
"Poor you, hyung..."

3 of them look at 4 boys standing in front of them as they were crying except Sunghoon. Heeseung chuckled. "Hey, the victim is me, why are you guys are the ones who crying?" Heeseung said making all of them laughing.

"But seriously, hyung. I can't believe that she did that to you and make you go through all that when you're still young." Sunoo said as he stomp his foot making the others chuckled.

"Past is past, forgive forget. That's all matter, Sunoo. Plus you guys are way younger than me and already faced this kind of things." Heeseung said as he chuckled while others laughing.

"Oh hyung, now that you mention that you have elder brothers which remind me when Grandma Park told us that you guys actually gone away together, so where is your brothers?" Asked Jake as he sat down next to Jay.

"Well we did get away from there together, we ran to the forest together but as soon as we got here, my brothers accidentally bump into one of those spirits causing them to died. So yeah.." Heeseung explained as the others nod and yet felt bad.

They went silent as no one is talking.. feeling the cold air running through their entire body..They all let out a big sigh as they look up to the sky.. They realized its full moon as the light bright from the moon flashed to their faces.

"Hyung.. its full moon.."

Jungwon said as all of them look at Heeseung who is chuckled. "Put your hands to the moonlight, and look at it. If its starts to faded means you're turning into spirit like me, if its not then you're non-category like Sunghoon." Heeseung said as the others quickly do it.

Jay and Ni-Ki looks so shocked as they saw their hands starts to faded while Sunoo and Jake still look at their hands who are still in normal conditions.

"Seems like you two are spirits." Sunghoon said as he smile, forgot to mention that the boys have take off their mask except Heeseung.

"Yay! I can finally pat Jungwon!" Ni-Ki said as he quickly hug Jungwon while Jungwon being all flustered by the sudden action but he still let Ni-Ki hug him and pat him.

"Aww, now I'm jealous, I want to pat Jungwon too.." Sunoo said as he pout, Sunghoon and Jake laugh while Ni-Ki just tuck his tounge out at his own twin brother. Sunoo stomp his foot while crossed his arms.

"Anyway, I'm glad that my Jakey is non-category, I can hug him all day!" Sunghoon said as he also hug Jake while Jake just giggled then hug him back. Sunoo look at Sunghoon unbelievable. "Why are you want to to be closed with Jakey hyung?" Sunoo asked as he also hug Jake while pushing Sunghoon away from them both making Jake flustered then chuckled.

"Because Jakey is cute, you know?"

"But I'm cuter.." Sunoo pout as the others laugh at his statements making Sunoo continue to pout and stomp his foot to the ground.

"Sunoo, do you know when you're actually looks cute?" Heeseung asked as everyone look at him confusedly. "When?" Sunoo ask as he felt curious.

"When your mad." Heeseung and Sunghoon burst into laugh as they both continue to teased the poor Sunoo boy :D (A/N: happy birthday Sunoo, I love you)

Sunoo smacked Sunghoon's head as Sunghoon groaned in pain while Heeseung laughing more. "Jay hyung, do me a favor will you?" Sunoo asked Jay as Jay look at him confusedly. "Smack Heeseung's head for me."

Heeseung burst into laughing again as Sunoo realized he can't touch him but then he stop as he felt pain at his head. Jay actually smack Heeseung's head, not because for Sunoo, but he wants Heeseung to stop laughing.

"Hey.. that's hurt, you know.." Heeseung whined as he rub his head making Jay felt bad but he just keep his straight face. "Suit your face! Thanks Jay hyung!" Sunoo happily said as Jay chuckled at the younger.

"Hey, now that you're becoming a spirit, there's something I always want to do." Heeseung said as everyone look at him confused. Jay look at him as he tilt his head. "What?"

Heeseung then hold Jay's cheeks then he squished it. He then stare at Jay's face closely as he continue to squished his cheeks making everyone looks confusing. He then burst into laugh as Jay's face went red as tomatoes. "Your face is red, Jay!" Heeseung said as he can't stop laughing, making the boy embarrassed.

The others then look at Jay as they all shockly. "Jay hyung, your face is red as tomatoes!" Ni-Ki said as Jay covering his face. "What was that about, hyung!?" Jay shout as he felt embarrassed. Heeseung then chuckled as he stop laughing.

"Don't be embarrassed, Jay. Its not even my first time seeing you with those redness faces~" Heeseung said as he giggled.

"Ohoho~ What's happening here?~" Jungwon teased as he finally know what's up. The others looks confused. "Wait what is going on?" Sunghoon asked.

"Well whenever I tend to look at Jay, I noticed that his face always get red but when you guys look at him, his face is much more normal so that's why I want to confirm it again." Heeseung snort making everyone smirking at Jay who is covering his face with his bare hands.

"W- Was my face really that red for you to notice?" Jay asked as Heeseung hummed. "Yeah, but don't worry, its kinda cute to see you like that." Heeseung chuckled then he ruffled Jay's hair making Jay flustered.

"Wait, does Jay hyung like Heeseung hyung??" Ni-Ki asked as Heeseung shrugged his shoulder and then everyone look at him. Jay rub his neck as he look at the ground, trying to avoid the gaze. Before Jay can answer the question, Heeseung interrupted him.

"Hey, its getting late for you guys right now, You guys should go to sleep." Heeseung said as Jake and Jungwon yawned. "You're right, I'm also felt tired and sleepy." Jungwon said then he turn back to his cat form and climb onto Heeseung's shoulders.

The boys agree and went to the treehouse while Heeseung bring Jungwon with him to somewhere else.. but before that, Jay told the others to go first and he called Heeseung, making he turn around and look at the Jay.

"What is it?"

Jay was a bit hesitate at first as he walked toward Heeseung. "C- Can I see your face again?" Heeseung chuckled at Jay's cute request. Jungwon already fell asleep on Heeseung's shoulder.

Heeseung took off his mask and look straight to Jay while smiling. "There, happy now? Why you suddenly want-"

Jay stop Heeseung from talking as he kiss Heeseung's cheeks for a second making Heeseung shocked by the sudden action. When Jay stop he then look at Heeseung who is standing as if he's froze while his jaw drop.

Jay can feel his his face heaten up. "A-Ah! Well goodnight, and sleep well! See you tomorrow!" Jay said as he ran away. Heeseung chuckled as he heard the boy wish him goodnight and he look at Jay who ran away.

"I don't sleep, Jay, plus I'm guessing you're not going to have a sleep tonight without thinking about me." Heeseung mutters as he touch his cheeks where Jay just kissed at. Heeseung then look at the sky.. while Jay at the other side, felt so much embarrassing for doing that but he finally feel a bit relief that he can finally do that since he have been keeping his feelings toward the boy when they first met. Jay look at the sky..

"I didn't know that you have feeling for me, Jay, but I hope you will not disappeared like the others when I said I love you too.. Please don't disappeared from me, Jay.."

"I hope you felt the same thing as I feel, hyung.. After I met you for the first time, I can't stop but to searching for you.. I really hope you also searching for me, hyung."

They talked to the moon without knowing that they've already talked toward each others, not face to face but to moonlight. Moon starts to shining more bright as they observed with the moon, little did they know they've been lost the summer as they put the trust onto the moon to let the moon know their feelings toward each others.. :D


The end..
