
When Akaashi goes to sleep that night, he dreams of big smiles and hands pinning him down he dreams of lips on his neck. Akaashi wakes up in a cold sweat. He doesn't know what's going on but thinks he just lacks human contact, so it's fine. Akaashi is nervous. He doesn't know how awkward it's going to be with him and Bokuto today, because what Bokuto did was an accident, and here he is dreaming about it. Akaashi doesn't want to make it weird. He gets up and takes a cold shower he woke up before his alarm, so he has 2 hours to spare Akaashi makes some toast and decides to go to morning practice early for once.

When he gets there, he sees Bokuto doing drills against the building wall. 

"You know I could get you a replica key?" he asks Bokuto for what seems to be the 100th time. Bokuto catches the ball and turns chuckling "you know me I'd end up losing it," he says 

"So, I'd just make you another one," Akaashi replies as he opens the gym door "how come you're here so early? hmm, Akaashi?" Akaashi looks up at the Ace and looks back down opening the door to let them both in he makes for the practice balls 

"I had a bad dream and couldn't go back to sleep," Akaashi explains. 

"oh, oh, oh," Bokuto says coming closer "was it a sexy dream" Bokuto asks wiggling his eyebrows in a weird way Akaashi blushes and grabs the cart of volleyballs. "It was!! I'm your best friend, Akaashi; you should tell me if your crushing on someone," and there it is again that fake smile of his the one Akaashi hate the most because Bokuto thinks he's hiding his feelings by showing it the setter looks down. 

"tsk, yes, it was. Still, they were way out of my league, so it's not like I stand a chance anyway," Akaashi never lies. He only tells half-truths. Hence, it's not really lying, Bokuto is definitely out of his league. It's not like he likes Bokuto in that way either it was just a random dream set up from his Conscience because Akaashi is starved for human contact and that's on AP psychology the Raven raises his head and is shocked to see Bokuto is staring at him intensely 

"Akaashi, trust me when I say, you can get anyone you want. They'd be stupid to say no to you." Akaashi looks down at the cart not knowing what to say to that because Bokuto is always saying the dumbest things his heart is racing a mile a minute 

"come on baka, I'll set for you" he doesn't miss the smile on Bokuto's face as he comes over to his side. 

Soon enough his teammates start filling in they do there morning jog and drills and get changed for class during lunchtime one of his classmates Yuki asks him if she can talk to him they walk outside by where he usually eats lunch with his team, and she starts talking

"uh... I-I was wondering, well I never see you with anyone and-and" she starts stuttering over her words Akaashi zones out and sees Bokuto in the corner of the building, Akaashi isn't sure if he is trying to be sneaky or something but Bokuto is listening in on the conversation, oh god "...and uh... your nice and smart and we've known each other for a while," honestly Akaashi can't even remember this girls name right now he knows he's had classes with her since middle school. Still, they rarely talk to each other "what I'm trying to say is that I THINK IM IN LOVE WITH YOU," she yells out Akaashi is caught off guard. 

How can someone he rarely talks to be in love with him, he doesn't get it "uhhhh... Thank you?" he replies awkwardly. This is the first time someone has ever said they loved him its always 'i really like you' or 'Akaashi would you be my boyfriend' but never love. He thinks he's made the situation incredibly awkward cause the girl looks like she's about to cry. Akaashi really can't handle that right now, or ever. Luckily Bokuto comes in standing next to him and wraps his hand over Akaashi's shoulder. "What my emotionless constipated friend means is that he really can't be with anyone at the moment because of his rigorous schedule, and wants to thank you for the offer. Did I use the word right, rigorous?" he whispers the last part, Akaashi nods, "uh... I see well. I'm sorry for bothering you guys," she bows and then quickly walks away Bokuto waits until she is a reasonable distance away and turns to his friend.

"uh, Akaashi, Akaashi, Akaashi," Bokuto reprimands while shaking his head Akaashi blushes and looks to the ground feeling ashamed "Please tell me you don't say 'thank you' to all the girls that confess to you." 

Akaashi defiantly feels like an asshole right now. "No," he says furiously "she just caught me off guard," he adds Bokuto just shakes his head disapprovingly, and Akaashi hates that their roles are reversed right now. 

"you know she would have cried if I didn't step in," and yeah Akaashi defiantly knows that "thanks" Akaashi whispers reluctantly. Bokuto has the audacity to look happy right now, and Akaashi wants to punch him "you owe me one," Bokuto says with a smile on his face and oh no Akaashi thinks 

"Look Bokuto there is no way I can set for you every time in games the other time will catch on and we'll never win" he explains again because Bokuto had asked this of him many times before "not that, although I still think I could take them" Akaashi rolls his eyes because he knows for a fact that Bokuto cant. After all, they've tried it before and were benched for the remainder of the game after losing a match "If not that, then what?" Akaashi questions, "let me go to your house this weekend?"

