Author's Note

Yeah, I try to avoid doing separate chapters completely dedicated to author's notes, but here we are. Doing an author's note. In a separate chapter.

To preface, I'm not planning on discontinuing this story. While my updating is EXTREMELY inconsistent and sporadic, I would like to have at least one complete work out before I die and this is the story that I have the most motivation for.

That being said, I am going to change a couple things in this story. That's mainly the reason I'm posting this because I don't want to just change things without telling the people who read it like a jAckass. The writing style and humor is probably going to be a bit different considering I was a pretty different person when I started this story like fifty years ago. I'm also going to change our protagonist's name. Annasara is a mouthful, an eyesore on screen (completely my opinion), not even a real name, and it auto corrects to "Anna" and "Sara" whenever I type it.

So yeah, meet Catalina! The exact same headstrong bitch of a protagonist that you've come to familiarize yourself with.

I'll try to update more during the upcoming months, but with school, theatre, and the fact that I suck at motivating myself to write, it will not be frequent or consistent.

Excuses you've heard a million times over, but it always is the same factors. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's all I have to really say.

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