
The boys wake up early and quickly went to the forest to see Heeseung and the others. They leaved their house at 7am in the morning when everyone is still sleeping. They go to the same lake where they usually meet, and they saw the others already at there, waiting for the 4 boys.

"Finally, you guys here.." Jungwon said as he turn himself into his human body since he was in his cat form before. Sunoo then teared up making the 3 other boys confused. "Sunoo and Ni-Ki's parents.. died last night." Jake said, as Jungwon look at them shockly then he look at Heeseung with that worry face. "Its getting worse day by day.." Jay said slowly as he stare at his foot, not daring to look at Sunoo and Ni-Ki who is crying. Jake closed his eyes as he can't stop but feel bad for their loss.

Heeseung hummed in response while Sunghoon is hugging the youngers, trying to calm the both of them down.. Its such a glad that Sunghoon can touch humans since he can make the youngers calm down a bit, just imagine if Sunghoon can't touch them either, that would probably be the most messed up parts.

"So, have you guys tell someone you trust about this?" Heeseung asked, Jay nod. "Well? How does it goes?" Jay sigh. "We told our grandma about it and she said she's willing to die in order to let us lives.. she said she will help us if the villagers starts to attack us." Jay said as the elder nods.

"And your decisions?"

The 4 boys look at each others before look back at Heeseung. Sunoo wipes his tears. "I'll stay with you guys. Grandma Park already willing to help us so I don't want to waste her times to help us." Sunoo said making everyone looks at him shockly. Ni-Ki then smile and wipes his tears. "If Sunoo hyung choose to stay with you guys, then I'll stay too. I don't want to let him live by himself since he's weak, he could die anywhere without my help." Ni-Ki joking a bit which lighten the atmosphere a bit.

"I'll also stay with you guys." Jake said while smiling. and now everyone looks at Jay who is still hadn't say anything yet. "Jay?" Heeseung asked again.. Jay look at everyone as he sigh. "If everyone choose to stay, then I'll stay too." Jay said making everyone cheers while Heeseung just chuckled..

"Well then, its decided then!" Heeseung said as he clap his hands.  Jungwon then starts to wonder something. "Hey, how did your parents died again?"

Sunoo and Ni-Ki told them about how the some of the villagers found out that their parents died on the floor inside the house with there's so much bloods coming out from their mouths when the boys were having a sleepover at Jay and Jake's house. They also tell them its might be weird for the villagers to know about this sudden news since their parents never have some illness that can go die just like that.

"Oh well, I'm guessing the villagers starts to think that the cursed is starting again.." Heeseung said as he ruffled his hair, start to feel annoyed. "You guys should be more careful today. If you guys felt something isn't right, quickly call for our help."  Heeseung said as Jungwon and Sunghoon nod.

"How are we gonna call for you guys?" Jay questioned as Heeseung chuckled. Heeseung then take out something from his pockets, then throw it to Jay. Jay catch it and then look at him confusedly then look at his hand, there's a small flute on his hand.

"A flute? But its so small.." Sunoo said as the boys look at the tiny flute on Jay's hand. "Blow that if you need us. Also, don't lose it or else I'll chop your bodies, got that?" Heeseung said as the boys chuckled then nod. "Okay hyung!"

After they done discussed about the planned.. they hang out and play together like usual. Sunoo, Ni-Ki, Jake and Sunghoon were playing tag you're it, Jungwon felt tired so he just went to his cat form and resting on Heeseung's lap meanwhile Heeseung sits on the ground with Jay sit beside him, watching the others playing.

As they both watch the others playing, Jungwon fell asleep. Jay then look at Heeseung who is still wearing that red fox mask, its surprised Jay a bit that he never see Heeseung without those mask, he has been wonder if Heeseung ever take off his mask once in a time.

"Hyung?" call Jay as he look at Heeseung who is still focus on the boys chasing each others. "Yes, Jay?"

"Have you ever take off your mask?" Jay asked as Heeseung chuckled making Jay look at him confusedly. "I do take it off, only when I need to eat something, but I never take it off in front of others spirits or humans." Said Heeseung.


"Mhm.. Like I said before, it will be boring if you guys saw my face." Heeseung said as Jay look at the elder with full of curiosity. "That's it? That's the only reason why?" Jay asked and Heeseung nod. Jay frowned as he have been curious to see Heeseung's real face without those stupid mask. Heeseung chuckled as he heard the younger frowned. "Do you really want to see my face that bad?" Asked Heeseung as he smirk but of course Jay can't see it. Jay look at Heeseung with those sparkly eyes, thinking that Heeseung would finally show his face.

Heeseung slowly take off his mask and turn his head to Jay while smiling. Jay look at Heeseung with those amazed eyes. Jay admit that the elder is kinda handsome and cute. Heeseung chuckled then he quickly put his mask on, good thing the others didn't saw it.

"That's all for today!" Heeseung said as he laugh a bit making Jay pout. "Hyung.. I gotta admit that you kinda look handsome.." Jay say as he can feel his heart beating so fast while Heeseung laughing after hearing the compliment coming from the younger.

"Thank you, Jay." Heeseung thanked Jay as he adore the younger cuteness. "Hyung, you're face is really handsome, why won't you show it to the others? everyone might adores your handsome face!" Jay questioned. "Nah, I don't like that kind of attention, plus I love being like this." Jay nod then they're both continue to chatting as times flies.
