chapter 15 - well done

*kaitlin POV

It was pretty early when I woke up jack was sat up on his phone

Kaitlin : morning

Jack: morning

Jack: how you been

Kaitlin: good just need to take a pain killer everyday on till the bruising goes

Jack: does it hurt when you change

Kaitlin: yeah but I need to change and it's not forever

Jack:I suppose

Kaitlin: do you want me to call room service to get some breakfast for us all

Jack: yeah

I ordered what we were all getting with extras just in case they didn't want that

We were waiting for it to be delivered

The rest of the boys woke up just in time for food we told them what we ordered we ran the quilt back to the room and then all sat on the. Bed

It was a tight squeeze but we all fitted.

We finished up and left to go to their last performance in Holly wood be for we go to ohio logans home town

We all got ready and went on the tour bus

We were all sat chilling on the sofa

I uploaded the picture of last night us all having a sleep over

I tagged the boys in

All their phones vibrated and then they liked the pic

Corbyn: have you phoned your brother

Kaitlin: if I tell him he will come get me

Corbyn: I promised him I'd keep you safe I don't want to lie to him
Kaitlin: ill phone him whilst you boys are on stage

Corbyn: thank you

I gave him a kiss then went back to my phone I messaged my brother letting him know that I was gonna call him in 10 mins

We arrived at the stage and I went to the dressing room
I rang James

Kaitlin: hey

James: hey how's tour

Kaitlin: fun

James: why did you call

Kaitlin: because oscar came back he put me in hospital

James: corbyn promised me he will keep you safe

Kaitlin: it isn't his fault how bad did you think he felt he told me to call you i wasn't gonna

James: I want you home

Kaitlin: no James I'm staying on tour with the boys I have pressed charges again oscar

James: Ok I'm sorry I got to go

Kaitlin: it's Ok you are just looking after me even though I'm 19 now

James: I know well any way have fun

I ended the call

The boys walked the boys walked in the room

Kaitlin: I rang him

Corbyn: what did he say

Kaitlin: he wanted me to come home but I told him I'm staying and then he agreed

Corbyn: oh okay

Jack: can we all go get something to eat

Daniel: yeah let's go

We all headed out to get some food

We went to Mcdonalds we got take out so we could eat it on the tour bus

We were eating the meal when we arrived so we were just sat on their still in till we all finished

Tomorrow we were gonna go golfing so we didn't have to wake up early

Me and corbyn went in to our hotel room and got changed

We were in a makeup session were we got passionate that night you can all proberly guess what happened we did the deed.
