| CHAPTER 62 |

~ Namjoon Pov ~

Confusion ....is the most frustrating emotion in a human after love. When our mind is divided in two paths and we are sitting in the middle knocking our heads to answer, which way to go.

My head was being cradled with my hands, since this confusion was messing up with my calm insight.

A day blurred before my eyes; the confusion remained my unwelcome companion

As midnight approached on Sunday, here I was sitting in a black leather jacket and baggy jeans ready to follow that one path of my confusion. Yet, my thoughts and intuition were at odds, foretelling something significant.

They were telling me something big was going to happen tonight.

I was not thrilled to meet my cousin there; I was just going there to help my beloved...

When an unknown caller revealed that Vixen's club held crucial evidence for Y/N's case, my mind spiraled into turmoil. I risked my career, my passion, all for her victory. If this evidence solidified her case, I couldn't turn back...

I don't just love my job; I adore it. It's the one place I haven't messed up yet.

But who's complaining?

It's worth it!

The thing is .... I can't trust that unknown angel call, angel call because why would somebody just call me knowing everything about me ...to help me? unless it's an angel

I couldn't digest that fact.... Who's that angel in disguise who is helping me with my plans?

"Urgh!" I groaned loudly in discomfort; this confusion was picking my brain.

Should I go or not?

What if that call was a conspiracy from my cousin? What if it's a trap?

"Look, Hwan someone possessed your uncle......" 

I flinched in terror as the sudden voice cut through my thoughts.

"Hyung...." Cupping my face with relief, I breathed .... It was my one and only Seokjin Hyung with his weeks old Son...Hwan

 I couldn't fathom how they always seemed to be watching me, everywhere.

Ever since Seokjin Hyung had his son, it's like he got his partner in crime .... They are literally everywhere ...

Like right now, they both were standing at my door, which I don't remember when was left open .... Hwan was somehow dangling over Hyung's shoulder on his stomach he was just giggling like a cute kid he is...

Seokjin Hyung had his right arm support that little bean; they both were standing at my door with their mouths open ...

"Why aren't you guys sleeping?" I closed my eyes and leaned back dramatically in exhaustion 

"Hwan wanted some treats" Hyung deliberately entered my room with Hwan giggling more loudly...

"Then why are in my room-"

"What's up?" Hyung sat across me cutting my head with Hwan in his lap

"Hyung why are in my room-"

"Why are you so tensed?" He raised his eyebrows but his hands were still rubbing Hwan's stomach...

"Hyung why-"

"Why are you so dressed?!" 

'So, Hyung doesn't want to get out from my room....'

"I'm going to a club" I blurted out and watched his expressions keenly...

 Kim Seok-Hwan possessed a unique talent for mimicry.

As Hyung fell into an unusual silence, his usually animated features transformed into a serious demeanor. Hwan, following suit, mirrored his father's seriousness.

However, in the blink of an eye...

"With who~" Hyung raised his eyebrows playfully while still rubbing Hwan's stomach.

If I could see my own expression, I was certain my mouth had dropped open. The speed at which this man could change his expressions was astonishing.

"Alone?" I replied truthfully. I was indeed going solo, my sole purpose being that Go-pro.

Suddenly, Hyung's face underwent a complete transformation, and it appeared to be... pity?

What's up with Hyung today?

"Oh...No, No My baby brother doesn't have someone to go with him..." Hyung gently placed his now drowsy son on my bed and came closer 

"I will go with you" he spoke with a determination 


"No!" I shouted in extreme panic 


"Uh...I want to enjoy.... alone..." I reasoned 

His eyebrows raised and dropped again, like he understood something 

"OH!" His loud realization made my precious nephew jolt up awake

Hwan started crying loudly and Hyung got nervous, he stood up cooing over his son saying how cute he looks even when he was crying.

 I held my head once again, but this time I was clear with one thing.

Let's get over with it, cowering away will only make me lose this golden chance.

"Have Fun Virgin Boy and use protection!" Hyung laughed heartily while still cradling his son.

I couldn't help but wonder, did he truly understand my words?

'What did he mean by use protection-does he thought I was going to fu-'

"Hyung you're so ...weird..."

~ Author Pov ~

The loud music was blasting the walls of Vixen's club without any break. People were least bothered about this ear-shattering atmosphere. They were lost in an Intoxication of ...pleasure.

This celebrity club was divided into three parts the club and the bar, which is the only sane part of this place. Then, the strip club which was the freakiest place in Seoul .... People having weird kinks have their way there.

Then comes the VVIP section which is the third floor of Vixen's club. Finally, there was the coveted VVIP section on the third floor, where celebrities, politicians, and influential businessmen found their sanctuary. But don't mistake it for refinement; this place was a breeding ground for snobbish excess. It was a world of its own, where everything from prostitution to extortion had its place.

