Chapter 1 arrival

It happened the night after Keade died. She had died. She had been executed. It was a nightmare. The killing had begun.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

They had woken up. Right in front of a school. Five of them woke up.

Maki POV
Huh...? Where am I...?
I got up and looked around. I saw four of my classmates. Angie, Tenko, K1-B0, and (unfortunately), Kokichi.
I heard Kokichi hum, confused.
"...Where are we?"
K1-B0 said.
"I don't know...I shall pray to Atua to see!"
Angie said joyfully and began praying on her hands and knees.
"Hmph. Well, wherever we are, I bet it's that degenerate male 's fault here!"
Tenko pointed at Kokichi, in which Kokichi made an offended jester and gasped.
"Tenko! I would never do such a thing. And besides, even if I did want to drag us out of here, why would I bother with that robot?"
"HEY-thats robophobic!"
K1-B0 stated; pointing at Kokichi. Kokichi only shrugs
"See? Plussss, I would definitely never bring you, Tenko!...orrr, I could be lying to you guys~, nishishishi~!"
Kokichi made his 'mischievous' giggle as I sighed of annoyance.
"Well...wherever we are, we are at a high school."
I stated, finally talking. Angie nods
"Yeah! Atua says we are at a high school."
"Well no duhhhhh"
Kokichi says, his voice sounding bored.
"Since this is a high school, perhaps we can ask where we are! Since there appears to be students here!"
K1-B0 says and points to other students.
"I'll go talk to one!"
Angie exclaims with passion. We all watch as Angie approaches a boy with blonde hair and gold eyes and a scar on one of the them.
"Ugh...why a degenerate male?"
Tenko scoffed. We overheard Angie and the boys conversation.
"Excuse me, may I ask if-"
"Buzz off."
"...Thats not very nice, oh well, I just wanted to ask if you would tell me-"
"I said buzz off!"
I growled at him, but he didn't notice me since he was death staring Angie.

No ones POV:
Umeji death glared Angie, he seemed to have a gang, who stopped and stared at Angie as well. To all their surprise, she kept smiling and didn't seem afraid at all.
"Oh. Yes, I heard you, but I need to ask you something!"
"Tch. I don't care. Get lost!"
"Please, it'll only take a few seconds"
"Thats a waste of time."
"Oh...ok then. I'll ask someone else!"
Umeji sighed, finally she was-
"Excuse me, can I ask where we are?"
The boy heard Angie's voice close to him but not directed at him. He turned around to see Angie talking to Dairoku.
"...Your at Academy High, why?"
Dairoku answered. Angie clapped and laughed
"Thank you, Kind one! I'll be leaving now!"
Angie walks away, leaving the boys confused.
"...She really had the guts to ignore my question."
Dairoku said, annoyed. Gaku shrugged
"Just ignore her, Man. She must be 'new' here."
The delinquents just pass the gate.

"We are at Academy High!"
Angie exclaimed. Maki sighs
" that we know where we are, what should we do?"
"Well, we're not in the Killing Game anymore"
Kiibo said. The other four eyes widened a little. They had barely realized...they weren't in hopes peak...that means they...
Angie exclaimed with joy.
"We aren't in the killing game anymore...? How boring~, I thought the killing games would be sooo interesting~what a shame."
Kokichi said, though, he was actually relieved and so happy. Maki looked down.
"....What about the others...?"
They all turned to her, Tenko covered her mouth.
"Oh...Omg...I LEFT MY POOR HIMIKO!!!!! NO!!!!"
Tenko began tearing up. The high school students who were walking all turned to them. Kiibo quickly stepped in.
"S-She...just forgot something! Everyone, continue with your day!"
They all looked at them with confusion, but shrugged and ignored it. They all went on with their day. Kiibo sighs of relief.
"I don't think we should attract attention guys."
"Yeah...I don't like people's eyes on me."
Maki stated. Kokichi sighs
Kokichi over-exaggerates. Make does an annoyed death glare digging right through Kokichi, but Kokichi ignores it and just smirks playfully.
"Well, I think we should join this school!"
Angie claims.
Maki asks.
"Well we'll make new friends, join people, and it would give us time to think over. Not to mention we'll be safe here."
Angie claps and waits, expecting all of them to say "yes"
"I think Angie's right"
Kiibo said, agreeing with Angie. Tenko sighs.
"Yeah yeah...I agree to..I guess."
"I agree! I think I can make friends here...orrrr maybe thats a lie~"
Kokichi shrugs, but confirms he agrees. They all look at me and I shrug
"Yeah...whatever. I'm ok with whatever you guys say."
"Nya-hahahaha! Well then, lets go make our arrival!"
Angie drags us inside the school.

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It's not great but it's a start
