
Shikamaru's pov

Ugh school is such a drag...

I rested my head on the desk waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. I usually count down the hours I finish the school day so that I could go home.



I walked out of Mr.Asuma's classroom. He's cool to be honest but I only have him for one or two classes.


I looked down at my pocket and grabbed my phone.

Temari: hey you done school yet?

Shikamaru: no its only lunch which is such a drag.

Temari: ugh you're already smart babe I don't understand why you even went back to school you're famous on top of that.

She's right but I don't like to admit that. My girlfriend is 3 years older then me. My parents don't approve but hey its better then dating a guy.

Shikamaru: true but I also wanna finish school so that my mother doesn't nag at me.

Temari: well how about I pick you up and we could go out for dinner? My treat!

Shikamaru: skip school...okay yeah it's lunch right now so hurry.

Temari: okay Mr.lazy


I looked up to see that bone head Kiba walking my way.

"Ugh what do you want mutt?"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!...actually go ahead I am in a great mood!"

Tch sometimes I hate it went my insults don't work on him.

"Why are you so happy? A girl?"

Kiba looked away and blushed a bit.

" but I'm dating someone now."

I looked at him a bit surprised. I then started walking with him to the music room.

"Heh I guess there is someone for everyone. So who's the lucky girl?"

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me a bit embarrassed.

"Actually...its a boy. His name is Gaara."

...oh no...I quickly grabbed his hand and ran into the music room. I then locked the piano room and sat him down.

"Listen to me when I say this dog boy you can't be dating Gaara!"

"Why not!? That ain't your decision! I can date whoever I want and that's Gaara! Wait how do you even know him?"

I was a bit hesitant to tell him but I'm not gonna get slapped around by Temari that Kiba broke Gaara's heart in the future. You see Kiba is a play boy. He already slept with that Shino guy but said it was a one time thing.

"So? Why can't I?"

"Because Gaara is Temari's little brother!"

He and I froze after that. He looked at me shocked and kinda disturbed.


"Yeah thats why you two have to break up before Temari knows about this."


Tch who does this guy thinks he is yelling at me. Then both of our phones dinged.

"...its Temari she's here for me."

"Gaara wants me...look I dont care for your problems with me. I'm dating Gaara and thats that!"

Kiba then stormed off first while I sighed and grabbed my bag. They won't last a week anyways!

3rd pov

The spiky ponytailed boy walked out seeing his lover at her vehicle. He cracked a smile and started walking a bit faster to her. Suddenly the boy looked beside her and saw the red head and his band member standing beside her.

"Huh? What are you doing here!?" Kiba and Shikamaru yelled at the same time.

"I wanted to know who Gaara's new lover was so I invited them." Temari explained looking at Shikamaru kinda mad that it was Kiba.

"Huh? Whats going on?" Gaara looked at Kiba who was looking at Shikamaru with blood lust in his eyes.

"Well whatever let's go." Temari told the three boys and headed out.

At lunch

3rd pov

Sasuke sat alone in the music room with Neji eating.

" Sasuke how long you and Naruto were together?" Neji asked while Sasuke almost choked.

"What! How in the hell did you-"

"It was obvious. You weren't hanging all over him like before. Don't worry I won't tell the others." Neji told Sasuke who looked annoyed.

"Tch whatever just dont tell anyone. But Shikamaru knows as well." Sasuke and Neji then realized something and looked at each other.

"Kiba..." they both said with a sweat drop.

The door was suddenly opening and interrupted the boys conversation. They saw a nervous blond poked his head inside. Sasuke smirked at him and Neji looked back down to his food.

"Hey uhhh can I let a friend sit with us today Neji?" Naruto asked a bit embarrassed. Sasuke looked at Neji puzzled at the sudden question.

"Go ahead I dont mind." Neji said while eating his soba.

"Thanks a lot I'll go get them!" Naruto said happily running down the hall.

Neji felt Sasuke glaring at him and had to ask.


"Since when do you hang out with Naruto?" Sasuke asked with a bit of jealously in his voice.

"Well he usually came up to me once or twice a week and then suddenly it became our thing to eat together at lunch." Neji explained.

"Tch so that's where you've been." Sasuke snickered.

"Dont worry Naruto isn't my type."


After their conversation Naruto walked in with his friend. Sasuke looked up and stood up as fast as he could dropping his onigiri.

"WHATS HE DOING HERE!?" Sasuke said angerly. Naruto stopped and looked up to the pale black haired boy that was his ex lover.

I wanted to add a bit more to the other band members so the story doesn't just evolve around naruto and sasuke.

Thanks for reading!

Bye bye~~
