Chapter 15 What to do...?

Ayano's POV

I swear I'm going to let her go. Every time I try to break her mind she's like 'Atua will protect me' 'what are you doing?' 'Atua will save me, he never disappoints!' 'Sorry for asking, but can I have some food' it's so annoying!

I went even harder to break her mind for 3 hours straight since she kept pissing me off but she's still not mind-broke! How?!

"Hey, sorry to ask, but can I have something to drink?"

Angie asks. I groan, annoyed.

"Ughh!!! Can you shut up?!"

"I was only asking for water"

"Well you continuing to talk while I'm trying to break you is annoying!"

"You shall never break me, I am protected by Atua!"

"OH MY-can you last day without mentioning Atua?!"

"I'm sorry but I cannot! He created everything and I must thank him for giving me life-"

"Shut up! Ugh!!!! Know what?!"

I cut a deep stab in her arm.

"There~ how is that?!"

Angie clenches, her breathing gets heavy and she looks like she's attempting not to cry from the pain, but she looks at me with determination in her eyes.

"Even if you do that, Atua will protect me!"

"...Shut up or I'll do worse!"

"Atua shall protect me!"

I was getting annoyed....maybe...just maybe...

"...If I let you go, you won't go near Senpai EVER again. Understood?"

Angie nods.

"Ok! I'm supposing you like him right?"


I blushed a little.


"Ah! So Korekiyo was right! All people are blind when it comes to love-"

I cut her ropes off, annoyed.

"Go. Get out! But don't you dare tell anyone about this or I'll kill you!"


She walks out of my house. I sigh of annoyance. It was 7:15. Ugh. Gotta get ready. Angie's f!cking annoying...she better stay away from my Senpai or I'll murder her instead!

Thank Atua she's gone-wait no!

Angie's POV

Ah~! Atua saved me again! He is such a great God! I shall pray to him for his protection-


I was tackled down by Tenko. I giggled.

"Hello Tenko! What is it-"


Tenko continued to hug me. I laugh.

"Ah! I went to go to the store, of course I couldn't but anything but it was nice. I left school early because I heard of it and could not wait any longer. However, I got lost and decided to rest for the nigjt. Then, I found my way back!"


Tenko looked at me suspiciously before sighing.

"Maybe tell us next time?"

"Don't worry, I will!"

"That was obviously a lie!"

I heard Kokichi say.

"Hm? It's a lie?"

"Yeah, how else would you get that stab in your arm?"



Keebo and Tenko yelled at the same time. I giggled.

"Yes! I...just accidentally fell on a person who had a knife and it cut my arm!"


Tenko screams at the top of her lungs. Maki looks at me, suspiciously.

"Seems...a bit too...convenient..."

"I know!"

Kokichi's POV

Ha! What Angie just said was a total bluff. She obviously lied~

Hmm....I wonder what acually happened...oh well!

We walked in front of the school building, I was bored as hell. I wanted to annoy Maki buuuutttt she would ignore me~, I could insult Keebo but all he does is call it 'Robophobic'. I could annoy Angie on how she was lying but she would play it off, and Tenko would drop-kick me.

Awwww, if only Oso-Chan was here!!!! She has anger issues and I could upset her easily...even if my a$$ would get kicked!...Lets annoy Maki!


"Don't call me that."

"Why not? Kaito calls you that? Do you like Kaito~?"

Maki blushes slightly, pfft-

"No. He's an idiot."

"Ok Maki~...Maki, Maki, Maki, Maki, Maki, Maki, Maki, Maki-"

I kept poking her while saying that. Eveutually she got fed up and smacked my head. I faked a cry.

"Ooowwww! Maki! What was that for?! WAHHHH!!!! YOUR SO MEAN!!!-"

"Shut. The. Hell. Up."

"Jeez. Your sooooo scary when you do that voice...please don't do it again."

I pretended to be scared. I mean I was scared, or am I~? Nobody will even know...nobody...will...ever know...

"Just shut up. Your annoying as hell."

"I know~ Ne-hehe~"

I winked at her annoyed expression on her face. She looked so annoyed. Keebo sighs

"Guys! Nows NOT the time! We should get Angie to a hospital-"

"I'm fine! No sweat!"

Angie states. Ha! What a lie~!

We all reach the school and go inside, hopefully Osoro's already here so I can annoy the sh!t out of her! Yay~~!!!!

"Oso-Chan~~~, where are you~~?"

"She's not even here yet."

"You don't know that!"

I smirk as Maki scoffs, I notice a girl with Raven hair with a ponytail walk into school. I shrug it off, but I noticed Angie looking away from her, nervously.

Angie is NEVER nervous and she always waved at everyone, including her!

...Maybe she's the one who did it! Man, just wait until I tell Oso-Chan that the girl cut Angie's arm!

Even if she didn't do it, she did something so if I get it wrong, big deal

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I'm trying
Guys, I'm
Really am!
