Chapter Nine: Tonight

Eren was walking away from Armin with him in mind.

He had to go to Armin's dorm at 9pm tonight. He was happy because he loved spending time with Armin. Marco was Armin's dormmate and was going to going to be 'hanging out with Jean' at Jean's dorm.

Eren had a Food Tech class with Mikasa.  She sat next to him while the teacher explained they were going to make some sugar cookies, in partners.

"I'll be with Eren!" Some girl called.

"No! He's mine!" Another yelled. A wave of girls screamed for him. Eren went redder than a beetroot.

"Stop fighting!" The teacher instructed. "I will pair him with Mikasa."

Mikasa looked at Eren in the eyes. "Looks like its fate, Eren Jaeger." Mikasa said seductively. He felt oddly turned on by his adoptive sister. Thinking of her as a sister stopped him. No! She isn't the one for me.

As they made the batter, Mikasa kept staring him on. What is her problem? When they were pouring the batter, she poured it in a heart shape. He took the hint already.

"Mikasa," Eren said, "what are you doing?"

"Oh, I was going to pour it in a heart."

"Why, do you have a crush on me?"


"Don't worry, everyone does."

"But Eren-"

He whispered in her ear and she giggled.


Armin walking to his locker as he overheard some dudes talking about Eren.

"You know that Mikasa had Eren at her dorm last night?"

"Yeah, there's a rumour they did it!"

Armin's heart just about broke. No... It can't be! Please no... no! Just a rumour... harmless rumour! I never had a chance with Eren and I never will! It's fake... Of course! Eren's popular and popular people always have rumours made up about them. As he walked to the next class, he saw Eren and Mikasa walking out of the kitchen together, followed by many whispering.

"Hey Eren!" Armin heard himself calling.

Eren walked away from Mikasa.

"Hey Armin!"

Even though Armin was sulking a few seconds ago, seeing Eren livened him up, even if he was with her.

"So Eren... people are saying you and Mikasa, ya know..." Armin said quietly and trailed off.

"Know what?" Eren replied, confused.

"Did it  last night." Armin said shyly.

"Oh shitaki mushrooms! Ah- I gotta go-" Eren said, nervously running away.

"Eren!" Armin called out but Eren had already left.

Armin crumbled more than a Nature Valley granola bar. He ran to the bathrooms and sobbed. He decided to ditch class and just cry. He cried until his eyes throbbed. He didn't feel that way for anyone else, and to see the demon that ruined it in the form of a black-haired, scarf-wearing girl run off with him made Armin cry. His best friend,  trustworthy companion and the love of his life was just taken away from him, like taking a bottle away from a baby. That's what I am, just a baby. That made Armin bawl his eyes out until he coughed and threw up into the toilet. He couldn't stand it anymore.

Armin could hear someone walk into the bathrooms.

 "Oh god, you okay?" Bertholdt asked.

Armin sniffed. "No... I think I'm going to... throw up again..."

"We need to get you out of here!" Bertholdt said caring.

He lifted Armin up to his feet. 

"What's wrong?" Bertolt asked.

"Well, the person- the person I like just ditched me."

"Oh no." Bertholdt bent so he could see eye to eye with Armin. "Look, I'll help you get back to class."

As they walked to his class, Armin couldn't stop himself thinking of Eren. He wiped his eyes, not knowing what to do. When they got there, Bertholdt smiled and said goodbye.

"See you later Armin."

Armin was already late and they teacher would be mad, but that's the only thing he could do.

When he walked in, the whole class looked at him.

"Arlert, you're late." the teacher mumbled.

"S-sorry sir."

Armin shyly sat down in the only available seat, next to Connie.

"Dude, are you crying?"

"Nah, I'm good."

The lesson totally skipped Armin's mind, because he was thinking of Eren. Oh god, I'll need to face him tonight, our  "study" night. Armin thought. I can't tell him, but I need to. Soon the lunch bell rang and he was off.
