Chapter 4: Let's get to know each other.

It was around 6:30 in the morning. The sun was rising over the boiling see, bird's were singing with absolutely horrific screeches, and a human running through the woods at a brisk pace.

Hunter had been trying to limit his sleeping time after the screaming incident yesterday so that he wouldn't have anymore nightmares. It wasn't easy though since his body kept trying to fall back asleep, so, Hunter decided to wake his body up with a morning run through the wood's.

This also gave him time to think about Thursday. Just one day into living in the demon realm and he was breaking into magic school's, saving someone from dissection, punched a kid in the face, and he is now apparently banned from said school. It was quite the rollercoaster of a day, the likes of which would honestly be comparable to any other day in combat. But despite being in a place literally called the Demon Realm compared to his time in the war in was actually pretty tame, nobody was killed, his hearing was intact, and he still got the adrenaline rush he always enjoyed.

Though of course there was one thing that kept creeping back into his head in particular, that girl, Willow. It was clear as day that she liked him, from the moment they first met it was clear that she had a thing. Not to mention the amount of times she kept blushing around him, but Hunter wasn't exactly sure how he felt about it.

Sure they were both teenagers but he didn't know her exact age and there could possibly be a full three year age difference and he didn't want to get into a relationship with a girl that young when he was just over a year to adulthood. Even if they were around the same age his love life didn't exactly show promise, he had slept with four other women who he thought were all beautiful and wonderful people but, he knew that he was never gonna see them again and since he wanted to get home as soon as possible and start over in a realm that wasn't a literal corpse, and that would mean if they got into a relationship he would have to break it of abruptly and leave her, and she was honestly too much of a saint to have to go through that, Hunter just couldn't do that.

After an hour or so of running Hunter made it back to the Owl House, being greeted by Hooty who was trying to make small talk about so bug's he ate or something along those lines. Hunter didn't care and just went into the house disappointing the, door?

When he entered he dropped on the couch as body began to calm down after the run. Then he heard footsteps coming from the stairway and looked to see Luz coming down in her pajamas.

"Morning, Luz."

"Morning, Hunter." She said back walking into the living room. "Sleep well?" She asked.

"Eh, I slept fine. Decided to go for a little run though."

Luz raised an eyebrow. "You went for a run at this time in the morning? Presumably without breakfast?"

"... Yeah that pretty much sums it up."

"Why? I know you're still technically in the Army, but you don't have to act like you're still with it when you're here."

Hunter shrugged. "This is just how it's been. Running help's me wake up, and it keeps me in shape."

"Well, can't argue with that logic." Luz admitted. "So, what do you wanna do for the rest of the morning?"

Hunter thought of it for a moment. "Well we could just talk to each other. I mean I've been living in this place for, what, three days? Yet we barely know anything about each other."

"Okay!" Luz exclaimed. She then dropped onto the couch bouncing abit and placed her right elbow on her knee while holding her head as she looked at Hunter in anticipation. "Well someone's eager." Hunter chuckled.

"Well there's plenty to learn."

"Alright, so what would you like to learn about me?"

"Well for one I'd love to learn why a thirteen year old decided to join the Army."

Hunter sighed but kept a small smile on his face since he knew full well this would come up at some point. "Well, home was never really, home for me. I grew up in Buffalo New York but I barely ever got to know the city. I was always in the shadow of my father who owned some car and plane factories in the city. He would rarely ever leave me out of his sight and he sent me to a boarding school in Rochester which, was okay but like I said he rarely left me out of his sight so he always had some guy to make sure I didn't get into trouble and I never had any real friends."

"What about your Mom?" Luz asked.

"I... honestly have no idea. All I know is that after my birth she just disappeared to God knows where. But anyways, during all of this the war was going on, footage was coming back home of our guys beating back the Nazis and the Japs, the Russians and their own struggle, and I thought to myself 'what am I doing here in some boarding school when I could be overseas fighting the good fight?'"

Luz looked at Hunter with pity. She had heard plenty of stories like that, of the young naive guy who decides to get himself into something dangerous without knowing what they were doing.

"So one night I grabbed my things, some cash, and I high tailed I hopped on a train to a small town down south, I got a fake birth certificate, then I joined the Army."