Everything happens in that VVIP section......stays in the VVIP section.

What were Seoul police doing? How come a place like this was breeding in the country?

Well, they turned a blind eye. The higher-ups had their fingers in this sordid pie too. Plus, Kim Taehyung himself closely monitored this establishment from his small Office here.

Secured by Z+ security ...this place was untouchable without any invite card or booking.

 It was also the location where the coveted Go-Pro was hidden away, waiting to be seized.

"How can I sneak in the VVIP section?" 

He abruptly spewed out his expensive bottled water, which he'd conveniently 'borrowed' from the fridge. Yes, even clubs have water...

You stood there, arms crossed, as Jungkook took a leisurely thirty minutes to explain the inner workings of this establishment.

All you understood was, the thing you needed was kept on the third floor.

"Ma'am, please reconsider. That place is a nightmare!" Jungkook placed the now-empty bottle on the countertop and nervously surveyed your determined demeanor.

"Unfortunately, Jungkook-shi , that's what I came for" You shrugged and scanned the surroundings, visibly cringing.

'What can be more horrendous than this?'

People danced as if it were their last day on Earth, pitiful moans echoing everywhere, and even someone had the audacity to vomit on the pristine black marble floor...

You didn't think celebrities could be this messy.

"Just tell me the way Mr. Jeon, I'll handle it from here." 

Jungkook was on the edge of an anxiety attack. From the tender age of fifteen, he had worked tirelessly to sustain himself.

Born in a modest village near Busan, Jungkook's parents instilled in him the values of self-sufficiency and hard work. Birthed in a small village near Busan, Jungkook was very passionate about his studies and his passion got nurtured the day he first read an article written by Kim Namjoon.

Jungkook had always been driven by a burning desire to be independent and prosperous, much like his role model, Kim Namjoon.

That day he was determined to be a self-independent and powerful Like him. upon researching further, he got to know about You, and since then, you and Kim Namjoon are his ultimate inspiration.

Reading an article written by Kim Namjoon had ignited his passion for the written word and inspired him to follow in the footsteps of his idols. 

He had even managed to secure admission to the same college where they had studied, the Seoul University of Law. But his dreams came at a cost; he juggled three jobs to make ends meet - one at the college library, another at a convenience store, and the third at this very bar.

Working at this bar was his need, since the bar pays more than a library or a convenience store.

Right from the start, his only Aim of his life was to get work as an Assistant advocate under you or Namjoon, for that he needed great scores which he was doing very well.

Jeon Jungkook was an elite.

He can't express how giddy he was feeling today after meeting you, it was like his penance got successful.

but the reason of his anxiety was something else, His Idol, His mentor whom he had been idolizing for years was today in a peril situation.

No one knows a place better than its employees. If you want to rob a bank, don't interrogate customers; talk to the workers, because they know the place inside out with their hearts.

Jungkook knew what kind of place VVIP section was, it was so horrible, he only could make you stay away from that place.




"You can call me Y/N..." You gaze softened, looking at this young man, who calls himself your disciple which is true. Every time he glances at you, you observe his doe eyes brightening like a galaxy. His words held an honesty, which is very hard to find these days.

Even if it was just an hour or so, but you were sure you could trust Jungkook 

"Nonna?" He called you out, testing the new endearment. He decided to call you, no matter what happens Jungkook won't call you with Informally.

You nodded and confirmed that he could call you that, Jungkook smiled lightly before his smile vanished like it wasn't there.

"That place is not what you think Nonna, it's the breeding place of all crimes happen in Seoul"

"It was yesterday when I saw them dragging a dead body, that body was brutally tattered and instead of fear, the 'celebrities' they were laughing

You have to admit listening to Jungkook brought you shivers down your spine. 

'I take that back .... celebrities are messy...'

At this point of time, you were a little bit tipsy ...a tipsy mind is nothing more than a broken tape recorder.

Once you hear something while you're drunk, it will play in your mind without any break, that's the specialty of being drunk, it sometimes helps you but sometimes not....

Currently, your vision was staggering but you were not drunk, just a little bit tipsy you had that much of an alcohol tolerance, thanks to one and only Jackson wang.

But the specialty of being drunk yeah, the tape recorder, thoughts of that Go-Pro in Kim Taehyung's cabin was replaying again and again in your mind. so much that, even Jungkook warnings seem to be ......useless.

"Rationally speaking Jungkook, I don't have any concerns with the people of that place.... I just want that one thing ...only"

Jungkook's increasing anxiety increased more, when he heard your careless thoughts over VVIP sections.

