Chapter 17: Sabotaged

Armin walked to his dorm and saw Marco blocking the front door, staring at something inside. When Armin pushed his way through, he saw it. The dorm was sabotaged. It was flooded, the carpet soaked. The TV was smashed, and plates and glasses were in pieces on the floor. Marco's picture of Jean was shattered. Armin's books were torn up and the pages everywhere.

W-who could have done this? Armin thought.

Marco ran inside and started panicking.

"C-call the police!" Marco cried.

Armin stumbled for his phone, and quickly dialled the emergency number.

"H-hello?--- M-my dormitory has been broken into and sabotaged..."

A long pause.

"Th-thank you." and he hung up.

"They won't be too long. Calm down, Marco."

He eventually got Marco to stop panicking .


Eren looked out his window to see a police car drive up to the dorms.

Huh? That's weird. Eren thought. Wait... isn't that Armin's dorm? He suddenly rushed over to the place and felt someone smother him with a hug. A wet hug. He looked up to see the blue eyes of Armin, tears streaming down his face.

"What happened here? Why are there cops?" He panicked.

"Well, there was... someone..." Armin struggled to talk, and burst into tears.

Eren hugged him hard. "Shh.. everything's gonna be okay."

Armin had stopped sniffling, and pulled away from the boy.

Eren picked up the blonde's hands, and asked him if he could see inside the dorm.

A shocked look covered his face. Fuming, he knew exactly who would have done this.

Mikasa... I'm going to kill her! Eren thought.

More sooner than later, the principle had made his way over, and started talking to the policemen.

"You kids scooch off, we gotta do some adult matters." He said, so the three boys made their way to Eren's dorm.

When they arrived at Eren's dorm, Jean immediately got up and smothered Marco in a hug after seeing his red eyes. After explaining what happened, the four boys decided to have dinner together. Marco and Armin wanted to sleep over, so Marco slept in Jean's bed with him, and Armin slept in Eren's with him.


He bolted awake. Eren looked over at the clock, it read 1:38 am.

Oww... my head hurts. He thought. He looked over at Armin, but he was fast asleep.

That was a scary dream... He had had a really bad dream about -no- he would rather not talk about it.
