Adding Color to the Sunset Sky

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."

-Rabindranath Tagore

        Spencer Reid woke up feeling like his head was about to split in two. The small amount of sunlight filtering in through his curtains was nearly blinding him, and his head was starting to throb. Spence groaned and rubbed his eyes tiredly, trying to remember what had happened the other night. He knew he had drank wayyyy to much, thanks to Morgan. Soon it hit him what had happened. Had him and Evie really done that, or was it just a really good dream?  

        Reid pushed himself up, grunting in pain at the feeling of his head about to explode. He leaned over to see himself on the mirror on the wall and examined his neck. There were still marks everywhere where Evie had nipped and kissed at his skin. Spencer smiled to himself while rubbing his temples in attempt to rid of the headache. 

        Speaking of Evie, where was she? Spencer glanced beside him to see an empty tangle of sheets. He sighed in disappointment. He'd love to just cuddle up to her and fall asleep again, hoping to sleep off his headache. Evie was more important though.

        Reid began to stand up, pushing himself off the bed with everything he had. His head pounded in protest, sending Spence back down onto the comfort of his bed. He groaned and buried his face in his pillow away from the light once more. He wrapped his arms around the pillow and curled up, continuing to moan with each wave of pain.

        "Shhhh..." he heard Evie's voice approach him and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. He felt her run her fingers through his hair as he continued to nuzzle his face into his pillow. 

        "Come here." Evie said, keeping her voice low to Spencer's appreciation. He turned his head to look up at her through tired eyes. She broke into a small smile and leaned down to kiss his nose, sending warmth throughout his body. Spencer couldn't help but smile back.

        "Morning." he mumbled, turning on his side to face her.

     "Not for some poeple." she responded, a small smile still playing on her lips. Evie held out a glass of water and two tablets in her hand. Obviously she was expecting Spencer's hurt this morning. Anyone could've guessed it. Spencer sat up a bit and took the tablets, swallowing them down will a swig of water. He thanked her and set the glass down on the night stand, cringing at the noise it made. 

        "How bad is it?" Evs asked him, running her thumb over the top of his hand. Spencer squeezed his eyes shut as another pang of pain coarsed through his head. Reid swore under his breath and allowed himself to fall in Evie's lap, his head on her legs. "I already made you breakfast and tea. Why don't you go lie down on the couch?" she soothed, brushing her fingertips lightly against his cheekbone. Spencer sighed happily. Never in his life had he ever felt so loved nor so in love. 

        "Have I ever told you that you are the best?" he asked, turning to glance up at her gorgeous gray eyes. Evie blushed a bit and chuckled. 

        "Yes, repeatedly. I don't mind hearing it again, though." she said. Spencer nodded into her lap.


        For the rest of day, Spencer watched Dr. Who reruns and curled up on the couch. Evie never left his side, despite the fact that the reason he was hurting so much was that he had been completely and utterly wasted the night before. He never wanted to do that again. The next day was just too rough. 

        "Thanks, love." Reid said as Evie set down another cup of tea on the coffee table in front of him. Her brown hair fell over her shoulder as she did, leaving Spencer time to admire it. Sometimes he'd appreciate the most random things about her  the most random times. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, the way she put others before herself, her voice, etcetera, etcetera. The sound of Christopher Eccleston continued on the TV behind Evie, but whenever she came in the room it always took a backseat to Spencer's attention. 

        "You know, you don't have to care for me like this, Evs." he said, tilting his head to examine her. Evie rolled her eyes. 

        "And I don't have to be your girlfriend, but I'd more than love to." she said, feeling Spence's forehead. He bit his lip and smiled, his brown eyes flickering up to hers. 

        "I do love you, you know. I wasn't just saying that on account for my intoxication." Reid whispered, watching Evie look fondly at every feature of his face. Spencer raised his eyebrows at her, smiling shyly. She chuckled and brushed the hair from his forehead. Without saying anything, she put her hands on his shoulders and turned Spencer onto his back. He frowned in confusion at her but letting her do as she pleased. Evie seemed pretty content as she laced her fingers in his and spread out his arms, leaving his chest vulnerable. She climbed on top of him, tangling her legs in his and lying down on his chest. Spencer hummed happily and secured his arms around her back tightly, pulling her chest to his. 

