Just The Beginning

Catalina's Point Of View~🔥

Have you ever regretted something at the very last moment, but you've gone too far to go back? That's how I felt in this very moment. It was a wonder that you could already miss home so much, but you've only been gone for a small amount of time. I longed to take care of Lucy and hear one of abuela's lectures that I didn't know I would miss. I wanted to wake up to the sun shining into my room and the birds singing outside, but I promised them I would win this damn show.

"Nervous?" A deep, accented voice tore me from my thoughts.

I chuckled quietly and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "Well, it isn't every day you're on national television."

The man talking to me was handsome and there was no doubt to it. Smooth, tanned skin, chiseled muscles, sharp jaw line, alluring green eyes and a stupid charming smirk to top it all off. Needless to say, he was an Adonis.

"That is true, I suppose." He smirked at me. "Alejandro."

"Catalina." I smiled back.

"What a unique and beautiful name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Catalina." Alejandro took my hand, pressing his lips to my knuckles.

I could feel the blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Alejandro."

I could hear Chris' voice from outside of the shuttle now, bringing back all feelings of nervousness. Almost everyone filed out of the shuttle, leaving a purple haired girl in the corner, Alejandro and I left.

"Oh Dios mío..." I moaned quietly, running a hand through my hair. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

Alejandro place a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You'll do wonderfully. You look like you were made for television."

I smiled weakly at him. I could feel the blush rising back to my cheeks. "Thank you."

"He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad..."

Alejandro stood up, sending one last smile to me. "That's my cue. See you in a minute."

"See you."

... He's going to be a problem.


"Singing? I thought Chris was joking about that." Gwen said as we walked into another room.

"I don't have a problem with it." Courtney shrugged.

"Yeah. 'Cause you like singing." LeShawna sassed.

"Well I don't. Girls sing. Little birdies sing. Duncans. Do. Not. Sing." Duncan glared, crossing his arms over his chest angrily.

"Think I'll get to beat box?" Harold asked.

"I'll beat you if you try." Duncan threatened, holding a fist to Harold's face.

I quickly stood in between them, pushing Duncan's fist down and ignoring Courtney's glare directed toward me for touching her boyfriend. "Let's not fight right now. What's your motive, Chris?"

"Yeah! Why are you doing this to us?" Heather asked angrily.

"Singing reality shows are huge! And the worse the singing, the higher the ratings, which is why on this show, there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warning!" There was a collective groan among all of us. "Any who, this is the dining area where you will enjoy inflight meals."

"Not for long, eh! Prepare to lose to the Zeke!" Ezekiel pumped his arms in the air, making me crinkle my nose. I could smell his b.o. from the back of the group. Does he even shower?

"Okay, is not trying to be mean here, but you do know you got voted out first last time, right?" Gwen asked, looking over at the homeschooled boy.

"Word. And I spend every minute since making sure that don't happen again. I'm stronger, faster, smarter—" Ezekiel was quickly cut off by Chris.

"Chattier, blab-ier, can't-shut-up-ier. Now zip it and let me finish the tour so we can get this bird in flight!" Chris barked, causing Ezekiel to cower back.

"Is there a ladies room?" LeShawna asked.

"Just through there." Chris pointed down the hall.

"Good. 'Cause I gotta make a deposit." LeShawna quickly walked to the bathroom.


"There's a camera in the potty?! Again?! Can't a sister get a little privacy on this program?" LeShawna groaned loudly.

End Confessional/

We walked into a drab, spacious room. The walls had long benches on either side and water was dripping from the ceiling. "Losing teams will enjoy luxurious economy class accommodations between destinations."

I frowned and crossed my arms. "Luxurious is the overstatement of the year."

"Okay well where are our beds?" Lindsay asked, looking around.

"Owen, care to demonstrate?" We looked over to see Owen strapped to the wall, snoring his big heart away.

"That does not look comfortable." Heather stated.

"No comfort for losers." Chris smiled smugly. "Safety harnesses and an emergency exit, but no comfort here, here oooor here."

"O-M-G, Chris! I am just L-O-L!" Sierra laughed obnoxiously, pushing past me and doubling over, slapping Chris on the shoulder. I sent a glare at Sierra, crossing my arms over my chest.

