Chapter 43: Prove it

Here's a drawing of Robert and 🥗
That no one asked for :D

Also, unedited, and slight cussing (?)

Cass: LoRi-

Lori: ..

Cass: rEd oR oRaNgE ?

Lori: ... orange.

Cass: You sure?-

Lori: Why'd you even ask me, dumbass..

Russ: HaH- dumbass.

Lori: Shut up Russ.

Russ: sorry..

Marcial then came out of nowhere and grabbed Lori's hand, pulling her sleeves up.

Lori: What the-

Marc: Lorraine, you've been wearing bandages on your arms for weeks, what's going on, Huh??

She yanked her arm from his grasp pulling down the sleeves as she glared at Marc.

Lori: I told you, it's none of you—

Marc: Don't give me that bullshit Lorraine, have you been cutting or something?  Jesus, just tell us if something is wrong.

Lori: ...I-Its—

Suddenly Lori had another headache, everything around her began spinning and she felt dizzy, her head began throbbing with pain as closed her eyes tight, holding onto the edge of her seat, until something clicked.

Marc: Lorraine?—

Lori: How many fucking times do I have to tell you guys?! IM FINE. So stop asking!

Cass: Lori we're just worried..

Lori: Do I look like I give two shits..?

Russ: Calm down-

Lori: No, you guys just don't get it! You'll never understand!

Marc: Try us!

Lori: ..just leave me alone..

The girl shot up from her seat and walked out of the classroom, Marc sighed and ended up following her.

Marc: Lori-

Lori: What did I just say..?

Marc: Stop shutting the problem out I just don't want you hurt!

Lori: Well, I'm fine thanks.

Marc: Lori!

Marc grabbed her wrists and she winced immediately making him let go.

Marc: Sorry..

Lori just stared at him while rubbing her wrist before shoving pass him, walking back to the classroom, the boy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a plan to know what's really going on with Lori, he thought and thought until he was called back into the classroom.

Marc: Coming!

With that, he ran back to the room, ignoring the gazes given by his classmates. Meanwhile at the opposite side of the room, Liz was once again staring outside, sketching some birds to go with it, and also ignoring the lesson as well, don't get her wrong, she likes Mr. H's classes but because of what happened earlier, sketching is like one of her escapes besides admiring what's outside and let her imagination pour out.. Like that one time at—

Haywood: Elizabeth?

Liz: uH- Yes sir?

Haywood: You seem like you've been enjoying yourself over there..

Liz: No nO- Y-you got it all wrong I was paying attention-

Haywood: Well in that case, please stand up and answer question 43.

Liz: Wait what-

Haywood: Question 43, What is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere?

Liz: 👁️👄👁️💧

Liz: It's uhm- Well you see-

Haywood: Come on Elizabeth, this is one of our most recent lessons-

Liz: dOnT rUsh mE- It's uh...

Eventually she heard whispers around her and she began panicking, while doing so, she felt her ankle receiving a kick making her grunt, she looked down beside her and saw Lori looking at her from the corner of her eye with a straight expression, she returned with a confused and a bit annoyed one, Lori kicked her ankle again, this time Liz realized that Lori was hiding a paper with her hand, making sure only Lizzie saw it, "Nitrogen" was written on it, is that the answer?-

Liz: It's uh.. Nitrogen..?

Haywood: Yep that's right, glad you remembered Liz, I'm giving you a few points for that-

Lizzie sighed in relief and sank back down to her seat, but not before flashing Lori with little smile which was sadly returned with a cold glare.

Liz: pst- Thanks- Why'd you helped me?

Lori:  Remember this, and make sure it's stuck in that little brain of yours..
I only pity you.

Liz: But-

Lori: End of conversation.

Liz: ;-;

Lizzie leaned against her chair and finally payed attention to the class, she did noticed that Marc kept glancing at her, with his brows furrowed, she didn't really mind, but she does need to keep her guard up for awhile since Marcial is one of the most feared students in school.

Once the class ended Lizzie rushed over to Mezza, clinging on her.

Mezza: May I ask why youre hugging my arm?-

Liz: No-

Mezza: Okay-

Amy: What was our assignment again..?

Mezza: I think it's about space and stuff-

Amy: Oh okay thanks! I'll see you guys in a few.

Amy flashed them a smile and waved, walking out of the classroom, Mezza leaned a little to the side to see her walking to Robert, Mez gritted her teeth at the sight of the guy and huffed.

