say something...

He was in a bad mood after that.i kept silent..afraid..i didnt know what to do.
After class ,he was walking behind me,he was near by the 
Shop while i was working .he kept waiting till i go back home...he accompanied me too.before i go in home:
-i m Ryuu.glad to meet you...

-why dont you answer me? What is the problem?
-are you sure about this?
-about what?
- talking to me...?
-why ? Shouldnt I? You dont like me right ?
-that s not it.....i said that but nothing more ...
-tell me what should i do? Should i hate you ? Should i ignore your existance

What should i say? Say something arisu...say anything.
-thats not what.i said.i dont dislike you...
-thank god.can i keep talking to you?
-hum,i guess.