"We should hit the winners compartment, eh. 'Cause I ain't never gonna sit back here! Hah! Never!" Ezekiel waved his hand in a never motion, effectively hitting me in the face. I could feel my temper rising and my eye twitching slightly in irritation.


"I'm nice to everyone. Unless you piss me off. And right now Sierra and Ezekiel are really pissing me off." I glared at the camera and crossed my arms over my chest. "Those idiots better watch out."

End Confessional/

"This is the first class cabin. The domain of each week's winners." Chris explain.

"Now this is the kind of accommodation ladies deserve." Alejandro said, smirking down at Lindsay.

"They have ladies in first class too?!" Lindsay asked before gasping. "Oh wait, me! You meant me!" She giggled sweetly, a blush blooming on her pale cheeks.

I observed the scene from next to Heather, silently scolding myself for being so easily affected by his charms back at the shuttle. Of course he was a player.

"I can totally see right through him." She scoffed quietly. "He's so fake, right?"

"He acted like this towards me back when we were on the shuttle. I can't believe I fell for his crap for even a second." I curled my lip.

"I'm glad at least someone else can see that he's playing everyone. Heather." She smirked at me, holding out a hand.

"Catalina. You can just call me Cat." I smirked back, shaking her hand.


"Woah, where are we now?" Cody gasped.

I looked around the elegant room, marveling at how expensive everything looked. "Grand piano, wood burning pizza oven, four person hot tub with LED light show and dancing waters??" I can see where all the plane's budget went.

"How do I win this? My fair LeShawna loves a hot tub." Harold said, walking over to the hot tub.

"Easy tiger. These are my quarters and they're OFF LIMITS. Clear?"

"Crystal." Harold sulked.


"Anyway, with Beth gone, Linds-iot and Ale...whatever looking like a real threat, my only strategic option would to befriend either of the new girls. And I would rather choose to befriend the one that's a lot easier not to hate." Heather rolled her eyes at the thought of the squealing fangirl. "Because whatever Sierra is, is a lot harder to pretend to like. I do not heart Sierra."

End Confessional/

"And that's pretty much it. I skipped the cargo hold and galley, but I'm pretty sure you'll find those exciting destinations later when I "accidentally" lock you in them." Chris snickered.

I rolled my eyes and let out an unintentional squeak as the plane shook, causing me to fall over into the very man that I wanted to avoid's lap. "Señorita, are you okay?" He asked, charmingly smirking down at me.

I quickly nodded my head and sat back in my seat, trying to fight the blush crawling up my neck. "Sí, I'm fine. Lo siento por caerme."

"¿Hablas español fluido?" He asked, cocking a brow.

I nodded. "Sí."

Alejandro's smirk widened. "Parece que tenemos algo en común."

I sent him a glare and crossed my arms. "No me estoy enamorando con tus estúpidos trucos."

"Veremos eso, amor." He chuckled.


"¿Por qué tiene que ser tan malditamente molesto y presumido? Juro por Dios que voy a romper su—" I angrily paced back and forth in the confessional, the camera cutting off before I can say anything worse.

End Confessional/

"One more thing! I'm sure you remember a little something called the elimination ceremony. Takes place right in there, my friends." Chris led us to another room which held the plane door. "If you don't receive a bard bag full of airline issued peanuts—"

"I got a peanut allergy, yo. Or more like a peanut sensitivity..?" Ezekiel interrupted, raising his hand.

Chris glared at him, continuing his explanation. "You will be forced to take the drop of shame."

"Okay. I just don't like—" Ezekiel was cut off this time as Chris grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him over.

"Kinda like this." Chris quickly threw Ezekiel out as the plane started taking off down the runway. Good riddance.


"Every second we're getting closer to adventure. And further from mama." DJ frowned, leaning his elbows against the table.

"I know how you feel. I miss everyone back home." I rubbed DJ's back comfortingly and looked up once I heard a bell ring.

"Whenever you hear that friendly little bell, its musical number time! So, let's hear it." Chris grinned smugly at us.

"But what are we supposed to sing?" Courtney asked.

"You have to make it up as you go." Chris snickered. "Wouldn't be challenging otherwise now, would it."