        "I love you too, genius." she whispered in his ear, making Spencer strangely aroused. His head still throbbed though, so he guessed he could save that stuff for another time. He nestled his face into her hair, taking in the smell of her 'Eucalyptus Mint and Rain' shampoo that he loved. "Don't ever leave me, okay?" she whispered, looking up into his eyes, half of her face pressed into his chest. Spencer tightened his arms around her body, pulling her even closer on top of him. 

        "Never. I promise." he murmured, running his hands through the soft curls at the end of her hair. She grinned, satisfied, making Spencer happy as well. 

        "So tell me about Dr. Who." she said, returning her eyes to the TV. Spencer smiled excitedly. They'd be there a while. 

        Around five o'clock, Evie's phone rung on the coffee table. The entire day had been spent just lounging around and cuddling together to Spencer's relief. He still felt like there was an animal trying to claw it's way out of his head and overall he just felt awful. Evs made him feel better though, and she rarely left his side. 

        "Who was it?" Spencer asked after listening to her go "okay" a couple times over the phone. She set it down again and sighed with disappointment. Reid had a pretty good idea of what was coming next. 

        "We got called into work." she said, looking at Spencer apologetically. He sighed in the same way and reached over to squeeze her hand as she sat next to where he laid on the couch. 

        "Alright, alright. Let's get going." 

        "I'm sure if you tell Hotch you aren't feeling well..." Evie started, but Spencer interrupted. 

        "Because I have a giant hangover? No thank you." he said. Evie laughed and kissed his forehead. 

        "Here's an idea; don't drink so much next time." 

        "I usually don't! Ever! It was Morgan's fault!" 

        "Excuses, excuses." Evie joked, standing up and stretching. "Come on, I'll get your coat." 

        Once they were through the elevator doors and into the bullpit of the BAU, Spencer realized everyone looked worn out. He really didn't want a case right now. Neither did anyone else. 

        "Where are we going this time?" Spencer asked JJ as she walked by. She looked troubled, but he supposed she always did when hearing about gruesome cases. She startled easily when he spoke, relaxing when she realized he was asking her a question. 

        "Oh, um... This one is different. Meet in the round table room." she said, obviously side tracked. Spencer frowned and looked over at Evie who mirrored his expression. She shrugged and led the way to the round table room where most of the team was already seated. Upon entering the room, Morgan snickered up at Reid. 

        "How are you feeling today, Pretty Boy?" he asked, knowing the answer. Spencer shot him a dirty look and sat down next to Evie across the table from Derek and Rossi. 

        "Why weren't the case files sent to our tablets?" Dave asked, swiping his finger across the tablet screen in front of him. Hotch walked into the room at that moment, followed by JJ and Garcia. They all looked solemn. This definitely wasn't good. 

        "It's not exactly a case." Hotch said, throwing down a brown FBI folder onto the table, papers nearly spilling out the sides. They all looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and concern. It was Morgan however, who reached for the folder first. He frowned through his thick dark eyebrows and opened the cover. Spencer tried to crane his neck to see, but it was no use. He studied Derek's reaction instead. Upon seeing the first file in the folder, he closed his eyes and sighed. Spencer knew it must've been bad. 

        Morgan threw the folder face up and open on the table. The first file was a picture of a petite male lying on cement floor, most definitely dead. His eyes were slightly open, eyes staring into an abyss that only he could see. His arms and legs were splayed out around him, and it was apparent that he'd been tortured. The worst part was the symbol carved into the man's abdomen... it was the same symbol that the team had recieved at their doors. It was apparent that the picture was a message to them. 

        "Where was he found?" Rossi asked in a grave voice. 

        "He wasn't." Garcia whispered from where she stood, diverting her eyes from the picture. Spencer frowned, feeling more effects of his headache rush through him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the pain pounded in his head and he groaned instead, letting his head fall to rest his forehead on the table. He was aware of his friends turning to look at him but he didn't care. He felt Evie tap his shoulder so he turned to see her holding out pain killers. He graciously accepted and swallowed two pills. 

