Part 3

Next Morning

I woke up by my alarm. I rubbed my eyes. I got up from my bed. Doing my morning routine like always. After doing that. I went downstairs and walked towards the kitchen. I finished making breakfast and called Jimin. Jimin came downstairs and went to the dining room. I grabbed the breakfast and walk towards the dining room. I placed the plates, food and glass on the table and I sat down one of the chairs. Jimin also sat far away from me. I served the food into my plate. Jimin also took the food into his plate and started eating it. I wanted to speak about yesterday, why did he kissed his secretary so I decided to speak up,

Y/n: Jimin-ah?

Jimin: Hmm?

Y/n: S-so.... I got a message f-from your secretary.....

His eyes widened and looks at me. 

Jimin: What message? 

Y/n: T-this shows the picture

Jimin: (He took one second to look at it and looked away and continued to eat)

Y/n: Babe? D-did you see it  tries to hold tears

Jimin: What's your problem Y/n? 

Y/n: My problem? You fucking kissed your secretary! That's my problem!

Jimin: Look Y/n, It's her fault not mine. She was trying to seduce me and kiss-

Y/n: Gets up She kissed you and you didnt stopped her?! When I give you a kiss, You don't kiss me back but for your secretary, You kissed her back!-

Suddenly, I felt a hard pain on my cheek. I turned back into reality and saw Jimin infront of me. I realized the words I said. H-he slapped me.

Jimin: Look! You don't let me explain for a sec Y/n! I tried to push her away and now you are blaming me?! Runs his fingers through his hair due to frustration Im going now. 

He takes his bag and leaves. I sat down and touched my cheek. It's hurts alot. I closed my eyes and let tears out. I started to cry. I was a crying mess. Until, someone knock in the door. I heard it and wiped my tears and clean my hair. I walked to the front door and opened.

Y/n: Y-yeonjun? 

Yeonjun: Hey Y/n! I heard some sobbing noise again. What did Jimin done to you again? 

Y/n: H-he cries on his shoulder 

Yeonjun: Hey! It's okay pats her back tell me what did he to you? 

Y/n: H-he kissed his secretary  

Yeonjun: He what?! Sighs Y/n it's okay. Don't worry. There must be a explanation

Y/n: I-its my fault.... I didn't let him explain sniff 

Yeonjun: Don't blame yourself, Y/n. Do you want to spend time with me and the others

Yeonjun is my best friend. We are a good friends in our childhood. We always spend time other, laughing and crying. It was so fun until I got married. Only Yeonjun cared for me than the world does. He knows Jimin every well. He cant do anything expect to comfort me. 

Y/n: Ok then 

Yeonjun: Good. Now come with me.

Y/n: Wait, What if Jimin finds out about that I was with you and the others? He will think that I cheated on him

Yeonjun: No he wont. We will just talk and play some games and it will be 6:00pm. Then you can go home before him. 

Y/n: Alright then *wipes off her tears* I'm ready.

Yeonjun: Ok, just relax and enjoy! Be happy!

I smiled at him. Yeonjun is like my brother for life but i'm still nervous. What if Jimin hurt Yeonjun? I sighed and went to his house. 

Beomgyu: Y/n noona! You're here! *hugs her* 

Y/n: Hey my brother, How are you?

Beomgyu: Great! Just helping soobin hyung with our new song.

Y/n: Ah really?

Beomgyu is her little brother.  He is a idol, debuted with Tomorrow x Together at 2019. They came back from their tour. (Before Y/n was lonely with Jimin but now she has 5 friends to comfort her)

Taehyun: Yep, Its called "I know I love you"

Y/n: Yah! You should've not give me spoilers or your comeback wont be fun.

Soobin: Yes Taehyun, Do you want anything to drink or eat noona? 

Y/n: No need soobin-ah, I already ate breakfast. 

Yeonjun: Sit here, Y/n. 

I sat down on the couch and watched soobin working with his work. He looks so tired.

Y/n: Soobin-ah, you look tired. Take a break!

Huening: He doesnt listen. He worked alot in midnight and didnt get enough sleep.

Y/n: Sighs then no bread for you



Soobin: Fine!

Beomgyu: Wow, he listens to my noona expect us.

Y/n: Use the bread part next time

Soobin: Haha, your joking

Y/n: Nah its real

Soobin: rolls his eyes yeah whatever

Then we fought and played for hours.

Time skip


Jimin came home early and knocked on the door. No one opened the door. He sighed and took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He didnt find you cooking. 

Jimin: Where is she? She must be sleeping. I go check on her

He went to your room and opened the door. He didn't find you still. Jimin was worried about you and he decided to call you. When he called you, your phone rang in the room. Jimin saw your phone and noticed that you didnt bring the phone with you. Jimin was in Angier. He decided to wait for you while going down stairs and sat on the couch. 


Me, Beomgyu and Yeonjun are walking to my home. 

Beomgyu: We had a fun time! Thanks noona for coming by.

Y/n: No problem lil bro. Good luck for your comeback dudes

Yeonjun: Thankksss. We'll try our best

Beomgyu: Yep noona! I cant wait for our comeback

Y/n: Laughs be patient gyu. Wiell, We reached. Good night guys! 

Beomgyu & Yeonjun: Bye! Good night

They left and I opened the door. I noticed Jimin didn't came. I was relived and turn on the lights.

??: Well.. Welcome Y/n

I heard a familiar voice and froze in my spot. I gulped hard.

??: You better explain Y/n. 