"Up, up, up, up!"
Courtney, Izzy, Sierra, and Lindsay started.
"Sing, sing, sing, sing!"
Harold, Cody, Duncan, and Tyler harmonized.
"We're flying! And singing! We're flying and we're singing!"
Everyone sang in unison.
"Come fly with us, come fly with us!"
Sierra and Cody sang as Sierra pushed Cody down the first class aisle on a cart.
"We got a lot of crazy tunes to busy, haha!"
Izzy dived out of the compartment she somehow fit into.
"Come fly with us, come fly with us!"
Bridgette and Lindsay sang, standing on top of the seats.
"It's a pleasure, and an honor, and a must."
Alejandro spoke, taking the two blonde's hands, making them giggle.
"Dudes, this is messed, you're singing in a plane." Duncan spoke unenthusiastically.
"What did you expect, Chris is freaking insane- GAH!" Harold hit himself in the face with the nunchucks he was using.
"Yeah, but guys, you're singing on TV." Gwen complained as she walked into the dining area.
"Haven't you always wanted to? I can't just be me!" Courtney sang as she did ballet around Gwen, pulling Catalina with her and twirling out of the room.
"Come fly with us! Come fly with us!"
DJ and LeShawna danced horribly as they sang.
"Do you know how do steer this thing?!"
Heather screamed, clinging onto the passenger seat of the cockpit.
"I try."
Chef said nonchalantly.
"They thought they could leave me and depart, but this stowaway's got winning in his heart!"
Ezekiel sang as he climbed out of a bag.
"Come fly with us, come die with us."
Noah and Catalina sang together as they looked at the smoking engine from the window. The next window over, Owen was awoken and screaming his lungs out.
"We're flying?! I hate flying, stop the plane!!"
He was quickly silenced by Chris whacking him over the head once again with a frying pan.
"Come fly with us, come sing with us!"
Everyone sang to Gwen and Duncan, who quickly snapped back.
Chris walked up with a thick packet of the rules.
"Anyone care for a quick copy of the season three rules because in order to escape instant elimination—"
He was quickly cut off by Catalina.
"All contestants must sing in each show."
Courtney glared at her boyfriend.
"Duncan, do it! Let's go!"
Cody clasped his hands together, begging Gwen.
"Gwen, sing it! Don't go!"
Gwen bit her lip, reluctantly standing up with a sour look on her face.
"Well... I don't wanna go home..."
Catalina smiled at Gwen and patted her back.
"You got this."
"Come fly with us, come fly with us! Come and fly with us!"
Gwen sang, doing a little jig.
"Duncan, come on! Do it, please!"
Courtney prodded at Duncan once more until finally raised his arms in the air, a pissed off look adorned in his face.
"This sucks!"

"Enough singing, fruit cakes!" Chef barked over the intercom. "Strap yourself in, we are now making our decent into Egypt."

Everybody sat down, acting like we hadn't just broke out into song and tried to enjoy the uncomfortable flight across the world.


"Dios mío, it's hot." I sighed as I tied my hair into a tight bun.

"You guys ready for some fun, huh?" Chris asked smugly from his stupid chair, drinking his cold drink. "Wow, it's a scorcher out here, huh?" He taunted before taking a long, patronizing sip from his drink.

"I'll show you a scorcher when I pull your head out of your ass and bury it in the sand, Chris." I snapped, fanning myself the best I could.


"It's like we're being cooked in a giant oven..." Harold moaned. Sweat was dripping from his face faster than Owen when he's eating food.

"It would help if you weren't dressed like a giant baked potato." LeShawna rolled her eyes at the stupid tin hat at the top of Harold's head.

"Aluminum foil means the aliens can't read your brains. It's a real problem in this area." Harold explained feebly.

"You know what else is a problem—" I was cut off by the loud crashing of symbols.

"Man, that's satisfying!" Chris laughed, setting the symbols down. "Alright, pyramid over-under means YOU choose how you'll get to the finish line. Either over or under the pyramid, got it?"

I stared at the top of the pyramid that towered over us. It definitely wasn't the trees I climbed back home, but I still had a better chance at climbing it.

