Chapter 3: A teenage abomination. Because why not?

"AAAAAAAHHH!" Hunter screamed jumping off the couch. He turned his head in every direction looking for any sign of danger his eyes dilated and focused.
"Yeesh, you mind yelling any louder?" An older female voice asked groggily.

Hunter turned and saw the old woman from yesterday. Eda, if he remembered correctly.

"S-sorry. Just... just a bad dream." He sighed.

"Well you better Walk it off because we don't need to attract the attention of everyone on the isles."


Then the sound of running was heard inquiring Eda and Hunter to look to the main hallway where they saw Luz and King running down, with Luz in a grey tank top and purple shorts. "What happened, is everyone okay!?" She exclaimed. "Has someone intruded upon my holy sanctum!?" King demanded.

"It's fine, Hunter just had a nightmare." Eda explained.

"Oh, are you ok?" Luz asked worryingly.

"I'm fine." Hunter reassured her. "It's not the first time this has happened, I just need make sure that I don't sleep for too long so I don't dream. Speaking of which, how long was I out?"

"Well when did you go to sleep?" Eda asked.

"I'd say around, 9:30?"

"Well since it's now 7:30 I'd say around ten hours."

"Ten hours!?" Hunter exclaimed.

"Yeah?" Eda asked confused by his reaction.

"Wow, I haven't had that much sleep in almost a year."

"Uh, how long did you sleep for usually?" Luz asked.

"Eh, around three to four hours on average give or take."

There was a small silence from the three people around Hunter. Then they fully processed what he said. "WHAT!?"

"Ow! Calm down you guys are louder than a howitzer!"

Hunter was ignored.

"Only four hours!?" Said Luz.

"How are you still sane!?" Asked King.

"How are you still alive!?" Asked Eda.

"Hey it could be worse. At one point I couldn't sleep for over a week."

"A WEEK!?" They exclaimed even louder. "Ugh, can you guys please get off my sleep schedule!? It's not my fault that my division kept constantly getting into fights with little rest!"

"Oh, sorry." Luz apologized sheepishly rubbing the back of her head.

"Well." Eda spoke up. "Moving on from that, it's time for breakfast, after that I have something very special to show you guys."


After finishing up breakfast, Eda took Hunter, Luz, and King out on a flight to a nearby beach. A flight which Hunter had spent most of which with his eyes closed and grasping Owlbert with all of his might.

Hunter also had another issue, his wardrobe, he had very few clothing with him, all of which were issued by the military and he only had two outfits, his combat uniform, and his dress uniform. So he improvised, he wasn't in a war anymore so all of his weapons were left back at the Owl House except for his trench knife and bayonet, he was wearing his Khaki trousers and combat boots with the leggings. On his torso he wore his cotton undershirt under his M1941 field jacket along with his dog tags around his neck, and to top it all of, he also had his field hat on.

When they eventually reached the beach, the group were met with a very... interesting sight.

"Well kid's." Eda said. "Did you ever think in your life you would ever see something as breathtaking as this?"

What she was talking about was the corpse of a giant worm leech hybrid.

"...Personally, I've seen more inspiring things." Hunter said honestly disgusted.

"I don't like this." Luz commented completely trying not to get sick from the sight.

"Yes it doesn't get more inspiring than the trash slug." Eda said walking over to the giant slug kneeling next to it's gaping mouth. "It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside." She explained with a somber tone.
"Until, BLAM!" Eda said slamming her fist into her palm.
"It gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. Then we get sell the stuff it ate."

Then Eda pulls out a small pickaxe and offers it to Luz. "Please don't make me." The young girl begged in a quiet voice.
Then Eda offered it to Hunter. "Eh I'm personally not interested in carving out the corpse of a giant slug." As this was going on, King was walking away and calmly placing a small bath towel on the sand. "Aw come on guys, it's not everyday you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass." He said sarcastically.

