:Tea Time:

The bell rang signaling the end of classes. Sophie grabbed her backpack and walked out of the classroom. She grabbed her phone out of her backpack and saw a text from Dex

D: Hey do you want to go to the Jasmine Dragon?

(A/N:I just wanted to add an avatar reference in.-Ellie)

S: Sure sounds super fun. Meet you in the courtyard in ten minutes!

D: See you then.

Sophie walked to the courtyard after dropping off her backpack and grabbing some money. And saw Dex.

"Hi Sophie" Dex said waving, "I figured that since you're probably going to be going on the field trip we should go on our walk earlier in the week. Plus we won't have to get drinks for Biana and Fitz since they do not know that we are going," Dex turned when she reached him and started walking towards town.

"You really think that I'm going to go on the field trip?" Sophie said thinking about the last grade she got, an A. Her worst grade this year.

"Well yeah, you're the smartest person in our grade," Dex said, smirking. A few minutes later they arrived outside of the Jasmine Dragon. They walked through the door to see Zuko, the owner's nephew.

"Hello," Zuko said smiling at them. "Would you like to be seated or order quick,"

"Can we be seated?" Dex asked, smiling.

"Of course, would you like anything?" Zuko asked them.

"I'll have jasmine tea," Sophie said.

"I'll have some hot cocoa and a biscuit," Dex ordered.

"Uncle, we need a hot cocoa, some jasmine tea and a biscuit," Zuko shouted back to his uncle.

"What are you going to do on you free day in Paris?" Dex asked Sophie taking the sugar packets from the middle of the table and reorganizing them.

"I'm probably not going to Paris Dex," Sophie said annoyed.

"Here is your tea, hot cocoa and biscuit," Zuko said, coming back to their table to hand them what they ordered.

"Thanks," Sophie and Dex said.

"Back to the conversation, you're definitely going to Paris, I mean you have a photographic memory" Dex said very much stressing the fact that there was no way she wasn't gonna go. Sophie sighed and finally gave in.

"You really think I'm going to get to go?" Sophie said after she took a sip of her tea. Dex nodded and smiled. The pair talked for a few hours just catching up. Then an awkward topic came up.

"What do you see in Keefe that you hang out with him so much?" Dex said. Sophie blushed at the mention of his name.

"Well he is funny, and caring. And he is just good company. What's the big deal?" Sophie said. She then picked up her second cup of tea and finished it.

"Nothing. I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all," Dex said softly. Sophie smiled.

"What would I do without you?"

"I have no clue," Dex laughed. Sophie smiled and then the pair went back to talking about random things. After 20 more minutes Dex and Sophie decided it was time to head back to school. Once Sophie made it back to her dorm she was greeted with Biana laying on her bed staring at the ceiling smiling.

"So Bi. What's up?" Sophie said while putting down her purse. Biana sat up to face Sophie and smiled.

"Me and Tam had a study date," Bi said in a dreamy voice. Sophie raised her eyebrows intrigued at this new development in her best friend's love life.

"Really? How was it?" Sophie said sitting down next to Biana.

"It was spectacular. Tam is so kind. Have I mentioned how much I like him?"Biana said, still talking in a dreamy voice. Sophie laughed at her romantical best friend.

"You may have mentioned that you like him. But not that much. So, when did you guys plan this study date?" Sophie said.

"We planned it last night. I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was worrying about the science test we have soon, so I texted Tam," Biana said, flopping back on her bed.

"That's nice. But why didn't you tell me that you were stressed. I could have helped," Sophie said. Biana nodded and then responded to her best friend.

"I know. But I didn't want to add more to your plate since you have the Paris trip in a few days," Bi said. It was now Sophie's turn to flop back on the bed next to Biana.

"Ugh. Why does everyone think I'm going to get to go to Paris?!" Sophie asked, flopping down on her bed.

"Because You. Are. Smart," Biana said emphasizing each word. "Now lets pack!" Biana said excitedly. Sophie rolled her eyes but still got up and walked over to her closet. She looked through her closets for a while before Biana got up and helped.

"I literally have nothing. Nothing at all,"Sophie groaned shocked that this was even coming out of her month. Biana smirked knowing exactly why Sophie was acting this way.

"I'm not going to make fun of you but is this about Keefe?"Biana said, fighting back another smirk. Sophie groaned and then shook her head "no". She paused for a moment then started shaking her head "yes".

"I don't know why this is happening. I don't care what he thinks. There. That's the truth," Sophie said, stomping her foot and looking at Biana. Bi shook her head but didn't pry further. The girls found a bunch of cute stuff in both of their closet's, so by the time they were done they had a nice collection of things Sophie could bring. Sophie grabbed her phone and texted Keefe.

S: Hey.

K: Hey Foster. Whats up?

S: biana made me pack cause she thinks i'm gonna go on the Paris trip.

K: Haha. Why don't you think you're gonna go to Paris.

K: You certainly are smart enough to go.

S: I just don't want to get my hopes up

K: Fair. But it would be fun if both of us got to go to paris.

S: Yeah. It would.

K: Well my dad is calling me. 😩

S: Bye.

K: Bye Foster.

Sophie smiled and looked up from her phone. Biana was standing in front of her with her arms crossed looking really annoyed.

"So are you going to tell me who you were texting?" Bi said. Sophie sighed.

"I was texting Keefe," Sophie said, shrugging her shoulders. Biana's eyes lit up and she snached Sophie's phone out of her hand. Sophie reached for her phone back but was unsuccessful in getting it back. Biana read through Sophie's conversation with Keefe and smiled really big.

"You too are literally so cute. I totally ship it. So what are you two going to do together in Paris?" Biana said, still smiling.

"Ugh. You're so annoying. Just leave it alone. We are friends and that's it and I'm not sure what we will do in Paris," Sophie said sitting down on her bed. Biana sat next to her and grabbed Sophie's hands.

"I will stop making fun of you when you realize you like Keefe," Bi said.

"I don't like Keefe. Now I'm going to go to dinner," Sophie said as she got up and walked over to the door. Biana sighed and waved at Sophie. Sophie left the room and Biana flopped back on Sophie's bed.

"When will she realize."

(A/N: Thank you guys so much for over 500 overall reads. That is so incredibly crazy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next few chapters are going to be really exciting so be prepared. -Olivia)Β Β 