"Ready." Everyone got ready to run. "Set." I set my sights in the top of the pyramid. "G—"

"Wait up, yo!!" A voice called from behind us.
"Guys, wait up!" Ezekiel pushed passed me and skid to a stop. "I told you I wasn't gonna lose this time, eh!"

"Didn't we leave you in like, Halifax or White Horse or whatever?" Chris asked with an obviously annoyed look on his face.

"It's called landing gear, homie. I climbed it and hid with the cargo." Ezekiel boasted.

"Impressive. Buuuut, you're still out." Chris grinned smugly.

"No way! I'm in it to win it! Word!" Ezekiel started throwing peace signs and flailing his arms around like a dumbass.

"Hey, it's your funeral." Chris shrugged nonchalantly before raising the symbols cheekily. "SET, GO!"

I took off for the first ledge of the period, thankful that I chose to wear flats today. I hoisted myself up, slowly catching up to Alejandro. "Hola, señor cutest mountain goat in the world." I teased with a smirk.

"Ah yes, the little blonde on has quite the impression of me." Alejandro chuckled back.

"You seem to have left quite the impression on most of the ladies here, amor." Our climbing pace seemed to slow and our gazes never broke.

"Have left the same impression, querida?" We were almost nose to nose now with identical smirks on our faces.

"Oh, amor..." My hand trailed against his strong jaw. "I can see through your act." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and giggled. "It seems your disciples are in need of assistance." With that, I climbed my way to the top and looked down. I could see Chris in his stupid outfit and a couple of the contestants along with him.

I must have been observing for quite some time because before I knew it, Alejandro and his two blonde toys were at the top with me. "Waited just so you could win with me, querida?" He asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "A girl can't enjoy the view? How can you take us down anyway?"

"You're right. It's too steep for me to carry you girls down." Alejandro frowned.

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head. We'll find a way." I patronizingly pat Alejandro's shoulder.

Bridgette looked around before gasping excitedly. "I'm a surfer! I can surf!" She pried the sign off of the pyramid and we all piled on. The sign tipped down and we began sliding down the pyramid at a fast pace. In no time, we reached the bottom and we were making our way to the other contestants.

"After you, ladies." Bridgette, Lindsay and I walked passed Alejandro.

Bridgette and Lindsay were let passed the finish line, but I, "Not so fast, Catalina. This season? Three teams! You and Alejandro will be the start of team two."

I roll my eyes as Harold says something about Egyptian numbers and go stand next to Alejandro. "If it's any consolation, you get..." Chris points across from us as we follow his finger to Tyler, who was painfully rolling down the pyramid. Ledge by ledge.

I cringed and Alejandro and I shared a look. "Uh, Tyler, is it?" He nervously asked.

"Sí, he doesn't look necessarily, how you say... stable... at the moment." I agree as I watch the poor idiot land headfirst into the sand.

"Yup!" Chris chirped back mindlessly. "And you also get..." Our host gestures to the pyramid door where Owen and Noah come running out, screaming like little girls. "Congratulations!"

"That's... wonderful." Alejandro forces out with a tight smile.

"Estámos jodidos." I muttered weakly. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alejandro nodding in agreement.


"[REDACTED] incompetente [REDACTED] [REDACTED]" Alejandro cursed loudly, throwing his arms up in the air in outrage.

End Confessional/

Sierra, Cody, and Heather were the next three out. To not much surprise, Sierra was carrying Cody over her shoulder like a rag doll. "Oh, I'm sooo happy we found you!" Sierra squealed to Cody. "Heather, aren't you sooo happy?"

"I'm so happy, I could scream." Heather forced out through gritted teeth.

Sierra was the last one to join our team, Heather and Cody starting team three. My shoulders slumped. Why did I have to get stuck with all the fucking weird ones?

You know what, at least I'm not in an unhealthy love triangle like the three stooges arguing at the top of the pyramid. Speaking of...

"OOOOOH, KIIIIIIIDS!" Chris interrupted their bickering with his mega horn and that annoying little song bell. "RECOGNIZE THAT SOUND? TIME FOR WHOEVER'S NOT FINISHED YET TO GIVE US A MUSICAL REPRISE!"

Duncan looked just about the same amount of fed up with Chris's shit as he was fed up with Courtney and Gwen's shit.