"Ah, nuts to you all." Said Eda before she swung the pickaxe and began the process of cutting apart the corpse.
Luz cringed at the sight but tried to ignore it and spoke up. "So, Eda I was wondering if-" she was interrupted as Eda took several violent swing's at the body before the stomach of the slug split open and a wave of junk fell out onto the beach. "I'm sorry what were you saying?" Eda asked. Luz then continued. "I was wondering if we could perhaps try some new lessons for my apprenticeship. Like read ancient scroll's or mix together potions or-" She was interrupted by Eda again who was busy scrounging through the pile.
"Eh, that sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff." She scoffed.

But this caught Luz's attention. "Wait a minute, did you say magic school?" She asked walking up to Eda with new found excitement. "Like, winding tower's, cute uniforms, dark plot's that threaten your life, type of magic school?"

"Where the hell did those oddly specific questions come from?" Hunter asked. "From another book series I read."

"Ugh." Eda groaned. "Can you please stop with all of this magic school talk?"

"Why?" Hunter asked. "What's wrong with an education system?"

"Because they force you turn learn magic the 'proper' way. But magic isn't proper, it's wild and unpredictable. That's what makes it so beautiful. I didn't finish school and I turned out just fine right? Who wouldn't envy where I am now?" She asked while several flies started gravitating around her.
"Do you want me to give the honest answer?" Hunter deadpanned.

"Oh come on, you dropped out of school when you were thirteen you understand right?"

"The only reason I dropped out was so I could serve my country and put down some fascist bastards who wanted to rule the world. Not because I didn't like it."

"Hmm, well you know what? She still doesn't need some dumb school system, I can teach just fine. In fact, here's a little lesson." Eda dropped her pickaxe and walked up to Luz. "All great witches are resourceful, like this." Then Eda plunged Luz's hand into a puddle of slime from the slug before pulling out with a ball of green slime. "Oh, hey uh, greasy slime ball." She said honestly grossed out.

"Use your slime ball wisely young witch." Eda said trying to sound wise as she held the little girl's hands together.
Then Eda walked back the slug and picked her pickaxe back up. "Now come on, I'm sure there are still plenty of treasures yet to be found." Luz then started backing up slowly. "Uh, actually if it's okay I think I'll head back home and look at animals that are, still alive."
She then turned around and started walking away, but not before giving King a little belly rub which he very much appreciated.

"I'll go with her, who knows what will happen when she's on her own." Hunter said.

"Okay, just don't get into too much trouble."


Hunter had quickly caught up to Luz who was moping her way through the woods. "What's wrong?" He asked. Luz sighed. "I just don't get why, Eda is doing this. She says she'll teach me yet all she does is send me on errands, and try to make me help her with some gross stuff. And when I ask for some kind of lesson, all she gives me is some ball of slime."

"Hey don't think you won't get anything out of this. Who knows what you could do with that." Hunter said gesturing to the ball. "It's a ball of slime." Luz deadpanned. "Hey it may only look useless now, but it could have some use. Hell, at one point some tankers I knew were able to get their ride going when they used parts from an old French car to fix their engine. Sure it sounded like someone gave a beaver a chainsaw, but they still did it."

"I guess you have a point."

"See? And besides for all we know that slime could make you shoot lasers from your eyebrows." Hunter joked.

Luz laughed clutching her stomach at the joke. Then they heard a voice.
"You can do it! You can!" It was unmistakeably the voice of a young girl.
"Mysterious voice of encouragement?" Luz asked before running in the direction of the voice. Hunter decided "Eh, screw it." And followed after her.

They then came across a young witch girl in a clearing and both decided to not disturb her and just hid behind some bushes. The girl herself was somewhat short and chubby with blue hair and a pair of round glasses. She also wore a uniform with dark pink sleeves and leggings, as well a dark grey tunic, a belt, and a black cowl. Next to her was a pile of books, a backpack, and a wooden wheelbarrow with a giant cauldron on it.

