Wally Darling x Littlespace male Y/n

I came home from work hoping to get some free time(aka littlespace time) before my next job.

I remembered my friend Linda said something about a website called welcome home.

As curious as I was, i didn't think anything of it as i immediately typed in the website name.

Suddenly, my screen went black, and a white text box appeared.

Words in white appeared.

"Hellooo? Neighbor you there?"

My blood ran cold, I don't know what kind of sick joke this is, but I don't like it.

I whimpered, feeling my littlespace side taking over.

"I may not be able to see you, neighbor, but I can hear you, I can feel you, your emotions are going haywire,"

Tears threatened to seep from my eyes as I huddled in my blankets with my stuffy in my arms and popping my pacifier in my mouth.

"But Papa is here, darling."

I just stared at the screen in disbelief.
I shut my computer so fast I didn't realize it. I got up and got ready for my next job. I fixed the collar of my oversized black sweater and pulled up my white stretchy jeans by the waistband.

I gave a quick twirl in front of my full body mirror.

'But Papa is here, darling'

Those words that were on my computer screen coming back to hunt me from a few minutes ago.

I knew I craved someone to hug me, care for me, and treat me like a baby that I was.

Something was drawing my attention back to my laptop.

I tried to think positive as I opened up the laptop once more.

the words written on the screen were

"See you soon, my little neighbor."

I forced myself to shut my laptop again. I decided to take a nap before my next job.

I let the darkness consume me.




*beep beep beep*

I punched my alarm clock, sending it flying, and then i rolled on the other side of my bed.

I sighed when my alarm clock went off again. I got up, kicked the alarm clock, and then headed to the bathroom. For some reason, it took me a while to find it. It shouldn't be hard at all since I live in an apartment.

I finally found it, and then when I splashed water on my face is when I realized I was not in my apartment.

This place was like my dream home. Everything I liked was here in this house. Decorated neatly and clean.

I quickly found the front door and left the place.

I almost fainted, I was definitely not on earth anymore or at least not in my world. If I find what prescription I accidentally took, I will definitely throw it away because there is no way in heck I'm losing it.

Either I ate a bad mushroom, or I'm still dreaming.

I walked back into what I'm guessing is my house now.

I decided to look around real quick.

After ten minutes, I found the kitchen and an attic and basement and a guest bedroom. There's only one more door left.

"I found everything there is needed in a house, but I guess this door must be the office?"

I thought aloud to myself.

I twisted the door handle, and my eyes were wide.

I don't know if I should be scared or happy.

Every baby stuff in the room was adult sized. There was a crib and a rocking horse and so many stuffies!

It was a dream come true!

I always wanted a nursery for when I went into littlespace.

The question is, who knew I had littlespace? That thought quickly flew over my head when I started to give in to my surroundings.

I went to the wardrobe and picked out a littlespace outfit.

After I played a few hours in the nursery, I heard a knock on my door. I quickly made my way to the door and opened it a little, only enough to show half of my face.

It was a puppet man in a colorful snazzy suit with blue pompadour hair. He's rather short but adorable with his chill mood and relaxed half-lided eyes with a smile on his face..

"Hello neighbor," he greeted me, and that's when it clicked.

He must be the one who was reaching out to me on my laptop. But I wasn't going to just say that to his face.

"Uh hi?" I tried to control my voice since I wasn't fully out of littlespace.

"I just wanted to say welcome to the neighborhood, little neighbor~," the puppet said, taking his time with his words.

'Little? I'm literally taller than him! So what does he mean by that?'

"Oh, um, thank you!" I peeked my head out, revealing my whole face, but I was still hiding the outfit I was wearing.

"Would you like to take a walk around the neighborhood, neighbor?"

I pondered for a moment.

"I'm a little busy at the moment, heh." I closed the door but discovered the dude has his foot in the way.

He held onto the door and made direct eye contact with me.

"My name is Wally," he said. My palms began sweating from his cold gaze.

"I-I'm y/n," I mumbled. Avoiding eye contact.

"I know." I froze. How tf does he know that?

I shook it off and tried to force the door close, but somehow, this guy was far stronger than me for such a short person puppet thing.

We went at it while making eye contact for the longest time till he effortlessly pushed the door open with me on it, making me fall back and right on my butt.

I gasped and tried to hide the pacifier clip that was on my outfit.

Wally then looked me up and down with amusement flashing across his half-lided  eyes. His grin became wider than it already was.

"There's my sweet little boy," Wally said to me. He walked up to me, and without much effort, he picked me up.

I didn't dare protest as im now aware how strong this guy is.

He carried me straight to the door that led to my new nursery.

"Wait!" I tried to stop him, but it was useless because it seemed what I said went into his ear and out the other.

He entered the nursery and sat me on the floor next to a changing table. He left the nursery and came back with a stool. He set the stool in front of the changing table before picking me up, stepping on the stool, and sitting me on the change table. He put a hand on my chest and pushed me to lay down.

I decided to resist but ended up buckled to the mattress. He pulled down my pants/shorts/etc and stared at my boxers/jockstrap.

His eyes then landed on mine.

"Only big boys wear undergarments, little one." he then reached under the changing table and grabbed an adult diaper.

The next thing I knew, I started thrashing around in the buckle to avoid him changing me.

He reached towards me, and I started yelling for help.

The next thing I knew, he forcefully changed me quickly, making work. As fast as it started, it was immediately over. 'Thank god'

Now I found myself being fed an adult sized baby bottle while being rocked in a rocking chair with my face resting on Wally's chest as he sung me a lullaby.

I had a rough day, so it was natural. I fell asleep so quickly.
