The Fifth Night

"Is that a moon necklace?" Atsushi was surprised by the gift he received from his 'enemy'.


"Why..?" Atsushi was more and more confused by Akutagawa. First, he becomes somewhat friendly, now he gives him jewellery..?

"Well, I was unable to buy you the moon, and I do not think you would appreciate if I named a piece of it after you, so I decided that this was the best option".

"Thank you, Ryuunosuke". It felt weird to say his name, but he could see that it filled Akutagawa with joy, judging from the smile he gave him.


Tonight, Akutagawa arrived first. He spent hours picking out this necklace with Chuuya-san, as a 'thank you' for the tea.

Chuuya, of course, made fun of Akutagawa, but he helped him, as his fashion sense was way better than Akutagawa's, who literally dressed like a Victorian Lord.

The necklace itself, was silver, it had small details and patterns all over that made it look just as beautiful as the real one. It was a crescent moon, as Akutagawa did not like the full moon one. He said 'it is not a moon, but a mere circle wannabe'.

Akutagawa was nervous, as he knew that a moon necklace could mean 'I love you to the moon and back', and if Atsushi knew this, he may get the wrong idea. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke did (not) love Atsushi Nakajima.

So he wandered if Atsushi knew this necklace could have a meaning like this, but then he reminded himself that the Jinko is dense, and even if he knew, he would shrug it off.

His thoughts were swept away, when he heard;


"Yes?" He turned around.

"What do you have- "

"This is for you." Akutagawa interrupted.

Atsushi opened the box, and stared at his moon, who has been with him all his life. It was beautiful, and Atsushi couldn't stop admiring it. He touched the cool metal, feeling the patterns beneath his finger.


"Could you put it on.?" Atsushi quietly asked.

Akutagawa took out the necklace, and Atsushi turned around. He clipped it, behind the other's neck, and Atsushi turned back to face him.

Both were smiling, and although it was rare, they were happy.

They sat down by the wall, and stared at the moon. It was a crescent, like the necklace Atsushi just received.


Akutagawa did not like being touched, but he did allow Atsushi to rest his head on his shoulder tonight.

"This one time I'll allow it, Jinko" he said, more to himself than to Atsushi. Atsushi wasn't listening anyway.

They both enjoyed this, sitting so close and watching the stars twinkle. It was relaxing, in their city full of crime and rage.

Just like all the other nights, their rooftop meeting came to an end when the sun rose. It was brighter than usual, and this made their eyes hurt. They left with a goodbye, this time. At least that's an improvement.


The next day, at the Agency, Atsushi got a lot of stares because of this new necklace. Nobody said anything, but they all knew that Atsushi did not buy this for himself.

Ranpo, like Ranpo, already knew everything, but he did not say anything either, as Ranpo, is Ranpo.

A/N: Idk what this is... did the last sent a make sense?!? but thanks for reading!!! :)