The girl herself was pacing back and forth giving herself words of encouragement. "You can do it. Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of you as a witch. And my parents are right, there are better opportunities in this track. Now get to school!" She stopped when she realized that she had stepped on a small flower and bent down in horror. "Oh, no! Little friend! I'm so sorry!" She then calmed herself and drew a green hue of light with her pointer finger causing the plant to go back to full health.

Hunter smiled at this small act, it reminded him of some of the girls at home who care for even the smallest of beings and treat them with the kind of respect worthy of saints.

Then the two humans heard another sound and saw another cauldron rolling through the bushes with it's owner sitting on stop reading a book. Said owner was a young slender girl with aquarium green hair going down to her chin while also be held in a ponytail. She wore the same uniform as the shorter girl, but Hunter felt gross for even comparing the two since the new girl was wearing the absolute most smug face he had seen in his entire life.

The green girl then looked down. "Willow!" She exclaimed closing and hopping off the cauldron. "Wow you're so unnoticeable I almost rolled into you." She chuckled. "Hi, Amity." The now named Willow said bitterly.

"Uh, shouldn't you get to class early to prep your..." Then Willow's cauldron started rattling before it fell over. The cover flew off and what came out as a dark purple mass of slime and sludge pouring out.

"Gross." Luz grimaced. Hunter quickly shushed her.

"Oh, Willow, you don't have anything to show do you?" Amity asked. Willow blushed with embarrassment and tried to hide herself with her hood. "This is why people call you 'Half-a-witch Willow."

Hunter glared dagger's at Amity. He was absolutely enraged to see her be so cruel to such a kind and gentle soul. She was honestly lucky that she wasn't a boy, less Hunter would've already run up and knock her lights out.

Then Amity's cauldron began to rattle. "Oh, looks like someone wants to see you." Amity stood snuggly and then snapped her fingers. "Abomination, rise." The lid slid off as a vaguely humanoid being rose from the cauldron made from the same substance as what came from Willow's.

It awkwardly walked up to Willow and drew a star on her forehead using it's own purple sludge. "You're a... star." It groaned. "Aww it's like mine." Amity said gesturing to the golden star badge on her uniform which read. 'Top student.' "but much smaller, and meaningless. As top student, it's my duty to tell you to keep at it. Even you could get a passing grade someday. Abomination, cower."

Then the monstrosity groaned it's way back into the cauldron making sure to close the lid on itself. "See you in class superstar." Then Amity rolled her project away still with the smug smile on her face. Luz stuck her tongue out at the bully while Hunter redirected his attention at Willow who was absolutely furious.

"'Oh see you in class superstar.'" She mimicked wiping the slime off her forehead. "I hate it when she does that. I hate making abomination's. I hate getting bad grades. I can't stand this anymore!" Her eyes then started glowing pure green as the ground began to shake violently like an earthquake had come.
Then the flower Willow had been tending to suddenly changed into a mass of spiked vines shooting out in random directions.

Then one vine suddenly went for the humans and grabbed Hunter's leg pulling him into the air. "Hunter!" Luz screamed. But Hunter had already gone into action and had unsheathed his bayonet and hacking at the vine, but to little success. Willow then saw the two humans and her fury was replaced with concern seeing and her eyes turned back to normal.

"Oh, no no no no no no, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. The vines immediately began to shrink and the one holding Hunter let go causing him to fall on his back. "Hunter, are you ok!?" Luz exclaimed kneeling next to him. Willow ran up him as well. "Oh, I'm so, so, sorry! I never meant for this to happen!" She kept apologizing. "No, no, it's fine, vines didn't do that much damage." He assured her. But Willow didn't seem to notice. Instead she was staring at Hunter intently.

She was taking in every detail. His deep scar's, his blonde hair, his firm chin, his deep blue eyes, she couldn't look away. But Hunter just felt more uncomfortable. "Uh, ma'am?" No answer. "Mademoiselle?" Still nothing.
"Fraulein?" Willow finally registered that Hunter was talking and then recoiled in Embarrassment with her entire face turning bright red.

