daily life

My mother left me 3 years ago.i live by myself since that...I have a part time job after school.
Friends?no.no one talks to me.in my village every one know about me and my story.
I don't have anyone to talk to,I even didn't have to buy to myself a phone. I don't even have a mom or a dad to talk to and to call.then no need to ...
I always wake up at 6.even if I'm at holidays.first I prepare myself to go out (probably to go to school ) and then .I prepare my bento.true I don't live far away from school.i can come back.but I love watching the sky from the terrace of the school while im eating.im lucky,even if a teacher sees me ,s/he won't blame me...I guess they don't want to talk to a bastard. ..probably...anyway and when I go out from school at 3 pm. I go to my work shop.i work at a bookstore.
And I go  back home at 7pm.i prepare to myself a dinner.and I go to sleep after eating it...
