:Lunch buddies:

"So, Sophie are you going to ever explain why you were wearing Keefe's sweatshirt,"Biana said for the 100th time this day. And it was only 11 o'clock. The students were on their hour lunch break. Sophie looked up from her book and stared at Biana.

"I'll tell you as long as you don't tease me about Keefe,"Sophie said while getting up from her bed and walking over to Biana. Sophie then sat down on Biana's bed and Biana faced her with an extreme amount of excitement.

"I don't why you're so excited about this. I was cold and he insisted on me wearing his sweatshirt. And it was really cold so I wore it," Sophie said, bored. Biana clapped her hands and bounced up and down on her bed.

"Yay!! My ship is finally sailing. Did you ever give the sweatshirt back?" Biana said. Sophie soaked in what Biana said and then her eyes widened.

"Oh no. I completely forgot to give it back. Keefe is going to be so mad," Sophie said panicking. Biana laughed and put her hand on Sophie's shoulder.

"He didn't ask for it back because he wanted you to have it,"Biana said with a sparkle in her eye. Sophie groaned and flopped back on Biana's bed.

"I'm going to go now. I don't feel like being tormented by you anymore,"Sophie said getting up and leaving the dorm room. Sophie looked back at Biana and caught her smiling like the Cheshire cat. Sophie shook her head and left. She walked out of the building and strolled around campus. She walked around for a while till she realized she still didn't eat lunch. She ran to the lunch room and grabbed a bagel. Sophie looked around the lunch room and tried to find her friends. She couldn't spot anyone so she left for Keefe's dorm. Once Sophie got Keefe's dorm she knocked on the door. Keefe opened it and once he registered who was standing in front of him, he pulled Sophie into a hug.

"I knew you found me irresistible," Keefe said. Sophie blushed and then said.

"Whatever. Biana has been tormenting me so this was the next best place to come," Her speech was muffled because the pair was still hugging but Keefe understood her perfectly. They pulled away from the hug and Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her into his dorm room.

"So there is 30 minutes till class starts again. What do you want to do?" Keefe said while walking over to his bed and sitting down. Sophie sat down on his floor and took out her lunch.

"Well if you can't tell, I have lunch to eat so...yeah,"Sophie said while putting the cream cheese she grabbed on her bagel. Keefe lost his smile for a second but then started smiling again. He got up from his bed and sat down next to Sophie on the floor. Keefe sneakily put his arm around Sophie's shoulders. Sophie's face turned pink and she tried to shrug his arm off. But it wouldn't budge.

"So did you finish the first Percy Jackson book yet,"Keefe said, smirking. Sophie smiled and nodded.

"Yeah and I'm almost done with the second one, I got it on my kindle" Sophie said smiling. Keefe looked at Sophie in shock. It was Sophie's turn to smirk now.

"What...How?"Keefe said at a loss for words. Sophie forced back a giggle and said.

"I don't sleep. Sleep is for the weak," Sophie shrugged trying really hard not to laugh. Keefe shook his head and scooted closer to Sophie.

"Well... actually I have no clue what to say to that," Keefe said, shrugging his shoulders and laughing. Sophie smiled and rested her head on Keefe's shoulder. Keefe blushed and rubbed Sophie's back. They sat like that in silence for about 10 minutes till Sophie realized something.

"Keefe! You need to show me your drawings,"Sophie said ruining the sweet moment they were having. Keefe groaned but didn't get up.

"Please. You promised you would,"Sophie said practically begging. Keefe slowly got up and walked over to where Sophie was standing. He stared into her eyes making her blush. Then out of nowhere he picked her up and put her tiny body over his shoulder.

"Keefe! Stop!! Put me down,"Sophie said in between fits of giggles. Keefe started laughing.

"I'm not putting you down until you promise to go out to dinner with me,"Keefe said. Sophie couldn't see his face but it was bright red.

"Well that was really random,"Sophie said confused. Keefe smiled and then said.

"I came up with that idea while we were sitting in silence," Sophie nodded and then thought about what she should say to his question.

"Sure. I'll go to dinner with you," Sophie said and then sighed. Keefe carefully put her down and then threw his arms around her. Sophie laughed and hugged him back.

"As sad as I am for ending this little hang out session. Class starts soon and you don't really seem like the ditching type,"Keefe said while leading Sophie to the door. Sophie laughed and opened his door.

"You should really come to class sometimes. It's not as bad as you might think,"Sophie said walking out of the room. Keefe laughed and shook his head.

"Bye Foster."

"Bye Keefe."Sophie walked back to her dorm and grabbed her books. She speedwalked to history class and made it just in time. She sat down at her desk and then the bell rang.

"Care to tell me why you're late?" Biana whispered to her. Sophie turned around to face Biana.

"Since you were being annoying I left and got lunch. But then I couldn't find any of our friends, so I went to Keefe's dorm to see if he was there. And he was so we hung out till it was time for class to start,"Sophie said super casually. Biana's face lit up and she smiled.

"Oh. Did you have fun with Keefe?"Biana said as casually as she could. Sophie blushed a little bit and nodded.

"Yeah. He invited me to dinner sometime soon," Sophie said while smirking. Biana couldn't hold it anymore. So she squealed. In the middle of class. But that's a normal thing for her so no one paid attention.

"Sophie, don't you realize that you just agreed to go on a date with Keefe," Biana said in a high pitched voice. Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Keefe is just my friend and anyway I was kind of forced to say yes. And you better not ask me why because I really don't feel like telling you the whole story," Sophie said. Biana frowned.

"Fine. But I will be helping you get ready for the dinner," Biana said, happy again. Sophie rolled her eyes and focused her attention to the teacher.  

(A/N: Hi guys!! Thank you for almost 300 reads. That is absolutely insane. Please comment possible future chapter ideas. -Olivia)