"S-sorry about that I-I was just, I mean, uh." Then Willow noticed something about the two individuals. "Your ears are so, circly." Luz quickly panics and throws her hood over her head to hide her ears, but it's too late. "You guys are humans!" She exclaimed excitedly. "This is astounding!" She then got up and started circling around the two humans. "Real humans on the boiling Isle's! How'd you get? What are you doing here?" As she was rattling off questions a bell was heard in the distance catching everyone's attention and Willow's mood immediately shifted from excited to depressed. "Uh, I'm sorry I can't stay. "I have to go disappoint my teachers. It was nice to meet you humans." She waved goodbye moping.

But as Willow was grabbing her things Luz ran up to her. "Wait. I'm Luz, and this is, Hunter. And you're, Willow right? What you did with those plants and that flower was just. Wow."

Hunter couldn't help but giggle at Luz's antics, it honestly reminded him of himself when he first joined the Army.
"Thanks but, I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic."

"What? Why, you were absolutely amazing with those plants why wouldn't you be allowed to?" Hunter asked perplexed. "Well my parents put me in the abomination track at school, said that it had more opportunities."
Then Luz suddenly rushed up to Willow grabbing her arms and squealing. "Like, magic school?" Willow nodded. "That's so cool!" Hunter then Luz by the hood pulling away from Willow. "Okay, easy tiger, you're scaring her."

"Oh, hehe, sorry. It's just, I'm so jealous. I have a teacher, but her lessons are a bit untraditional." Then she slumped. "I bet she wouldn't even let me enroll." She deadpanned. Then Luz straightened herself. "But I wish I could spend one day in there." She said hopefully.

"I wish I could get a passing grade for once. Then people could stop calling me half-a-witch Willow."

Then Luz got an idea. A wonderful awful idea. "Hey wait. I know how we can get what we both want." This concerned Hunter. "Uh, Luz, what are you planning?" Luz ignored him.
"Make me your abomination. I'll get you a good grade, you can get me into magic school. It's fiendishly clever."

"What!?" Willow exclaimed.

"Okay there is no way that plans gonna work." Hunter criticized. "Oh come on, guy's. We saw that girl's thing it's just chunk's of stuff that talk weird. I'm chunk's of stuff, and I talk weird." Luz said enthusiastically.

"That's true." Willow giggled gaining a slight blush. "Okay. Let's do it-"

"Hold up!" Hunter interrupted. "There is no way we are going along with this."

"What? Hunter." Luz whined "I already said that this is a terrible plan. And if you get caught who knows what will happen to you both? We can't risk it."

"But, this may be the only way I can get a passing grade." Willow begged. Hunter turned to her and saw the pleading look in her eyes. He found it harder and harder to resist helping her. "Come on, Hunter." Luz said. "I don't think you're one to back down from trying to help someone."

Hunter sighed. "Alright, I'll allow it."

"Yes!" The girls said simultaneously.

"But, I'm going to come with in case things go south."

"Aww, I knew you were a troublemaker." Luz cooed. "Hey. I'm not a troublemaker." Hunter defended. "Aside from that one time I stole an officers money." He admitted. "And that time I got into a fistfight in middle school. And that one time I was caught by a French man with his daughter post coitus." He laughed a bit at the last part.

Luz then said. "Okay good. Now let's-wait a minute. You've had sex!?"

Hunter shrugged. "What can I say? I've got that good old American charm." He said in a smooth manner. Willow giggled and blushed.


Both Hunter and Luz had jumped into the cauldron together before Willow began rolling them to the school. Luz because of her acting role, and Hunter because he wanted to make sure nobody noticed his ears and he currently had nothing that could hide them, so he opted to hide in the cauldron.

The two humans peaked through from the lid and saw the school they were heading to. In fact school might be an insult. To Hunter it was more akin to a temple or a palace from the classical age. Especially with the massive dome behind the bell tower.

"Welcome, to Hexside school of Magic and Demonics." Willow introduced. "Remember to stay hidden ok?"
But Luz couldn't stop geeking out and Hunter had to force her back into the cauldron so they weren't seen.