        "You okay there, Reid?" Hotch asked, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. When Hotch was even laughing at you, you knew you probably looked pretty pathetic. 

        "Yeah, yeah. Continue." he said, slipping his hand into Evie's under the table. She squeezed it and ran her thumb over the top of his hand as she often did. The team just brushed off the sight of Spencer's first hangover and returned their attention to the picture. 

        "So... how'd we get the picture?" Morgan asked, looking to Hotch and JJ for answers. 

        "It was sent to the BAU, addressed to us." JJ said, her eyebrows drawn together. Spencer could tell there was a lot of stress on her. After all, Henry was more than likely a target as well. Anything that would hurt the team seemed to be all this unsub desired. 

       "There's no way of knowing where it came from?" Dave asked, taking the picture to examine it more closely. 

        "They're trying now. So far, no luck. It wasn't put through any postal service." JJ explained further. Evie took a deep breath besides Spencer. He turned to glance at her, seeing the same frightened expression that JJ wore. Reid squeezed her hand, making her look at him. She forced a smile, but that's all it was: a forced smile to make Spencer feel better. He could sense the obvious worry there, and he didn't blame her. They were being stalked and targeted by a killer. 

        "What do we do?" Evie asked, looking around the table. Unfortunately she only got apologetic and blank faces in response. Everyone was quiet for a while before Hotch spoke up. 

        "Anything we can, I guess. All of our cases are cancelled until we figure this out." 

        "But we don't even know if this guy is here in Quantico or halfway across the world in San Diego." Morgan said, exaggerating. They all got the point though. 

        "Don't talk like that! This guy is threatening my family. We'll catch him... right?" Penelope blurt out. The team watched as she looked on the verge of tears. They all knew she was hit harder when situations like this came. 

        "You're right, we will." Derek said, standing up to walk over to Penelope and wrap an arm around her. She seemed to relax just a bit, leaning into Morgan's embrace. Spencer knew this wasn't just a passing storm. They would have to catch this killer, or else he'd catch them.

        The first victim wasn't the last. Throughout the course of a week, two new photos showed up on JJ's desk, addressed to the BAU. The first on was of a man who was short and plump. The same torture marks were scattered over the body, making it look almost unrecognizable. His eyes were open in the same way, dead and staring off into nothing. The symbol was carved into his stomach, blood dripping down, nearly making Evie sick when she saw it. 

        The second one was of another male, completely different. He was tall and built, more-so than Morgan even. The same torture marks were displayed as well as the symbol. The team had racked their brains, trying to figure out victimology, stressors, surrogates, anything that they could use. The victims were completely different, and the only thing they knew was that the unsub was a single unsub, definitely Chinese in race, and didn't dwell too far away. The team hadn't been this stressed in a while. There were so many other cases coming in on JJ's desk and Spencer could tell it hurt her to have to turn them down. All of the teams focus was on this case, a case they had absolutely no leads on. 

      Spencer and Evie hadn't been going out a lot lately. Evie was freaked out, and Spencer had to admit he was too. Now that he had someone to protect, everything became more frightening. He didn't want anything to happen to Evie. She was everything. 

        One day that they were out at the park, they were walking back to their apartment hand in hand. The skies were gray and growing darker with thick clouds. Everything seemed more gloomy lately. They still enjoyed every second together though. They might as well if any could be there last. 

        Don't think that way. Spencer scolded himself. We'll catch him. It was beginning to seem hard to believe though. They hadn't ever had this little on an unsub in such a long span of time. Not to mention, it was an unsub particularly targeting them. It made it a little bit harder to concentrate. 

        "I told you it was going to rain." Evie said, nudging Spence in the ribs and they walked. He glanced up at the skies and frowned. 

        "Maybe we should walk faster." he said, pulling gently on Evie's hand. 

        "Ok, ok! I'm coming." she laughed while stumbling forward into a faster pace that was much easier for Spencer since he was significantly taller. It didn't help, however. Within a minute, the skies opened up. It didn't even start off light at first. Rain poured down by the bucket instantly, already soaking through Spencer's shirt. Of course it was a warm day for early October, but the rain was still cold. 

