The Battle of Five Armies

Chapter Fourteen--- The Battle of Five Armies

"Tauriel!" I called to her once we made it back to camp. "Are your men ready?"

She nodded, "Ready, and awaiting your orders."

Of course Thranduil put me in charge of his army. He would have been an idiot not to.

I turned to Legolas, "Are you men ready?"

"Ready, and awaiting your orders."

I smiled, "Good. The goblins and orcs will be here soon. Assemble all troops on the field in front of the mountain."

The two of them nodded, and took off. I went into my tent, and smiled as my eyes fell on my gold bow. It was go time.

I swung the bow over my shoulder, and strapped my endless quiver onto my back. Sometimes I really love Elven magic.

I emerged from my tent, and joined Legolas, who was standing in front of our army.

"Can we count on aid from the dwarfs?' I asked him.

"I'm not positive, but I'd hope. After all, the enemy of your enemy is your friend."

I nodded, "Wiser words were never spoken." I turned toward the oncoming orc and goblin armies. "Let's move."

Legolas called out orders in elfish, then again in the common tongue. The army started to move, with the two of us, Tauriel, and Thranduil at its head. As we marched, the dwarfs from the mountain joined us. It was a happy reunion for me, even Thorin forgave me.

I had never felt more confident going into a battle. I had the one elf I loved more than anything with me, the hobbit I loved, and the group of dwarfs that had won me over. There was no chance in Middle-earth we would loose.

As we approached the enemy armies, I pulled my bow off my shoulder, and knocked an arrow. I wanted to fire the first shot.

I lit the tip of my arrow on fire, pulled back the bow string, and let the arrow fly. It struck somewhere in their ranks, which triggered a huge explosion. They all let out weird war cries, and started running toward us.

"You're a genius Echo," Kili commented.

"Thanks," I replied, before taking off toward the orcs and goblins. I was the first person to smash into their ranks, bow blazing. I fired at everything I could see, and my arrows never missed their mark. The best part was that I wasn't using magic.

I managed to keep Legolas right by me the whole time, and we watched each other's backs. We did, we do make an amazing team.

I fought my way deeper and deeper into their ranks, slaying everything in my path. Eventually, Kili appeared next to me, slashing and hacking with his little dwarf sword.

He turned to look up and smile at me, just as an orc came up behind him, and ran his sword right through him.

My eyes widened, and I let out a scream. I shot the thing with ten arrows before I was confident it was dead, and had suffered.

I dropped to the ground next to the little dwarf, "Kili, Kili talk to me! Please no, no!"

He started coughing, and I let out a sigh of relief, there was still time.

"Cover me," I called to Legolas, before I picked Kili up and started fighting my way out of the chaos.

We made it out of the fighting, and I laid him down on the nearest rock. "Legolas, find me some Athelas, please."

He nodded, and took off.

"Come on Kili, stay with me," I muttered frantically. My attempts to use my magic to heal him weren't working. I needed the plant, and an idea. There was no way I was letting Kili die.

"Here," Legolas said, handing me clumps of the plant.

I went to work chewing the thing, and applying it to the wound.

"It's working, but not well or quick enough. His heart beat is still irregular. I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed. I wiped tears from my eyes as I looked down on his fragile little body. I'd completely tuned out the battle raging behind me, all that mattered was that my friend was dying and it seemed like there was nothing I could do.

Looking back on it now, I could have saved him. I could have saved him and it kills me. It eats at my soul every time I pick up that beautiful golden bow. I could have saved him, but I didn't. I was too weak. If there was one thing I could go back and do over with the knowledge and power I have now, it would be that one, insignificant in the life of an elf, moment. There's nothing that pains me more than the death of this small, young, innocent dwarf.

"Echo," Legolas said, sorrow in his voice. "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't hear his heart beat anymore, he was gone.

"No," I cried, softly at first. "No, no, no!"

Legolas wrapped his arms around me, and I let myself cry into his chest for about a minute before I remembered there was a battle to win. It wasn't just about defending the mountain, oh no, it was much more personal. It was about avenging Kili.

I pulled away from Legolas, grabbed my bow, knocked an arrow, and charged. I fought that day with a ferociousness I'd ever felt in myself before. Absolutely nothing escaped the fury of my bow. When the battle was over, there wasn't a goblin or an orc left standing,

The moment I shot the last orc dead, I collapsed onto the ground in a fit of tears. Not only for Kili, but because of what I'd done. I'd practically killed two armies single handedly. I vowed that day never to let such rage take over me, no matter what the circumstances.

"Echo, are you ok?" A voice asked me. I looked up, and saw Tauriel standing over me, a look of concern on her face. "I have some bad new. Thorin, Fili and Kili are all dead."

Thorin too? And Fili? I let out a wail before collapsing back onto the ground, and letting the tears flow from my eyes freely. My friends, my companions, gone.

That was something I'd never had to deal with before, death. Elves are immortal, and I'd never left Rivendell. It was an odd feeling, loosing someone so close to you, knowing you'll never see them again.

I felt strong arms wrap around me, and I knew it was Legolas, no one else would have approached me when I was like that. He pulled me close, and didn't let go for the hours I stayed there, just crying.

I'm not ashamed of my complete mental breakdown that day. I'd lost three close friends, if I wouldn't have been upset it would have been really weird.

Some days I feel like I still haven't recovered from that day, it changed me. For the better.

A battle I thought was going to be my day of glory, turned into the worst day of my very long life.


A/N: I am actually 100% done now that was not ok. So the reason I haven't really been able to update this is because I was in my school's musical, which consumes your life, and now I'm in our Dance Theatre, which also consumes your life. I'm actually really proud that I got to write this. Holy crap there's only one more chapter in this story wow did time fly. I'm considering doing a sequel and putting Echo in the Lord of the Rings books, thoughts? There would be a lot of Legolas Echo scenes and it would be great.

Love always,

