Goblins, and Orcs, and Wargs, oh my!

Chapter Five-- Goblins, and Orcs, and Wargs, oh my!

I let the dwarfs go in front of me, and brought up the rear, running backward and shooting at the goblins as we went. I never missed a single shot, and they were always kill shots. I never miss.

We ran down through the goblins' layer, hacking and slashing down goblins as we went. I kept my eyes behind us, and on the walls, shooting any goblins who dared lift a bow. They tried to hide from me, but my eyes were better than even that of a normal elf, I could pick out an owl with its eyes closed, up to two miles away. And don't let me get into my kick ass hearing.

A goblin came up from behind me, and tried to stab me in the back, literally. I whirled around, drawing an arrow out of my sheath as I went. I blocked his blade with the arrow, and used it to first hit him on the head, then slice up his stomach. I'd trained myself in arrow to sword combat, and always made sure I had the strongest arrows that could withstand a blade, just in case.

I looked over to the far wall, and saw some of the goblins getting ready to swing over to us. "Cut the ropes!" I cried. The dwarfs that were closest to them cut them off, and the whole bridge went tumbling down, and it took the goblins trying to swing over with it.

I smiled at my work, and continued to follow Gandalf through the goblin's layer. I continued to kill as many of the goblins as I could, which was quite a lot.

The need to protect my other companions took over my whole being, and all I could think was protect. None of these goblins were going to touch a dwarf.

One of the goblins approached me, a bigger, more noble looking one. I slung my bow over my shoulder, and pulled out my two knives. He held a sword, a sword that was not made by any goblin. It was an elvish sword, and I intended to reclaim it.

He ran at me, swinging for my head. I ducked under his blow, and swung both knives at his feet. He jumped over them, and swung right for my stomach. I parried his sword with my two knives, and pushed him back a few feet. I swung my knives around my fingers, and went in for the kill shot.

With one easy swing of both knives, I beheaded the only goblin who dared approach me. I caught his sword as it fell out of his hands, and strapped it to my waist. I put my knives back in their respectful places, pulled my bow off my shoulder again, and continued down the narrow path.

Ahead of me, Gandalf cast a stone down from the ceiling, and rolled it in front of us, using it to clear the path. We ran after it, letting it crush any goblin in front of us. We turned the corner after the rock had fallen off the path, and ran straight into the goblin king again.

"Did you really think you could escape that easily?" It laughed at us.

"Yes," I spat back.

Gandalf shot me a look, and the goblin king just laughed. "Not even you, pretty girl, and escape me. I've sent word to the Pale Orc, we have both of his most sought out victims. There's nothing you can do!"

I knocked and arrow and aimed it straight for his face. "Try me."

Gandalf jumped into action, slicing the king's gigantic stomach. He fell to his knees, and Gandalf sliced him again.

"That'll do it," the king said, utterly shocked. I shot my arrow at his eye as he fell, just for good measure.

As the king fell, the narrow bridge we were standing on gave way, and we went tumbling down through the mountain.

I dropped to the ground, and held onto the nearest floor board for dear life. The thing crashed through the place, and landed in a heap on the bottom of the mountain. I rolled off of it, and landed on the floor next to a pile of dwarfs enclosed in a fallen wooden bridge.

"Well that could have been worse," one of the dwarfs mused.

He spoke too soon.

The corpse of the goblin king came crashing down on top of them, making them all let out a grunt.

I chuckled to myself, and looked up toward where the rest of the goblins were. We'd just killed their king, I didn't expect them to take too kindly to that.

I could see the hoards of goblins coming down the path toward us, hell bent on our destruction. I guess I'd feel the same way if someone invaded Rivendell and killed Elrond.

"Gandalf," I called to him. "They're coming."

He quickly helped the last dwarfs from the fallen bridge, and we took off down a pass that we hoped would lead out of the mountain.

We ran as fast as we could through the tunnel, and finally out of that stupid mountain. It felt so good to finally breath fresh air again. We ran down into the forest just below the opening into the mountain, and stopped to catch our breath.

Gandalf counted everyone, but only counted fourteen, not counting himself.

"Where's the hobbit? Where's Bilbo?" He asked, sounded scared for the hobbit's life.

"I saw him slip sway when they caught us," one of the dwarfs voiced.

"Our burglar is long gone," Thorin growled. "He saw his chance to leave and he took it, he is far from here."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," a new voice called. Everyone turned, and smiled when we saw Bilbo standing on the outskirts of our little clearing.

"I know you might doubt me, and I might doubt myself, but your home has been taken from you, and I intend to help you get it back."

All the dwarfs smiled gratefully at him, even Thorin. Thorin nodded his head, and we departed again, toward the Lonely Mountain.

"How'd you do it?" Kili asked me, appearing next to me.

"Do what?"

"Your bow and quiver, they just... disappeared."