        "Shit..." Evie muttered under her breath. She was smiling though, obviously already laughing at the situation. Spencer wasn't so amused until he saw her eyes light up. She helped him let go and enjoy things that were worth appreciating. He loved her for that. 

        "Come on." he said, smiling at how Evie's eyes lit up in wonder. He took a tighter hold of her hand and together they ran through the rain down the wet sidewalk, splashing through puddles already forming. The building around them blurred through the rain and it was begging to get hard to see more than ten or fifteen feet in front of them. Thunder rumbled in the distance, but they kept running. Eventually Spencer got it. The feeling of running in the rain hand in hand with Evie, it was a memory he'd keep forever. And not just because he has an amazing memory. 

        "Your left." Evie shouted over the patter of rain, pointing over to a brick building with a ledge they could stand under. Spencer moved underneath, pulling Evie close to him. Both of them were breathing hard while watching the rain take over the streets. A flash of light traveled across the sky, illuminating their faces for a split second. 

        Spencer looked over at her with a devious smile. She didn't notice. He suddenly left her side to jump into a puddle to his left, splashing water up all over Evie. She shrieked and froze with her mouth wide open in surprise. She looked down at her already soaked clothing and then turned an evil gaze up at Spencer. The amused look he had fell from his face and he knew he was in trouble. Before she could get him back he took off running into the rain and back onto the sidewalk, Evie close behind. He didn't get too far before the back of his legs were drenched as Evs kicked up puddle water all over him. Spencer turned and grabbed her around the waist, picking her up and spinning her around. 

        Evie shrieked but laughed, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. Her hair was soaked all the way through, and Spencer knew that his was as well. It was plastered all over to his face, but he hardly noticed. He finally set Evie down, but immediately regretted when he did. She tazed him underneath his ribs right where he was ticklish, making him jerk away. 

        "You know I can't stand that!" he said even though he couldn't help but laugh. He tried to reach forward to taze her back but Evie narrowly escaped, swerving out of the way and running down the sidewalk again. Spencer smiled and ran after her, eventually grabbing her hand and spinning her around to pull her tight against his chest. She giggled, trapped against his body by his arm secured around her waist. 

        "You got me." she said, her smile fading into a longing gaze as she stared into his eyes. Spencer was breathing hard, but not so much from the running. She literally took his breath away sometimes. Even when she was dripping wet, hair hanging over her face, droplets collecting over her face, she was gorgeous. 

        "Your beautiful. You know that, right?" Spencer echoed his thoughts. Evie still blushed every time he said so, and he said it multiple times everyday. It never failed to make her smile though. She took his loosely hanging tie in her hand and pulled Spencer forward more and more until their lips met. Spencer could taste the rain on her lips, and he was sure she could as well. It still poured down around them, but it hardly bothered them. The only signs of other life around them was the occasional car that went by, but with the rain Spencer highly doubted they cared to even notice the kissing couple in the middle of it on the sidewalk. It was barely a thought that crossed his mind anyway. For now all he could think about was Evie on his lips, her hand pulling at his tie and her other hand going to the back of his neck. 

        Spencer didn't take this chance for granted. He wrapped both arms around his waist, pulling it hard against his. Evie deepened the kiss and ran her fingers through his sopping wet hair, tugging him closer as she did. The fire ignited in the pit of Spencer's stomach and suddenly he wanted her... bad. 

        It was then when Spencer realized they had made it to the front of their apartment complex. Spencer smiled through the kiss, knowing he had her. He starting gently guiding her to walk backwards, not letting them break the kiss. Once they were closer to the brick of the building, he picked her up with one sweeping movement, wrapping her legs around his waist. Reid moved fast in between their apartment building and the pizza shop next door so they were hidden in a small crevasse. He pressed her back to the side of the building and pressed his own body against hers, holding her up. It reminded him of the storage room at the bar. There was no shame in having a second time. 

        "Spence..." Evie whispered through her panting as he attacked her neck. He hummed in response while lightly nipping at her skin and kissing her all over. He kept his hips close to hers, not having the courage to be the one to go further. Luckily Evie did have the courage. She moved her own against his, making him moan. "I don't know." she breathed, tilting her head back and arching her back to give Spencer better access. He smirked and continued sucking lightly. Her moving her hips like that and the taste of her neck... it was too much for him. He stopped, breathing hard. Spence looked up at her with his best puppy dog eyes. She barely opened her eyes to frown at him, probably wondering why he stopped. 