A few more minutes passed until Willow stopped in front of a row of red Locker's. She then tickled her own revealing it to be alive with a single yellow eye and a large mouth with a long tongue elongating out in front of her with several neatly placed books.

Then another kid bumped into Willow which unfazed her. Said kid was very short and nose deep in brightly colored magazine. They wore a similar uniform to Willow's except for the sleeves and leggings being blue.

"Willow, you would not believe humans." The boy said. "Humans? Psh, I haven't seen any what?" Willow rambled nervously. 'smooth.' Hunter thought to himself. "Did you know that humans nail barbed wire to their kids teeth?" He asked as he showed a page of his magazine to Willow. The magazine showed me kid showing off their braces with the words. 'Em-brace yourself.' off to the side. "But why? Maybe to make them magnetic?" He theorized.

"Actually, it's for storing treats." Luz blurts out. Hunter immediately cover's her mouth hoping that the other kid didn't notice. Unfortunately the kid did notice as he looked at the cauldron with suspicion. "Okay, Augustus. I'm gonna show you something, but you have to be cool."

"I can be spool. I mean cool."

"Okay. Abomination, rise."

Luz then rose from the cauldron covered head to toe in abomination gunk. "Ta-da! I'm an abomination."

Then Hunter popped up beneath her with far less gunk. "That is nothing like how that green broad did it."
Gus then dropped his magazine and stared in awe at the two. "No, no, it couldn't be." He muttered checking his own ears. Hunter noticed that the kid was black and silently imagined how some of the guys he knew would react to this. Sure it would be racist but also funny to see them start childishly babbling about how schools shouldn't be mixed or some other stupid thing.

"He's the president of the human appreciation society." Willow explained. "Most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away. But, Augustus is an expert."

"Where are your gills?" He asked.

"Uh, what?" Hunter asked. "Humans are supposed to have gill's." The kid explained. "I don't know where you get your information from kid, but I don't think there has been any human to ever exist who was born with gill's."

Gus gasped as he picked up the magazine. "What other lies have you told me?" Hunter laughed at the kids antics. "Hey y'know, back in boot camp I knew a guy named Augustus. Everybody called him, Gus."

"Gus. Nickname? Human nickname? Gus?" The boy exclaimed in excitement.
"Call me it. Wow. Gus. This is the best day of my life."

Then the humans flinched when an ear piercing screech was heard and found that it was in fact the school's bell system. "Well. That's disturbing." Hunter muttered. "Well, I gotta get to spelling class. See you at lunch!"

"Wait." Willow said. "I need you to make an illusion for, Hunter here so he can blend in." She gestured to the soldier.

"Oh, no problem." Gus said. He then opened up his bag and threw him an extra cowl and hood. "There, that should help hide your ears."

"Thanks man. See ya."

Gus then waved goodbye as he walked down the hall and Hunter threw the hood over his head.

"Alright. Back into the darkness you go." Willow said to Luz who crept back in making a hissing nosie.


Hunter had opted to stay out of the class since a random new student entering the class with half a uniform would be just as suspicious as a Latino abomination.

He could vaguely hear what was going on but he was leaning on the wall around twenty or so feet from the classroom door so he couldn't get much. And that was after he had already spent half the period trying clean off the abomination crap on his pants, but he unfortunately wasn't able to get it off in time so his pants and boots were stuck with a dark purple stain that he'd have to get washed off properly later.

Then he heard the bell... scream, and all of the class doors opened up. Hunter watched for the abomination class and saw most of the kids walk out without their cauldrons until he saw Willow walk out rolling hers so he walked up to her. "How'd it go?" He asked quietly. "It went great." She grinned. "Not only did I not fail, but I got the best grade out of everyone else." She beamed brightly. "That's great. I'm so happy for you!" Hunter congratulated. Willow blushed brightly at his praise. "Thanks."