"Was it worth it?" Luz asked. Hunter chuckled. "You kidding? I don't regret it one bit." Luz was caught off guard by this answer. "When I joined the Army, I finally found friends, a purpose, freedom. I found a real home." Hunter smiled happily. "I would honestly spend the rest of my life in it if I could."

Luz then smiled herself at Hunter's joy. She couldn't completely understand it, but she could see that with his father gone, Hunter found a place where he seemed to belong and fit in, where he could be his own person. She honestly couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Alright, I've spilled my guts, now it's your turn."

Luz giggled. "Fair enough." She then took a deep breath in preparation. "Okay. So, I was born in Connecticut and I spent most of my life in the small town of Gravesfield with my, Mom."

"And your, Dad?" Hunter asked.

"He... died." Luz sniffled and held back a few tears. "Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." Hunter apologized. "It's fine, really, it was a long time ago." Luz then took another deep breath. "Well, before he passed he bought me a book called the Good witch Azura for me, which I instantly fell in love with." She admitted sheepishly.

"Hehe, I guess it's a big hit in the future?" Hunter asked. "It is. But, I seem to be the only one in my hometown who seemed to like it. And I got bullied for it." The mood turned sour again as Luz looked down with a gloomy expression. Hunter couldn't help but empathize with the poor girl. "It's okay, Luz. You're not the only who's been made fun of for what you like."

Luz snorted. "Well that's not the only reason why I was bullied. I was always a bit of an oddball and was always seen as some kind of freak for doing weird things like going to a school dance dressed as an otter, or bringing in snake's for a book report."

"You what?"

"Hey I just needed to bring them in to add to the affect okay?" She defended herself. "Anyways, recently after said book report I eventually ran into owlbert, who was stealing my book." Luz couldn't help but laugh. "Guess we both have something in common huh?"

"Yeah, that little bastards always stealing other people's stuff." Hunter chuckled.

"Well, after chasing him through the woods and ended up here. And one adventure and prison break in later I decided that I could finally become a witch like Azura and be somewhere I could fit in more."

"And your Mom approved of this?" Hunter asked incredulously.

"It... took a lot of convincing but I was eventually able to convince her to allow me to spend some time here."

"Hmm, well I hope you've found what you're looking for. Cause frankly I just wanna get back home."

"Hey, I'm sure that we can find you a way back eventually." Luz assured him. "Well, I hope you're right, cause I don't know how long I can live with that door tube." Hunter said pointing to the front door where Hooty lived.

"Understandable. But hey, at least you have the chance to get a girlfriend here."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Luz then got a mischievous look. "Oh well, if you haven't already noticed then I guess I must inform you that Ms Willow. Park has the hots for our local G.I."

Hunter deadpanned. "I am fully aware of the fact, Willow has a thing for me."

"Oh and you aren't at all interested in her yourself?" Luz teased "Oh please, sure she's cute but I'm not interested in her. Besides she's probably too young anyways."

"Funny you should say that because I just spoke to her yesterday and she said that she's actually sixteen, which you happen to be right now aren't you?"

Hunter sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Luz, we are not doing this." He groaned. "Oh but I think we are."

"No we aren't."

"Yes we are."




"Will you just quit it?"

"Alright enough bickering!" The teen's jumped in surprise at the sudden voice and saw Eda in the room with her own Pajamas on along with a pair of bunny slippers. "I already have a bad enough headache and you guys are only making in worse." She complained.

"Wait, why are you even up this early? You never are." Luz pointed out. "Because Pipsqueak here wouldn't stop pestering me until I made him breakfast." King then popped out from behind her. "Hey! I am not a pipsqueak!"

"Sure you are." Eda quietly mumbled as she then turned around towards the kitchen.

"Well it looks like we'll have to continue this conversation another time let's get some chow shall we?" Hunter said quickly as he immediately got up from the couch. "Alright, but we will talk about, Willow again, Hunter." Luz warned.

Hunter could only groan. "Damnit."

A/N: Yes, I admit this chapter does come off as essentially some filler, but it does serve the purpose of establishing Hunter and Luz's sibling type relationship which will hopefully continue to grow if I don't become a Lazy bumm who leaves this story for the dust. But until then, always remember to tune in next time folks! Same bat time! Same bat channel!