He can't- he won't let you go...alone 

"O-Okay....Nonna if you are that adamant over your work, I'll help you getting that...."

"I thought we were over that Mr. Jeon!" you crossed your arms around your chest, it would be nearly an hour ago when he finally stopped whining for 'helping' you. 

You really can't afford to live if your 'fan' is hurt in this process and besides he's very young to put his life in danger.

"But this time I got a good logic behind that......" Jungkook smirked?

'He's one hell of a stubborn man....'

"I've been working here for a year; I know this club better than you Ms. Y/N..."

Oh...so this rabbit is mocking you.... indeed, he was correct. An employee or a worker knows the place better than anyone ...but does that mean you will put his life on threat even after knowing what kind of man Taehyung is?

"I promise I will take care of myself Nonna, just let me help you...."



"Yes okay! , But you need to promise me you'll not get harmed Because I won't save you...." you raised your eyebrows and expected a sour expression from him but instead....

A fan knows his idol very well Jungkook knew you were just saying to make him cower away.... you will definitely save him if anything happens....

It was true that you were trying to scare him away, you were Min Y/N, and Min's don't show venerability ...

but alas, he's too stubborn to leave your side tonight....

~ Jungkook Pov ~

Dressed in my club uniform, my left hand effortlessly balanced those weird drink's tray. like really, they smell so bad, how can one drink them?

My face held a my infamous 'I don't give a fuck' smile. as I stride in the VVIP section with new found braveness...


I was feeling brave today, I will do my best to help Nonna in case, no matter what...

My dream of working with my Idol was finally accomplished even if it was only one ...but who cares?

Giddiness continued to churn within my stomach ever since I spotted her from a distance, standing there nervously.

Ever since the day I coincidentally encountered Nonna at the convenience store, my sleep has abandoned me...

The emotion coursing through me could only be grasped by someone who had just met their lifelong idol by sheer chance.

My thoughts were cut off when I felt a disgusting hand caressing my thigh, I was freaking walking but still someone got a chance to touch me?

Welcome to the VVIP section everyone!

The fact that I had successfully kept Y/N Nonna downstairs was a great relief; this wasn't the place for someone like her. Though she gave me a strict warning not to do anything stupid, I just had to look around and tell her the exact status of Kim Taehyung because she had a suspicion he would be here tonight.

My only work is to confirm Kim Taehyung's presence

 How boring ~

Getting back to the moment where that disgusting Cripple hand was creeping along my thigh, I craned my leg downwards because that human was way too short for my liking...

And that human happens to be an old women 

I harshly shrugged away her wrinkled hand from my thigh, her hand was jerked with a force, looks like that old skank was too drunk to be angry.

uncomfortableness grew inside my chest as I continued walking down that skimpy hallway, numerous seductive glances were thrown in my way, but I was strong .... strong for my dream work.

Who said only girls get catcalled? they definitely haven't visited a club ....

Somehow, controlling my breaths and raging nervousness, I managed to pull over to the end of the VVIP section, The Red area...

Despite my racing heart and mounting anxiety, I managed to reach the far end of the VVIP section, known as the Red Area.

No outside waiters, or even 'celebrities' were allowed here, only the ones who were summoned by Kim Taehyung himself were found here...

I knew if by any chance I was found here, my destiny would be ...death 

{A/N: Red Club aesthetic}

Carefully, I concealed the champagne tray in a hidden spot. I couldn't afford any slip-ups at that moment.

After spending a year in this club, I'd heard countless tales about Taehyung's cabin being a masterpiece of interior design. If the rumors were accurate, all I needed to do was find a door with an especially captivating appearance, which might lead to his cabin. A lot of people talked about how Taehyung's cabin here was the epitome of interior designer.

If I believe those gossips true, then I just need to find a 'beautiful' looking door, and that door can possibly be his cabin.

On the way here, I didn't see him once, meaning, Taehyung could be in his office or he's not here today....

The red lights were making me feel dizzy and queasy.

Slowly, I removed my half-waiter's vest, hoping to look more sophisticated in case anyone doubted me.

I moved with a sense of purpose, my eyes scanning door after door until...


A sharp, sudden pain shot through my nose, causing an inhuman sound to escape my lips. Nose attacks were the worst, and my entire bloodstream seemed to rush to my nose.

Opening my eyes, I was left shocked

shit! I was bumped into a ...chest ...not a normal one.... but a buffed one...

Please, don't let it be the man, I fear.

Please, not Kim Taehyung himself.


I sent silent prayers to every higher power I believed in and slowly looked up.

Upon looking I was more shocked than ever .... because the person was the man, I never expected would be here....




Suffer babes ;)

I lob you ❤️
