Part 2

Next Morning

You woke up at the time of 7:30am. You got up and walked to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth. You went downstairs to make breakfast. As you were busy making breakfast, Jimin was playing with his phone while he was dressed up for work. You wished if he can atleast help you to make breakfast but he don't. He is an heartless man who never cares about his wife. You shed in tears for thinking like that and you continued, making the breakfast.

Jimin: I'm hungry! Cook faster you slow ass woman!

Y/n: Uh? Yeah. I try my best to cook fast.

Jimin: Well, You're not trying your best.

You feel attacked by his harmful words. He called you slow ass woman. You finished and Jimin was already in the dining room. You served him the food and he ate it. As he took one bite. He spit the food out. He looks at you with mad in his eyes.  

Jimin: What is this?! Is this even food?! You are trying to poison me, Aren't you?! 

Y/n: What?! No! I wasn't going to kill you.

Jimin: You know what? Your cooking sucks!

Y/n: That's...... N-not..... true.

Jimin: Oh really? (He throws the plate to the floor and it broke it into pieces. It made you flinch and you looked at him, scared. You managed to speak some words)

Y/n: What.... are you.... doing?

Jimin: Destroying your junk. Wish I can break your heart like this. You slut! You are useless. I am not eating this shit!

He left, leaving you in tears. You never know this was going to happened. You fall down to the floor,  crying. Grabbing the piece of the broken plate. You took it near to your wrist, attempting to cut it. You slowly cut it and you can feel the pain. It was the first time, hurting yourself. The blood was flowing of your wrist. The pain was getting worse but you tried to stay strong. You got up with all the strength you have and went to your bedroom to heal that wound you made. 

Jimin POV

It was almost afternoon and i am hungry. I shouldn't have told those words to Y/n. I heard a knock on the door.

Jimin: Come in.

The door revealing my secretary in a revealing dress? Oh no, She must seducing me again. She walked sexy but she looked like a zombie. I'm disgusted. I ignore her appearance and asked,

Jimin: Did you finished the work I gave you last week?

??: No but I promised to give it to you tomorrow (She said it in a seductive tone and that made Jimin disgusted)

Jimin: And when Anna?

Anna: Please Mr. Park. Give me one day. I will finished the work and will give you.

Jimin: And I know you don't. First you came late, and then wear a revealing dress to seduce me and you didn't finished the work I gave you last week!

Anna: Scoffs Maybe if you divorced your ugly wife and we will get married and we will live happy.


Anna: What?

Jimin: You deaf girl. YOU'RE FIRED!

She came towards me and shoves her face to mine. She was looking at me for a few seconds and she kissed me. My eyes widened. I tried to push her and she fell to the ground.
Anna: See? *Shows the phone of them* I finally took a picture of me, kissing you. Now I will make your wife's life more worst.

Jimin: Anna! Deleted that picture! NOW!

Anna: Owwww. I already send it to her. Uh oh. smirks

Jimin: What have you done?! Give me that!

Anna: (She throws the phone to the ground and it scattered into pieces. Jimin can't believe what she just did)

Anna: What happened Mr. Park?

Jimin: Out!

Anna: What?


Anna: Ugh! Fine.

She left and I can't believe what just happened. That brat. Please Y/n, Don't take her words and actions. Please.


I was listening some music until I got a notification from someone. I checked who was it from and it was from his secretary. What happened now? I opened her message and my eyes widened. Why is she kissing him? Is he cheating on me? No. It can't be. I throwed my phone to the floor and rolled into a ball and cried. 

Y/n: He cheated on me. He cheated on me. Thanks god for this useless life. I lost everything. I lost my mom and dad. I lost love. I even forget how to love someone nor myself. Why? Please someone poison me. 

I got sick of this life. I wanted to die. The world I been living, treated me like a trash in the street. I feel weak. I feel death. I feel sadness. I feel pain. It hurts, so much. This prison, that i won't escape from here. Don't worry Jimin. We will divorce one day and you go enjoy your life with your new love of your life. I slept due to tiredness cuz of crying. 

At night.

I woke up and took my phone to see what time is it. It was 9:30! I quickly got up in bed and went downstairs. I checked the front door to see if Jimin was there but no one was there. I shrugged off and went to the kitchen. As i took the pan to cook, I remember the words that Jimin told me. "Your cooking sucks!" Ugh! My brain. It is making me crazy.  Calm down, Y/n. I took some carrots and a chopping boards. As i was started cutting carrots, My vision became blurry bcuz i cried alot. I accidently cut my finger.

Y/n: Oww!! That's hurts! (You hissed in pain) 

I went to take the first aid and healed my cut. I wrapped the bandage around my finger and went to continue the dinner.

Few minutes later, I have done with the dinner. I tried the food and it was ok. I hope he will love this food. I heard a knock at the door. I went towards the door and saw Jimin. Jimin was drunk. I can see his hair was a mess. He was about to fall but I grabbed him. I sighed. He was talking nonsense already. I helped him to walk towards his room. We both went inside the room and I placed him in the bed. I help him to change into his pajamas with my eyes closed. I dont want to see his private parts tho. I went downstairs and ate dinner without him. After eating, I went to room and sleep like nothing happened. 

