Is he keeping something from me?


There was a knocking at the door. Sasuke turned towards the door without kissing Naruto. Shikamaru looked up to the door already feeling sleepy.

"Ugh what a drag, who is it?"

"Oh heh I came to tell you that lunch is over. Didn't you guys hear the bell?" Kiba poked his head inside a little puzzled when seeing Sasuke holding Naruto.

"Oh...haha Shikamaru are you third wheeling!?"

"Shut the fuck up mutt!"


Naruto looked at the two boys who looked like they really wanted to tear up each other. Sasuke looked annoyed at them and let go of Naruto.

"Ugh okay you guys break it up let's go and set up for music. Naruto I'll be back with your ramen I said that I'll get."

Naruto looked at Sasuke very happy.


Sasuke smirked as he saw the blond run up to the piano and started playing.

"Oh by the way Naruto. You passed either way you came or not." Shikamaru said while putting Kiba in a choke hold. Naruto looked back really confused.

"Huh why?" The blond questioned. Shikamaru just walked off with Kiba and looked back.

"Lets just say a certain someone was dying to meet you again." With that Shikamaru and Kiba walked off still arguing.

Naruto's pov

Huh? What does he mean by again? I never met these guys up until now. I thought about it for a while until...I smelled the greatest thing invented.


"Aww what happened to teme?"

Tch asshole I'll let that one slide...

"Hmm maybe I'm feeling nice today." With that said I can enjoy some food in Sasuke!"

3rd pov

"Hey Naruto."


"What do you think of me?"

"Yo*slurp*rrr not su*slurp* a b*slurp* guy."

"Tch dobe eat then talk."

"I said you're not a bad guy. Why?"

"It's nothing. After you've finish your ramen go straight back to practice."

"Hmph what makes you think I'm staying?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto with his porcelain face.

"Because I will make sure you stay."

Naruto looked away then looked back staring at Sasuke then realized something. Sasuke felt a little uncomfortable.

"Oi dobe am I that handsome?"

" I know you?"


"I said do I know you teme look kind of familiar. Did we meet before?"

Sasuke just kept quite and looked away.

"If we met before then I wouldn't be talking to you. I hate meeting people from the past." Sasuke said then left the room to grab his music sheets.

All Naruto could think of was if sasuke is keeping something from him.

Gym with Naruto


Ugh Mr.Gai is cruel when it comes to physical tests!!! I walked out to the vending machine to get a water and I stumbled across somebody I never really talked to yet.

"Hey Neji."


Boy this guy is kinda intense when coming up to him.

"Hey uh so how do you like your band?"

"It's alright."

"Oh cool..."

This guy is kinda scary...

"Sigh am I that intense to talk to???"


"what no of course not Neji!"

"Whatever what do you want You're interrupting my studies."

Shit I kinda just started talking to him without any reason. Think Naruto think!!! AHA GOT IT!!!

"Okay so I wanna ask you...have I met you guys before?"

"Hmm no I never saw you in my life up until now."

"Oh well I feel like you're band members are keeping something away from me."

"Well if anything I'm not in it."

" you know something about me passing the test either if I went or not?"


Then suddenly Neji got up and started packing.

"OI Neji whats the rush."

"*sigh* its not my place to tell you that nor I even care about it so I'm just gonna go somewhere else cause you're annoying."


"Okay if you don't care so much Mr.Rich then tell me!"

"UGH okay fine its because Sasuke doesn't wanna let you go Happy!?!"

....what????? Sasuke?

"You're such a nuisance so long whiskers."


I HATE THAT GUY!!!...wait a minute...does that mean sasuke...likes me?!

After school
3rd pov

Naruto walked out of the building and headed for the parking lot. He saw Ino and Sakura waiting by his car.

"Hey guys did you want a ride home?" Naruto smiled.

"...Naruto we need to talk!" Sakura announced.

"What do you need to talk about?"

The pink haired girl kept quite then Ino spoke up.

"Sakura wants to stop hanging out with you because...well...she thinks your stealing sasuke away from her..."

Naruto looked confused by why she thought that. Amused by it Naruto started laughing.

"Oh my goodness hahaha you think I want sasuke!? Thats very funny okay so let's go get some coffee and then we could go and-"

"THIS ISNT A JOKE NARUTO!!!" Sakura snapped at Naruto. Naruto was now shocked and realized that she was serious.

"Wait really? But I don't like him he's nowhere near my type and-"

"YES HE IS! HE KINDA REMINDS ME OF YOUR STUPID EX!!!" Sakura interrupted again. At this point Naruto was getting kinda pissed after mentioning his ex.

"Okay sakura thats kinda going too far. Sasuke is just a dude!"

"THATS NOT TRUE SASUKE IS EVERYTHING!!! FROM THIS POINT ON YOU'RE MY RIVAL!!!" Naruto couldnt believe what he was hearing. All he knew was that he lost his one and only friends. Ino looked around to see a lot of students looking at them even the band members.

"Uh Sakura...we should go." Ino tapped on Sakura.

"Yeah okay." With that said from Sakura they both left. Naruto was holding his tears back as he got in his car and started it.

Naruto's pov

After that fight I felt like crying so bad. I just lost my best friend because of a boy. As I was ready to cry I heard a tapping noise on my window. It was Sasuke...I quickly wiped my tears and rolled my window down.

"What do you want teme!?"

"...Neji talked to you right? Can you drive me somewhere. I need to talk to you privately."

"Don't you have band practice after school?"

"I told the guys to just go on ahead."

"Oh then okay but make it quick! You already made me lose my friends."


Sasuke jumped in and we drove off.


Btw here is what naruto's car looks like...

Thanks for reading

Bye bye~~