        "Apartment?" he asked in a shy voice. Evie beamed and nodded. 

        "Apartment. Now." 

        Spencer and Evie were able to keep their 'cool' through the apartment lobby, but once they got up the stairs to their floor, Spencer had Evie's legs wrapped around his waist as soon as he possibly could, holding her under her thigh with one hand and the other at the small of her back, moving lower as he stumbled to their door. Spencer groaned in frustration, trying to dig out the key from his pocket and pressing Evie against the wall to keep her up while he did. He miraculously never broke the heated kiss they were in as he found it and fumbled it into the key lock, turning it and kicking the door open. He threw the key aside, not really caring where it landed at the moment. He was pretty occupied. 

        Spencer kicked the door closed and moved towards the bedroom, Evie's legs tightening around him. He laid her on the edge of the bed and moved on top of her, moving his lips to her jawline and then to her neck. They were still soaking wet, turning everything damp wherever they went, but it wasn't a main thought on Spencer's mind at the moment. He hovered over her body, not pressing them together just yet. 

        "Um..." Spencer mumbled, finally taking his lips from her skin. Evie's chest moved up and down drastically with every pant she took. She raised her eyebrows at him, waiting for what he was going to do next. "Our clothes are all soaking wet." he whispered, his lips only a couple inches from hers. She smiled and re-wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him down on top of her. 

        "Should we do something about that?" she asked, just as quietly. It was a different way of asking each other permission almost. Spencer pulled his eyebrows together and nodded as if he was in deep thought about it. 

        "Yeah... yeah, I think we should." he said, his voice at least a couple octaves higher than usual. Evie must've noticed because she laughed, but it was interrupted when Spencer reconnected their lips, his tongue slipping into her mouth. Evie let out a small moan and fiddled with the buttons of his button down shirt. Once she had all of them undone, she slid it off Spencer's shoulders that still glistened with rain water and discarded the clothing to the floor. Her hands skimmed over his chest and stomach, taking in every inch. Before he knew what was happen, Evie flipped them over so she straddled his waist and Reid was on his back, completely vulnerable to her. He didn't mind. 

        He began to let his hands travel under her blouse to her taut stomach, feeling up to the bottom of her bra and back down again. He broke away from their kiss to look down at the hem of her shirt to lift it over her head. Evie helped him throw it aside and then leaned down to kiss right below his ear on his neck. 

        "I- I've uh..." Spencer stumbled over his words until Evie pushed herself against his waist. Spence moaned, his eyes rolling back until they fluttered closed, forgetting what he was going to say for a moment. When it came back to him, he blushed. "I've... um... I've never..." he tried to tell her. He was pretty sure anyone could guess he was a virgin, but he didn't know how to tell her that he wanted this but just wanted everything to be perfect. 

        "It's okay, Spence." she whispered, leaned back a bit into his hips and taking his hand in hers. She moved his hand to her bra, looking into his eyes the entire time. Spence couldn't tear his gaze from her gorgeous eyes. He didn't want to. She continued to guide him, letting him finally feel the soft skin right above the top of the last article of clothing on the top half of her body. Once she knew he was comfortable, she resumed kissing his neck, moving to remove his pants next. Spencer lifted his hips into hers so that she could get them off, leaving him only in his boxers. Suddenly he could feel so much more of her without his jeans. The thought would usually make him nervous, but this was Evie. He had nothing to be nervous about. 

        With that in mind, he flipped them over once again so that he was on top of her. He instantly fiddled with the button of her jeans, desperate to get rid of them. She scraped her nails lightly against his bare back as he did, her eyes closed in bliss. After Spencer managed to get her down to her panties, he moved his mouth to her neck and trailed kisses all the way down to her chest. He just knew this would be a memorable night. 

A/N: If anyone is interested, I have another story about Spencer and how I imagined his struggles with his drug addiction to Dilaudid and all of the drama after he was kidnapped by Tobias in the second season! It's called Sympathy for the Devil, so if you're interested please read! Thanks, Merry Christmas

