Chapter 60: Jobs

This is just a trashy chapter :)

A day has passed, the queens and kids hadn't really gotten used to the adjustments but they're trying their best to be comfortable despite having two people missing in the family tree, and on that day Jane had an idea.

Jane: Girls-

The four queens turned their heads to look at the blonde, eager for what's she's going to say since they were completely bored.

Jane: I have a thought, why not get ourselves jobs?-

Anne: Doesn't Aragon have a job though?

Jane: She got fired-

Anna: Since when did Catherine got a job?-

Anne: How ironic— I mean, why did they fire her?

Jane: Well, I was visiting her on one particular day because she forgot her lunch and things got interesting in the eleva—

Cath: We don't talk about that here-

Jane: Right, sorry, but she did got a little creative with the sandwi—

Cath: Jane.

Jane: Sorryy- but yeah, I was thinking we could work together to buy a new house or even provide for the family atleast.

Kitty: But we're in a mansion-

Jane: But we don't live in it, so it's best if we save up for a new house.

Anna: But, m a n s i o n. : (

Jane: I know-

Anne: You still haven't forgotten about Cathy didn't you?

Jane: Of course I didn't Anne..

Anne: That's good.

Jane: So, are you girls in? We'll start small.

The other queens nodded in agreement  and then they decided to discuss about what job they'd like to do.

Anna: I'm thinking of working at a gym.

Jane: Alright, how about you Lina?

Cath: I've heard that there was a help wanted sign at the mall, so I'm thinking I'll go work there.

Jane: That's great, I've already planned on helping out at a salon nearby.

Jane smiled and then she looked over to her cousins with an expectant look.

Kitty: Is part-time jobs alright? Me and Annie had something in mind.

Jane: Yeah you girls can do part-time jobs, what do you girls have in mind?

Anne: We were thinking of... Babysitting!

Cath exaggeratedly coughs and turned her head to the two.

Cath: Did I heard you correctly?-

Anne: Yes you did Aragon-

Anna: Well that's unexpected-

Jane: sHh, you two are going to work together?

Kitty: Yeah, we're good with children so why not?

Cath: You do realize that you're about to work with THE Anne Boleyn right?

Kitty: Yeah?

Cath: OUR Anne Boleyn?

Anne: It's not everday you get to sit on a baby!


Kitty: ...oh.

Cath: Told ya-

Anne: hEy, don't make me look bad, I'm just kidding-  I'm cool with kids!

Cath: I think Jane fits the role better, Anne.

Jane: I'm a cool mom-

Anna: Jane, no-

Anne: But I don't wanna work at a boring saloonnn.

Jane: It's alright, I think Anne can do this, right Anne?

Anne beamed a smile and nodded.

Jane: We'll now that's settled, we'll start now!

Anne: Wait what-

Jane got up, putting on her shoes before taking the door knob.

Jane: I'm on my way to my interview-

Cath: But it's 8 in the morning?

Jane: Exactly-

The queen waved and walked out the room, making Cath sigh.

Cath: Guess that means I have to walk all the way to the mall..-

Anna: I'll come with-

Cath: Okay then.

Anne: wAit.

The two queens already got up and began dressing themselves up. The two cousins looked at eachother.

Kitty: Wait.. how do we start with this?

Anne: I don't know-

Kitty: What if we make a website of it?

Anne: Hmm, sure! What should we call it??

Kitty: hang onn.

Kitty picked up her phone that was surprisingly still working even after the incident.

Kitty: What should we call it?

Anne: Uuhmm, Anne and Kat's totally safe babysitting service!

Kitty: Wow that's long.. I like it-

Anne: Don't we need a licence for this though?



Anne: Hey Aragon- do we need a licence...-

Anne looked over her shoulder and saw that Aragon and Anna already left, the girl shrugged and turned back.

Anne: Nah we don't need a licence-

Kitty: It's free real estate- I just posted it on all my social :)

Anna: Anne and Kat's totally safe babysitting service is officially open for business!

Kitty: wHat cOuLd gO wRoNg ?

They heard a knock on the door and then the maid walked in with a tray balancing on her hand before walking over to them.

Maid: Your breakfast ma'am's.

Kitty: Ooh! Thank you.

Maid: You're welcome.

Kitty took the tray of food off the Maid's hand as she went back outside the room.

Anne: What's for breakfast?

Kitty: Coffee and biscuits...-

Anne: Wait, no eggs and bacon?

Kitty: We always have coffee for breakfast what do you mean?-

Anne: ....but biscuits.

The two took the biscuits off the little plate and their mugs, both took a sip.

Anne: Cathy would've loved this..

Kitty looked at Anne sympathetically and rubbed her back, earning a smile from Anne when all of the sudden, Kitty's phone rang. The two looked at eachother before Kit answered it.

[Kitty]: Hi?- how did you get my number?

[Caller]: Oh- I saw your website on Instagram and I was wondering if you could babysit my sons?