Liz: Mezza-

Mezza: Huh? What-

Liz: You look like you're about to kill someone..

Mezza: It's just- Dudley.

Lizzie looked down, trying to push the little memory aside.

Mezza: Ya know what, let's just go to the next class-

Liz: Okay..

The second they got outside Liz was pulled aside and was shoved against the locker, Lizzie blinked a few times before adjusting her vision to the person infront of her.

Marc: Tudor, was it..?

Liz: Marcial??

Marc: Tell me about Lori.

Liz: What do you mean..?

Marc: I know you know something about her that I don't, so tell me!

Liz: I-I don't know anything—

Marc: Stop lying! You've been talking to her for awhile, and since Lori never open's up to us, then she must've been opening up to you.

Mezza: Okay dude, Liz has nothing to do with this.

Marc turned his head to Mezza and gave her a death glare before dragging it to Liz.

Marc: I'll be watching you, you hear?

Liz: Uhm..

Marc: Don't even think about hiding, or else you'll be living in a locker.

He pushed himself away from the girl and marched to his next room, Mezza ran over to Liz, taking her hand and walked to their next class which is in the opposite side of the hallway from Marc's.

Liz: I'm scared-

Mezza: Of course you are-

What was that about though? Was it something about Lori? I need to know what's up. That was all that Liz can think of during the second period, constantly getting paper thrown at her by Mezza since she kept zoning out.

Finally the class was dismissed, basically Liz dragged Mez out of there, keeping full guard out for Marc, she ain't got no time for him-  She dragged Mezza all the way to their usual, with the others waiting for them.

Ed: Hey guys-

Liz: Help-

Roy: Why? What's up?

Liz: Actually nevermind-

Janie: Okay.. What did you guys brought for lunch?

Ed: Sandwich-

Mae: Ed shares with me!

Ed: No I don't-

Mae: :(

Ed: Okay fine you get the other half-

Mae: :)

Roy glanced at Liz and Mez, who were both just standing there, Mez was visibly confused and Liz was just staring into space.

Roy: Aren't you two going to sit down?

Mezza: I want to, but it seems like I'm tied to a statue..

Janie: Try clapping your hands infront of her-

Mezza: Nah that won't work-

Mez raised her free hand and smacked Lizzie's head, making the girl jump a little.

Liz: Danger-

Mezza: No danger, now let me siT dOwN pRoPeRlY-

Liz: nO-

Mezza: I- wHy-

Liz: Because you hit me-

Mezza: I dOnT cAre- dOnt mAke mE yAnK yOu dOwn wiTh mE-

Before Liz could fire back Mez pulled the girl down, with Lizzie landing on her face.

Liz: oW-

Mezza: That's what you get-

Liz: .. Mae, chair.

Everyone: N O .

Then they began eating, ranting, but mostly arguing, as another group of students were doing the exact opposite thing.

Russ: Why are you two glaring at eachother like that..?

Marc and Lori:

Cass: It's best if you just wait-

Russ: I can't eat with awkward tension Cassandra-

Cass: Well too bad-

Russ: Shut up-

Cass: No, you shut up-

Russ: You shut up-

Cass: Never, you shut up-

Russ: biTcH-

Cass: You little—

Lori: Cassandra.

Cass: -Uh, sorry..

Russ: Heh, bi—

Marc: Russel.

Russ: dangit.

Cass: Pfft.

Lori and Marc still kept glaring at eachother, arms crossed.

Lori: ..Are you going to stop now..?

Marc: ..No, are you going to stop hiding..?

Lori: I- just tell me what I could do to make you stop bothering me.

Marc: ..does Elizabeth know anything?..

Lori: T-Tudor? What do you mean..

Marc: I mean, you've been talking to her alot.. especially that thing you did at first period, so I assumed that she knows something we don't.

Lori: That's nonsense..

Marc: Then prove it, if you really aren't close to that girl, I'll leave you alone.

The other two: 👁️👄👁️

Lori huffed and glanced at the girl at the tree, it was pretty far from the table they were sitting at but that doesn't matter but if she had to be honest, she doesn't want to do what Marc has planned if she agrees, but the bottom line is, he'll tell her parents which is dead end for her, she then returned her attention to Marc.

Lori: Okay.. fine.

Marc: Cool, here's what you're gonna do..

~•Le End•~
