Where Are we!?!?!?

Emma's POV
All of the children including me were eating breakfast then a light came in and it hit me,Norman and Ray

Deku's POV:

I was walking to school but then there was a light then three kids are falling down I have to save them so I used my quirk to get them down safely one by one "are you guys okay,you didn't get hurt did you?" I asked sounding concerned "nope I'm fine want about you guys did you get hurt or have any injuries?" The girl with yellow to orange hair asked "Nope I'm fine." The boy with white hair responded "yeah I'm fine." Said the boy with black hair "Mister how do you jump so high." The girl with orange hair asked "oh that's my quirk!" I responded "um.......maybe weird but...what's a quirk?" She asked wait she doesn't know what a quirk "yeah what a quirk?" The boy with white hair asked he also doesn't know what a quirk is!?!?!?! "Yeah what's that?" The boy with black hair said he also doesn't know what a quirk is!?!? "Well its a superpower." I explained "wow that so cool!" The girl with orange hair said "well what are your names I'm Izuku Midoriya But you can call me deku "I'm Emma this is Norman and that Ray." Emma said while introducing her friends Norman just waved at me "yo." Ray said "oh and where are we?" Emma asked "you guys don't know where you are?"I said confused "Um...your in a city." I said to them