"Wonderful work today, Willow." The kids turned to see the abomination teacher with a warm smile on his face. Hunter tried not to smirk since the guy resembled a middle aged baby being held by a giant piece of chewed up gum.
"Looks like we have a new top student." Amity, who was walking next to him, stopped in her tracks and dropped her books as the teacher plucked the star off of her uniform. "But-" She tried to protest but the teacher ignored her and was carried over to Willow pinning the badge on her.

"Uh, wow. Thank you sir." The teacher smiled and the abomination carried him back into the classroom. "Hey." Amity growled catching Willow off guard, since she had seemed to teleport. "Last time I saw you your abomination was mush. What did you do?" She pried. "Uh..." Willow couldn't think of an excuse. "

"Hey why don't you stay out of her business?" Hunter said angrily.

"This doesn't concern you." Amity shot back.

"Oh it became my concern when you decided to be a stuck up bitch to, Willow."

"W-ha, she's not even a good witch, she's just a nobody."

Willow turned her eyes down in shame while casually brought up his middle finger. "What are you doing?" Amity asked. "You see this? This means fuck you."

Amity was first taken aback but immediately became angry and growled as her entire face became red. Hunter couldn't help but smirk and cracked a small laugh trying not to burst out. "What's so funny?"

"No it's just. You look so ridiculous."

"No I don't!" Her face becoming even redder. "

"Oh you wish you weren't."

Amity's face somehow became redder and her lips pursed. Hunter then bursted out laughing at the image. Willow couldn't help but laugh as well. "What are you laughing at!?"

Hunter was holding his stomach at this point. "No, no it's just. You look like a baby who lost their favorite rattle! Hahaha!"

"Grr! I got my eyes on you Half-a-witch Willow." She said walking away slowly. "That badge is mine!"

Willow then became worried. "Oh, no, I think she's onto us."

"Hey." Hunter put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure things won't become a complete disaster and we'll all go on with our lives."

"Thanks, Hunter." She blushed. Then Luz popped her head out from the cauldron. "So why are we laughing?"

Later in lunch

Willow and Hunter had brought Luz in the cauldron to lunch where they met up with Gus who had already grabbed them a table. "Hey, Luz, do you want something to eat?" Gus asked. "What do you have to offer." She asked poking her head out of the cauldron. "PB&J."
"Oh my gosh yeeesss." Gus then ripped his sandwich in half and offered it to the human girl.

"I don't know, Gus." Willow said worryingly. "If, Amity saw that then-"
Willow was interrupted when Amity jumped onto the table. "I saw that! Abomination's don't eat!" Then she goes over to the cauldron. "I know you're in there! You can't hide from me!"

Hunter then grabbed her by the hood and pulled her off the table. "What the hells your problem?"

"She has been cheating on her project!" Amity said pointing to Willow. "No she hasn't. You're just Paranoid."

"I know what abomination's are, and what she has is not an abomination!"

"And how do I know you're not just unable to accept the fact that she's better than you?"

"Because she isn't better than me! Do you have any idea who I am!?"

"An absolute bitch from what I can fathom."

Amity's face darkened. "I am Amity Etana. Blight, and Heiress to Blight industries. I could make your life a living hell. So be smart and get out of this if you know what's good for you."

Hunter remained silent and just glared silently. "Did you not hear me.?" Amity asked. "I said get out of here-"

"Amity Blight!" The kids turned their heads to see none other than the Abomination teacher in the doorway with a disapproving look. His abomination carried him over to the table as he spoke again. "I suspected a twinge of Jealousy. But this... this is just sad."

"What no, it's not a real-"

"Report to principal Bumps office."



Amity then ran off in a huff followed by the teacher. The kids at table meanwhile gave each other concerned looks, all having a feeling that their little illusion wasn't going to last.

Back in the abomination classroom.

After lunch the kids had a free period so they decided to head back to the abomination classroom where Luz was finally able to get out of the cauldron.
"Whoo, I'm a sweaty little abomination. But, now we don't have to worry about Amity. High five!" Everyone just gave her a blank stare. "What, not even you, Hunter?"

