was sitting right next to him, staring deeply into his eyes with nothing short of the upmost affection. He couldn't possibly keep he nerves and excitement down, so he did what he was good at doing: stuttering out random facts.

"He was actually kidnapped for a day when he was a baby. He knew several languages as a teenager, and he- um... you know, you're not looking at the book." Spencer stammered when he couldn't take it anymore. He kept his eyes down on the pages, not courageous enough to look up at her.

"Oh, sorry..." she said, tucking a peice of hair behind her ear. She didn't however, turn her eyes down to the book. She kept them fixed on Spencer until he looked up. Her gray eyes pierced his, but in the best way possible. He was hit with a silent understanding of trust, and understanding, and complete admiration from one stare, shared between two people.

"N- no it's ok. You don't have to." he said, his voice nearly in a whisper now. Was it just him, or were their faces even closer now? The thought sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't get nervous and back out again. He couldn't leave her hanging like last time, but the way she looked at him made his mind go blank. He said the only thing he could think of at the moment. "Each eye contains 107 million cells and all are light-"

Spencer didn't get to finish his sentence. He didn't even get to finish his thought. Before he even knew what was happening, the four inch gap between them was closed as Evie leaned forward and quickly stopped his talking with her lips on his, shutting him up. They were just as soft as he had imagined. Just as warm, just as gentle. He was so surprised that he didn't react at first. His eyes were wide and his body was frozen in place as Evie kissed his lips lightly.

It took him a couple seconds for his mind to kick in. He had to tell himself that this was actually happening. Evelyn Lawrence was in his apartment, on his couch, and well... on his lips. He let himself relax his rigid form and nearly melt into her, leaning forward as well and moving his lips against hers. His eyes fluttered closed. He deepened the kiss by putting a hand on the back of her neck under her hair and pulling her in even more with a gentle tug. He felt Evie's fingers lace through his hair with one hand, and her other rest on his knee. They kissed like this for about five more seconds, their lips moving in rythm together before pulling away.

Spencer had never felt so alive and so happy as he did right in that moment. He was just a huge bundle of the best posible emotions. He never wanted this moment to end. He pressed his forehead against hers, listening to their hard breathing join together to almost form one. He looked into her eyes and she looked into his, making them both smile.

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." she whispered. Spencer could just barely feel the graze of her breath on his lips as she spoke, making him grin even wider and nudge his nose against hers.

"Ingrid Bergman." he said, making Evie chuckle. Spencer nuzzled their noses together, their lips barely grazing and driving him nuts.

"Um... I- I've gotta go." Evie said in a mocking tone. Reid didn't understand at first, until he realized what she was doing. She was making fun of the last time he had run out before they could kiss. Spencer rolled his eyes and smiled before tilting his head to the side and attacking her lips with his. Spencer gently guided her down onto the couch so that she was lying on her back, her head propped up against one of the couch pillows. He ran his hand through her hair and held onto the back of her neck with the other, leaning down over her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer.

Reid had been waiting so long for this, he knew there was no going back now. He knew that he had just made a commitment to Evie, a promise of sorts. He had no intentions of breaking it.

With guidance from Evelyn, Spencer moved on top of her so that his body was hovering above hers, propped up by his forearms. They kissed for a while. It seemed like ages which was perfectly fine with Spencer. He was glad they just focused on kissing, not so much... tongue, as Morgan had told him all about when trying to explain girls to Reid. They kept it as a completely romantic and passionate kiss, without saying they wanted in eachother's pants.

Somewhere between a minute and a minute and a half, they were completely enveloped in eachother. The fact that he'd wanted this for so long made it all the better, knowing he finally had the one person he wanted.

"Spencer." Evie breathed between pants, gently holding him back. He raised his eyebrows at her expectantly, waiting for what she had to say. She bit her lip, obviously hesitating.

"What if you leave me. I can't deal with that again." she choked out, a trouble look crossing her face. Spencer sighed and stroked her hair, pushing a peice behind her ear.

"You won't have to. I promise." he whispered, his face but inches from hers. He was lying on top of her at this point, one of her arms around his neck and the other around his back. Their legs were a tangle of limbs at the other end of the couch, and he propped himself up above her to look into Evie's eyes.

"That's what he told me too." Evie said, obviously referring to Calvin.

"There's a difference though."


"I'm not Calvin."

Evie beamed, all worry fading from her features. It made Spencer happy to make her happy. He made a pledge to do that every single day for the rest of their lives together. He never wanted to let her go, now that she was his.

He felt her fingers pushing through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. They were more gentle this time, savoring the soft touch of eachothers lips.

"It's almost two in the morning. I should go get some rest, and you should too." Evie said after breaking the kiss. Spencer sighed and nodded. He knew that they both didn't want to rush things. He wouldn't mess up with her. He just couldn't.

They got up off the couch and straightened themselves up a bit from their intense kissing. Spencer walked Evie to the door, but before she left, she turned and kissed him one last time.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow." she said afterwards, squeezing his hand. Spencer smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Good night, Evie."

"Good night, Spencer."
