chapter 10- it happend

*kaitlin POV

I woke up to mine and corbyns phone on the bedside table going crazy I unlocked my phone korbyn4eva trending number 1 on twitter I went on Instagram the photo of me and corbyn that night in the tent

its on jonahs account the caption reads

stole jonahs phone its someone beginning with O anyone guess look at this slut kaitlin we used to date she broke my heart

tears started to brim in my eyes and then i started to sob queietly corbyn woke up and put his arms around my waist

corbyn; whats wrong

I passed him my phone it took him a minute to read the post from jonahs account

corbyn: hey its ok listen who ever this person is he cant hurt you

I wiped my eyes and put a smile on

kaitlin: his names Oscar I didn't break his heart my brother did

corbyn; you don't have to tell me if you don't want to

kaitlin: your my boyfriend you deserve to know I was in a abusive relationship with him and when I finally told my brother my brother got violent that's why I wanted you to meet him because you make me happy that's why my brother likes you because I'm now my normal self

corbyn; I wont let him anywhere near you your my girl

I kissed him and jack woke up

jack: are you ok kaitlin it looks like you've been crying

kaitlin; I am ok now that I know I have you guys

the door knocked and corbyn answered it Johna walked in with Daniel and Zach

johna; guys we saw the Instagram kaitlin I'm so sorry

kaitlin; don't worry johna it is ok I love you guys

Daniel: we love you to come on get ready guys we need to pack and go to Hollywood

corbyn: lets go to Hollywood

I got ready I put on a black skater skirt white converse with the why don't we boys top I put my hair in a donut bun and headed out to pack little bits away

once we finished we walked outside to fans

is it true they all asked

kaitlin:if you are talking about Instagram yes its true their will be a video on my youtube and their will be an Instagram live on corbyns Instagram soon

we headed onto the tour bus it was so cold corbyn saw I was shievering and he opened his suitcase and gave me his why don't we black hoodie

I thanked him and put it on all the boys apart from me and corbyn went to bed me and corbyn was snuggled up on the sofa watching logan pauls pranks on his brother jake paul

corbyn; thanks for telling me about Oscar earlier

kaitlin: its ok  you are my boyfriend

corbyn; I love it when you call me that

kaitlin; I'm glad I can call you mine

we both fell asleep on the sofa we must of been asleep for so long because we were woken up by his manger telling us we were here I grabbed my suitcase and followed the boys to the hotel room me and corbyn were sharing Daniel and jack were sharing and johna and Zach were sharing