"Sorry, Luz. You know that we don't come from two different parts of Earth."

"Right well, it's called a high five. You just slap my hand." She demonstrates with her own hand. Gus then walked up slowly to Luz and turned his head away as he cautiously slapped Luz's hand. He was surprised to find that he actually quite enjoyed it and kept going for more. "Oh, oh my. Oh, man what a rush."

Then the door opened revealing Amity who stood off to the side with her signature smug look to make way for another taller more imposing figure. It was an old man with what looked like a red demon trying to eat his head. He also wore long black robing with golden trimming and pointed black shoes. "Good afternoon, students." He greeted.

"Principal Bump." Willow greeted back nervously. Luz then dropped to the ground on her knees with a dumb expression similar to a real abomination as Bump walked forward promoting the others to stand aside. Bump kneeled in front of Luz grabbing her head and moving it from side to side. Then he got back up. "Abomination, rise." He ordered. Luz followed his command. "Abomination, lie." Luz was quick to respond. "Uh, viral fame is a worthy pursuit. Your cat would never eat you if it got the chance. Chemtrails are real-"
"Oh no, Abomination." Bump interrupted "How strange for it to get the command wrong. I mean lie down." He pointed to one of the tables. Luz ever so nervously walked over to the table and laid herself on it.

"So very life-like." Bump complimented. He then put his hand on Willow's shoulder and directed her over to Luz. "When, Ms Blight told me about your abomination, I had to come by, see what she's made of."

"Oh, I have the list of ingredients right here." Willow stuttered reaching into her pocket to grab said list. "No." Bump dismissed. "We were hoping for a closer look." He pulled out a jagged knife from his sleeve. 'They're going to dissect her.' Hunter internally screamed in horror.

"Willow, I'll allow you to make the first cut." Bump handed the blade to Willow who held it nervously as she tried to appear happy about the occasion. "Wait, Principal Bump!" Hunter called out. Everyone in the room turned their head to him. "Um, sir, I just think that we really shouldn't rush this I mean that knife doesn't really look good for dissecting an abomination so maybe we should wait until, Willow is fully prepared?" He reasoned nervously. "No." Bump dismissed. "She's perfectly fine with what she has. And also, you're not one of my students." Bump slowly advanced towards Hunter. "What? Of course I am I've got the cowl and everything."

"The cowl is the only thing you have. And while I may not be best at remembering names, I never forget a face, and I have never seen your face before." Hunter had been backed into the teachers desk as Bump continued walking forward. Out of options, Hunter slowly inched towards his bayonet. He didn't like hurting people that weren't Nazis, but he wasn't gonna let a kid get cut open.

"Hey, Principal Bump!" Gus yelled out. "Uh, high five!" He then smacked over a trio of cauldrons causing their contents to spill which happened to be abomination's which start advancing towards the principal. Hunter saw his chance. He ran past the principal and gave Amity a right hook. Etiquette be damned, and she's probably never been disciplined in her life.

Hunter ran over to Luz and Willow then looked to Gus who was still on the opposite side of the room. "Run!" The young boy urged. Reluctantly the trio ran through the door and into the hallway. They kept running until both Willow and Luz ran out of breath forcing Hunter to stop. "Guys, I'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess. This is all my fault." Luz apologized scolding herself. "I just wanted to see what a real magic school was like."

"Well, how do you like it?" Willow asked.

"It's lovely, actually." Luz smiled.

"Well none of that matters right now because I doubt those two are gonna be held up for long so we better move."

Then red lines in the walls started appearing which then created red barriers at every entrance and doorway. "Shit, come on!" Hunter yelled to the girls leading them through a hallway which had yet to be sealed. But when they were just about to go through another archway, it too closed trapped them. Then the three turned to see Bump following them and using the abomination's Gus spilled. The teens then ran in another direction and hid behind a pillar. "Oh this is awful." Willow moaned sliding down the pillar. "I don't know what to do. Amity's right. I am just Half-a-witch Willow."