Kit's eyes widen and so did Anne's, they smirked at eachother as Kit began to respond.

[Kitty]: We'd love to! What's your address?


Liz: wHeRe aRe yOu gOinG?

Anne: somewhere-

Liz: nOoo you two aRe tHe lAst aDuLtS hEre-

Mezza: Why are the aunts leaving us?-

Kitty: It's for business Lizzie- we'll be back around noon or something-

Roy: Business?-

Liz: Don't die-

Kitty: We won't :)

Anne: I hope-

Liz: M O M.

Anne: Bye Elizabeth-

Anne then dragged Kitty outside leaving the kids in the mansion, when they arrived at the address the house the first thing Anne notices is the tree house just sitting on a tree, she beamed.

Anne: This will be fun-

Kitty: I know right?- this will definitely be easy.

They clung eachothers arm as they made their way over to the door, Kitty rang the doorbell and a lady with red hair and was dressed nicely answered.
She greeted them with a wave.

Lady: Hello, are you the babysitters I called for?

Kitty: Yes we are :D

Lady: Great, I'm sure you two have done this before?

Kitty: Actually Maam—

Anne: We have done this before-

Lady: Alright, I'll be back around 4, so here's some change.

She hands them some coins before calling her children's names.

Lady: Scott! Sam! Come here for a second!

Soon after that two boys who seemed like twins, around the age of 6, ran over to their mom's side and looked up at Kit and Anne.

Lady: Scott, Sam, these are your babysitters, uhm..

Anne: I'm Anne-

Kitty: Katherine, but you can call me Kit or Kitty if you want.

Scott: Are you an actual cat?

He points at the pink-haired queen.

Kitty: Uh- yes?

Sam: Why don't you have whiskers?

Kitty: ..I shaved them off?-

The two nodded at the same time and then they turn their attention to Anne.

Sam: Are you an animal too?

Anne: Uuhm.. Yeah-

Scott: Then what are you?

Anne pretended to be offended and pointed to her space buns.

Anne: I'm a mouse, duh.

The Lady chuckled and looked at the two.

Lady: I better get going now, have fun you two, be good.

She knelt down and kissed both of their foreheads before quickly walking out the fence gate, there was an awkward silence between the four.

Sam: Do you want to come in?

Anne: That would be lovely-

Scott: What's the secret password?

Kitty: We don't know—

Sam: Wrong! You get to live in our tree house!

Scott pointed at the little wooden house that was on a tree before shutting the door in both of the girls' faces.

Kitty and Anne: 👁️👄👁️

The twins watched them through the window, stifling their little laughs.

Scott and Sam: 👁️👅👁️

Anne: oH ITS ON- Kitty give me my bat-

Kitty: I didn't pack it-

Anne: Dangit-

Sam, through the window: This is our house! Go get your own!

Kitty: That hurt-

Anne: sHhHh. Let's just climb through the window-

Kitty: Isn't that a bit dangerous?

Anne: It's a normal habit for people who wear trench coats, now come on-

Kit followed Anne to a window, and the girl struggled to open it, one of the boys mischievously watched them.

Scott: All windows are locked, try again!

Anne: hHHHHhh-

Kitty: Sam! Can you please open the door?

Scott: It's Scott! And no.

Anne: Change of plans- We're going in through the chimney-

Kitty: Like Santa Claus?

Anne: Yeah yeah, Like Satan Claws-

Kitty: It's not- nevermind..

The two climbed up the ladder to the floor of the tree house and Anne jumped and landed on the roof, Kitty also jumped and Anne caught her, the cousins then looked down the chimney,  just dust and ash.

Anne: I'll go first-

Kitty: Alright-

Anne climbed the chimney and dropped down, but before she could even move Kitty landed on her making the two fall down.

Anne: KiT-

Kitty: Sorry-

Anne: I can't breathe-

Kitty quickly got off Anne as she gets on her feet, brushing ash off her jacket.

Anne: Now, where are those rascals?-

They heard a yell in the kitchen and the two girls immediately ran in the room, they saw that the refrigerator door was moving frantically, Anne pulled in open and out came Sam, shivering.

Kitty: Oh god, are you okay?

The boy shakily got up and leaned on Kit's legs.

Sam: C-C-Cold..

Anne: Why were you in a refrigerator?-

Sam: I a-always hide i-in the r-refrigerator.

Anne: wow.. I should try that.

Kitty wrapped a little blanket around the boy and ushered him to the couch.

Anne: Now all we need is to find rascal number two.

Kitty: Ew Anne-

Anne: Not that number two-

Kitty: Oh Sorry-

Sam: Scott ran outside..

Anne: What? Is he in the backyard?

Sam shook his head.

Sam: No Ms. Mouse, he said that he'll hide in the streets..

Anne: Why-

The boy just shrugged, Kit and Anne slowly looked at eachother.

Kitty: He's joking right?

Anne: It's definitely not-

~•Le End•~