A smile formed on my lips, I guessed I was starting to learn how to use my powers.

"Don't know," I replied honestly. I had no clue how I'd done it, but I hoped I could do it again.

The howl of some kind of dog echoed faintly through my ears, and I stopped in my tracks, causing a few of the dwarfs to run into me.

"What is it?" Thorin snapped.

I shook my head, my eyes wide in fear. "Nothing. Just thought I heard something, probably a trick of the wind."

The dwarfs nodded in agreement, but Gandalf knew better. He came over to me, his eyes filled with worry.

"What did you hear?"

I lowered my voice, "I think it was one of those Orc horse dog things, wargs I think they're called. Can I go ahead and scout it out? Actually, I will go ahead and scout it out."

Gandalf nodded to me, and I took off through the forest, running toward the source of the noise.

I sprinted through the forest as quickly and quietly as possible, which was pretty quick and quiet. I slowed my pace as I approached the noise, and slowly removed an arrow from my quiver.

I peaked out from behind the trees, and my eyes fell on a pack of orcs, all sitting on their little doggy things. Why call them wargs when you can call them doggy things? But this wasn't just any pack of orcs, Azog was with them, the Pale Orc. Oh the things I'd read about him back in Rivendell. Just hearing his name chilled me to the bone, seeing him was a whole different matter. He was tall for an orc, even when he sat on one of their wargs. He was as pale as his name entailed, and instead of a hand, on one of his arms, he had some kind of mechanical thing. Thanks to Thorin, or so the story goes.

I hear screams back from where I came, and I knew that the orcs were upon them. There was nothing I could do, or was there?

Trees, they'll climb the trees. He'll try to get them all in one tree, preferably on the edge of a cliff. There'd be no way they could escape, except by air.

Oh yes, by air sounded fun to me.

I took off through the woods again, my eyes trained on the sky. This was the territory of the eagles, friends to elves of course. They would help me help the rest of my company.

My eyes fell on one of the great eagles in flight and I called out, in elvish, "Oh mighty eagle, greater than all animals. Would you be so kind as to help out a lost elf find her way back to her friends?"

"What is an elf doing in these parts?" The eagle replied.

"Journeying from Rivendell to Mirkwood, but the rest of my company seems to be in trouble, orc trouble."

"If they are in trouble then we must not delay."

The eagle flew lower, low enough that I could jump on its back if I climbed the nearest tree. I scaled the tallest tree in the area, and hopped on his back.

I scanned the forest below me, looking for signs of a battle. Apparently I'd run father than I thought I did, because they weren't anywhere near me. As we flew, more eagles joined us, ready to aid a group of dwarfs in need. You could say I'm a hero.

When they finally drew closer, I motioned for the eagles to fly in lower. Epic save-everyone-from-evil-orcs time.

"Save them," I whispered to the eagles. They swooped down, and one by one saved the dwarfs from the orc's clutches. I watched from the air as Azog lost his prized dwarfs.

When he saw me, he swung his club in range. He knew who I was, and he wanted me for my power. I didn't plan to give up that easily.

"If you want him, come and get him," I yelled down to him in his own tongue. I hated using the Orc language, it's so harsh compared to elvish. That was my least favourite one to learn.

He growled at me, and I took off away from him and his Orc crew. I counted the rest of the eagles to make sure they have all the dwarfs. Sure enough, each one was accounted for.

Certainly dogged a bullet with that one.

The eagles put us down on a huge rock, and I slid off the great beast.

"Thank you, I am forever in your debt," I whispered in its ear.

"Anything for the famed elf princess."

Famed elf princess? Since when?

I needed to talk to someone, someone... intelligible.

"Can you do one more thing for me?" I asked.

"Of course, how may I help?"

"Wait here."

I walked over to Gandalf and the rest of the company.

"We're going to be venturing into Mirkwood, you know it. You need someone to scout out the forest, find a way through."

He sighed, "You know it's not a big secret." I glared at him. "But fine, you can go ahead and scout out the forest."

He knew that's not what I planned to do, I could tell by his tone of voice.

I smiled at him, and ran back over to the eagle, mounting it once more.

Ok, travel by eagle beats horses any day.

"Where are you going?" Kili asked, coming up to me.

I smiled at him as I slung my bow further up my shoulder. "Scouting. I'll be back."

Or, ya know, not.

I could feel Thorin's eyes burning into the back of my head as I took off. He didn't trust me, I could tell.

"To Mirkwood," I told the eagle.

Yes, to Mirkwood. Finally.


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in... forever! I've been working on this other thing... I'm always working on this other thing... So obviously the rest of the story will be based around the book, unless I become so damn lazy that the Desolation of Smaug comes out before I finsish this, which I hope doesn't happen... Lalalala the next part is going to be awesome! I promise!

Love Always,