"You're full witch, Willow." Hunter said looking at her with confidence. Then Luz stepped in. "And you're great. And someone once told me that a great witch is resourceful." She then pulled out everything she had in her pocket including the slime ball. Willow gasped. "That's it!" She grabbed it. "Wait, a ball of slime is gonna get us out of here?" Luz asked. "It's not a ball of slime, it's a seed. Oh I'm so glad you had this on you!" Willow then placed the seed on her lap and drew a spell circle. "Please grow."

Then the seed grew into a mass of vines spreading throughout the school and cutting down the abomination's and even grabbing principal Bump sending him into the ceiling. "This is Amazing! Great job, Willow!" Hunter praised. Then he grabbed her and Luz's hand causing Willow to blush yet again.

"There's the exit!" Luz pointed out. The three then made a sprint for it. "Not so fast!" Amity jumped out in front of them. "Oh come on! Are you really this much of a kiss-ass!?" Hunter exclaimed in disbelief. "Like a ruffian like you would understand. Abomination's, seize!"

An abomination then walked up behind them scaring the trio, but Hunter was quicker and drew his bayonet cutting the disgusting mass down to size in seconds.

The three then began running again towards the entrance but were blocked by even more abomination's. Willow then drew a spell circle as big as her body and more vines grabbed the abomination's, but she was already struggling. "Go, get out of here!" She demanded. "What!? We're not leaving you!"

"Yeah what he said."

"I'll get detention, but you'll get dissected." She then drew another spell circle causing vines to grab the two humans. "Now go!" The vines then carried them over the abomination's and out the main entrance dropping them on the steps then closing the doors.

"No, Willow!" The cried simultaneously. "Come on!" Hunter yelled gesturing for Luz to follow. "What, we can't just leave her here!"

"We can't do anything right now but, Eda might be able to help now come on!"

At the Owl House

Hunter and Luz ran like mad men through the woods trying to reach home until they saw the Owl House with Eda in front holding King in her arms. "Eda!" Hunter yelled out. "What, what is it what!?" She exclaimed. "We need your help!"

"With what?"

"We'll explain." Luz muttered stopping just in front of Hunter and dropping to her knees in exhaustion. "Just... need to catch my breath. Whoo, I don't know how you do it, Hunter."

Then they it heard another yell coming from the wood's. "Hunter! Luz!" It was Willow. And running along her was Gus and the two witches hugged the humans in one big embrace.

"Guys. You're not gonna believe this. Principal Bump was so impressed with my plant magic that he's gonna transfer me to the plant track!"

"You're right, I don't." The humans jinxed each other. Also, that's awesome I'm so happy for you!" Hunter congratulated as he picked her up and spun her around in a hug make her laugh brightly.

Thehn Luz turned to her mentor. "And, Eda, your lesson was right, if I hadn't kept that ball of slime we wouldn't have gotten out of there."

"See? I can be a good teacher." The Owl lady boasted.

Hunter finally put Willow back down as he brushed brightly, again, and continued laughing. "It's great to see that things worked out so well for you. I can't wait to see you in action when we next sneak in." Willow cringed. "...We got banned didn't we?" Hunter deadpanned. "Yup."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Eda celebrated throwing her arms in the air. "But hey, we can still come by and teach you what we learned." Gus offered. "That'd be nice but, I already have a great teacher." Luz admitted which made Hunter smile warmly. Eda herself was taken aback for a second but then smiled herself. "Yeah that's right, Luz is my student. Back off academy twerps!" She joked causing Gus to laugh at her antics. Looks like I taught you something after all kid." She said rubbing the top of Luz's head.

"Speaking of which, hey, Luz?" Hunter asked. "Yeah?"

"Where did this high five thing come from?"

A/N: Huh, well that took less time than expected. Spring break truly does do wonders. But either way I hope you folk's have enjoyed this chapter of this strange yet still tamer than other fics fic, and of course remember to tune in next time folks! Same bat channel! Same bat time!"
