Eddie x Y/n human

Requested by:Butterflymed

Helllooooo mailman!~



you paced around your room, thinking whether or not you should deliver this to Eddie's mailbox or the post office.

You held the envelope to your chest before looking over it for the hundredth time today.

It was a pink envelope with a red heart-shaped wax that kept it closed. You also sprayed it with perfume that smelled like actual roses.

You thought to yourself if you should add something else to your letter, satisfied you left it as it was.

Gathering enough courage, you decide you were going to deliver it since you already work alongside Eddie anyway.

You got ready to start the day changing into your uniform. You dolled yourself up, making sure you look perfect for this special day. Then, finally, you threw your hat on and made your way to the post office.


The closer you got to the post office, the louder your heart beating in your eardrums.

'You got this. This is just a regular day... except your biggest crush is going to see your love letter and possibly dump you so hard the neighborhood would laugh at you till their hearts content'

Jeez, that didn't help. If anything, it made your situation worse. Really, y/n?

You shook your thoughts away.

'Here goes nothing.' You enter the post office and were greeted with your huge crush. You looked him up and down. His biceps showed no mercy, and his smile was so innocent as always.

"Morning y/n," he greeted you with a smile. "Morning," your heart beats faster by the second. "Got two big bags today for ya. You can handle it, can you?"

Flashing a smile you responded with. "Of course, i can." You grab the bags, almost losing your balance. Eddie gave you a nervous smile with two thumbs up.

As you walked out the door, Eddie shouted, "Good luck, y/n!" You turned around with a smile before heading on your way.

You stopped at Poppy's house. you set down a few packages and put a handful of mail in her mailbox, and already one of the bags felt lighter.

The scent of sweet pastries lingered the air. 'Poppy must be baking something if she's not attending her garden today,' you thought to yourself.

you continued on your way.


You stopped by Sally's place. Dropping off four packages and one stack of mail.

'Sally must not be here today,' you thought to yourself. So you continued on your way.

You stopped by Barnaby's, and he wasn't here today either, so you set down a big bone with a bow on it and three letters in his mailbox.

You continued.

. . .

You made it to Julie's and seen Sally and Barnaby and Julie all having a tea party.

You quickly set down a present in front of her mailbox.

"Hey y/n," Julie greeted you. You waved. "Hi julie!" You smiled "care to join us?" Julie offered. "Maybe next time when I'm not so busy." You felt bad for turning her offer down, but you've got work to do. "Bummer, maybe next time?" She asked. "For sure!" You agreed waving her off.

You made it to Frank's. You didn't see him today. 'Must be butterfly hunting,' you thought.

You set down a new butterfly net with a ribbon in front of the mailbox and stuffed a stack of mail in his mailbox.

You made it to Howdy's place. At this time, he should still be running his store right now.

Finally, you continued on and made it to home.

"Hi, home!" To be honest, you liked home a lot but not as much as Eddie.

Home creaked a lot with happy eyes.

"How are you today home?" You tilted your head slightly.

Home responded with many front door slams.

"Awsome!" You encouraged.

"Hey home, who are you talking -" Wally paused when he met your eyes. Frank was right behind him.

"Hello, neighbor!" Wally greeted. Frank waved from behind Wally.

"Hey guys, what are yall up to?" You asked while setting down many canvas tied together. There were even mini canvases. You stuffed some mail in Wallys mailbox.

"I was asking Wally about the way he eats," Frank's answered quickly.

That's a good reasonable explanation.

"Alright, you too enjoy yourselves,"

You head off to your house, and lastly, Eddie's house.

You put some mail in his mailbox and quickly slip in the letter.

Feeling so many butterflies in your tummy, you quickly made your way back to the post office.


"All done y/n?" Eddie smiled when he saw both of your bags empty.

"Mhm," you nodded, flashing him a smile.

He leaned over the counter and patted your head. He leaned to your ear.

"So proud," he said ever so sweetly.

Your face heated, and he quickly took notice, letting a few chuckles slip.

"Go home and get some rest," he shooed you off with a sweet smile.

"Alright, you do the same."
You made your trip home.

All the embarrassing scenarios come flooding your head.

'What if he throws the letter away?' You shook that thought away.

'He wouldn't he would've confronted me about it...and then throw it away'

"Ugh, why am I overreacting!!!" You yelled

You shook your thoughts away heading home and got ready for tomorrow.

Right before you could hop into bed, you heard a knock at the door.

'Who would still be up at this hour? Unless Julie or Sally are inviting me for a sleepover?'

You made your way downstairs and to the door. Opening it, you were greeted with a suprise.

"Hey y/n, may I come in?" It was Eddie. He was holding a bouquet and a familiar letter.

"What brings you here?" It's pretty uncommon to see Eddie at night. "I came because I received a letter from you, oh and here." he gave you the bouquet.

As nice as it was, no one would usually come with the love letter you sent them and a bouquet.

You felt your heart drop.

"Listen, I understand you don't feel the same way." You handed him back the bouquet. "Wait, no y/n." He panicked, which made you worry more. "And I am so sorry for bothering you," you rambled on. "Now hold on a sec -" You were not ready for the rejection yet. "And I know it was inappropriate -"

You were interrupted when Eddie suddenly leaned forward a little too fast.

You were in too much shock when you realized your crush was actually kissing you.

Felt to skin you craved for this moment, which you thought won't ever come. When he pulled back, he panicked.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." he looked away, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay." You shyly looked at your feet. He handed you back the bouquet. "So I wanted to say you want to go on a picnic tomorrow afternoon?" He crossed his legs, staring at the ground.

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Of course." Eddie head shot up his face was written with disbelief.

"G-Great, I'll get ready for tomorrow!" He backed up towards the door.

"Me too, see you tomorrow!" You waved him bye. You see him sprinting down the street.

Once you close the door, you immediately start working on his favorite pie for tomorrow.

Word count:1243