"YOU SAID ONE. SONG. PER EPISODE" He growled loudly.


Duncan didn't seem to mind that. "You know what? No. Nononononononono." He hopped down the pryamid, dragging the two girls attached to him on their asses. "Three hours of these two squawking on this stupid pyramid in this stupid heat and you want me to sing?! Forget it!"

"Dude, you have a contract." Chris pointed out with his usual smug grin.

Duncan wasn't having it. "Eat it, McClean." He pulled out his pocket knife and cut himself free from Gwen and Courtney. "If you need me, I'll be in the plane, waiting for a ride home, cuz I'm out. Done. I quit!" Duncan stormed off, finally done with his angry rant.

"Well that escalated quickly." I said, my eyebrows raised to my hairline.

Courtney and Gwen begrudgingly joined team three without their boy toy and soon, Izzy came out, covered in old bandages and carrying something that was covered in even more bandages.

"Izzy, no! You're carrying the undead!" Noah cried dramatically.

"Cool! Bite me and I can become your undead friend like Frankenstein!" Izzy cheered and the bundle of bandages actually started moving.

Unfortunately, it was just Ezekiel. Who was still adamant on being let back into the game. "Thanks for all the help, ya knobs." He snarked in his annoying, nasally voice.

Chris just ignored him and addressed Izzy. " I Izzy, you go join team—"

"Teleta, or three."

"Nobody cares, Harold." I snapped, tired of all the shenanigans already.


"Not even finished with episode one yet and I'm already sick of half the people's shit here. I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice or some shit like that." I huffed and glared at the camera.

End Confessional/

"Come on, guy." Ezekiel whined, approaching Chris.  "After all this, you gotta let me back in the game."

"Fine," Chris gave in, pushing Ezekiel's face away from him. "but only because we're down a man thanks to Duncan McQuittypants. Go ahead and join team one."

I visibly gave a sigh in relief, happy that he wouldn't be burdening my team with his presence.

"Okay, teams! Talk amongst yourselves and determine a team name. You have three minutes while I enjoy this ice cream cone." Chris explained cheekily.

I rolled my eyes and turned to my teammates. "Any bright ideas?" I ask.

Teams one and three had already decided their names while ours were still arguing amongst ourselves until... "I got it! Team Chris is really, really, really, really hot!"

"Querido señor, por favor termina mi vida ahora!" I groaned.

"Alright! Best team name ever. And here are your rewards. Team Amazon, you win a camel. Team Chris is really, really, really, really, really hot,"

"I think there were only four really's." Alejandro cut in.

"There were, Chris is just full of himself." I snicker.

"You win a goat!" The goat raced over and head butted Tyler right in the stomach. I couldn't help but love the little creature.

"You look just like Pequeño!" I smile, scratching under the goat's chin affectionately. The goat made an adorable bleating noise and nudged my hand.

"And Team Victory, here you go." Chris threw Team Victory a stick. Yes, you heard me right. A stick.

"So the guys who come in last get a camel and we get a stick?" LeShawna asks angrily.

"All will be explained, if I feel like it." Chris grinned. "Right here! On Total. Drama. World Tour!"

(A/N: Here are the translations, forgive me if they are not completely accurate for I am using google translate)

(1) Oh Dios mío... ; Oh my God

(2) Lo siento por caerme. ; I'm sorry for falling.

(3) ¿Hablas español fluido? ; Do you speak fluent Spanish?

(4) Parece que tenemos algo en común. ; It seems we have something in common.

(5) No me estoy enamorando con tus estúpidos trucos. ; I'm not falling in love with your stupid tricks.

(6) Veremos eso, amor. ; We'll see, love.

(7) ¿Por qué tiene que ser tan malditamente molesto y presumido? Juro por Dios que voy a romper su— ; Why does he have to be so damn annoying and presumptuous? I swear to God I'm going to break your—

(8) Amor ; sweetheart

(9) Querida ; darling

(10) Estámos jodidos. ; We're fucked

(11) Querido señor, por favor termina mi vida ahora! ; Dear lord, please end my life now!

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of What Do I Need With Love! Comment, vote, follow <3 Don't be a stranger! Shout out to @CrystalGamerZ for helping me with Spanish translations!)

Word count: 3963
