The Seventh Night

"Did you know there is a crab on the moon?"

"No, Atsushi." Auktagawa said, squinting, while looking up trying to spot a tiny red dot on the rock so far away.

"No, you idiot, it's huge," Atsushi continued, " You can see the grey circle on the moon... yeah, that one, if you look closely you will be able to see four legs going out of it's side. It's in the corner"

"The corner of the moon? Don't be a fool, Jinko."


Today felt different.

Maybe because Akutagawa found himself staring at Atsushi's lips.

He looked for a split second at a time, hoping, no, praying that Atsushi won't notice.

He wanted to kiss him.

He was sure.

He thought about this for a long time, even debated if it was ok for him to go here, if he might let his emotions take over and kiss Atsushi, but then he remembered that he controlled his emotions his entire life, so he could do it for another few nights.

But he was different when he was with Atsushi.

He slowly realised that he wasn't the only one staring at the other.

Atsushi was sneaking glances at him too.

They were both too scared to do it.

But they wanted to.


"Why do you think it's a crab? Why not a spider?"

"Ryuu, a spider has eight legs..."

"Right.. right."

"I think it may symbolise that there is life beyond earth."

"I know that you are idiotic at times, but you believe in aliens?"

"Yes. I always wanted one to take me away. Far away. Beyond this galaxy, beyond science and what we call 'home', as I never really had one"

"Do you still wish they'd take you away?"

"Not anymore. Not since you-" he paused, " nevermind.."

Akutagawa's heart was slamming against his chest, and he was scared that Atsushi would hear.

"Not since I what?"

"Since you made me feel at home." Atsushi stated with confidence. He looked at Akutagawa dead in the eyes as he said it too, no hesitation, and a loving , soft, look in his eyes.

This was when Akutagawa realised he fell for the Jinko all over again. He saw his face glowing as he looked up to the midnight sky, his sunset eyes shining in the moonlight. He could take it no more.

Akutagawa grabbed Atsushi's chin with one hand, and placed the other on his cheek.

Atsushi was surprised, his face red, as he stared into Akutagawa's metallic eyes.

"C-can I?" Akutagawa asked, feeling like a fool for stuttering.

Atsushi only responded with a slight nod, before leaning in and closing his eyes.

Akutagawa did the same, and their lips touched, but they both did not know what to do.

Atsushi was raised in an orphanage, and he did not even think about dating when he joined the agency.

Akutagawa was the leader of his friends, back in the slums so he thought it would do him no good to go and start dating people he was so close with. Later, Dazai made sure that he would not even think about anything to do with a romantic relationship.

But they were both inexperienced, so they both did not mind that the other did not know what to do. They enjoyed it while it lasted, and when it was over they both smiled, closed their eyes again, and slowly, fell asleep on their rooftop.


A/N: please tell me that I'm not the only one who sees the crab on the moon... please!
