Off-Cam 01: You're My Wife

Gwaenhi woke up to her phone's daily alarm at six in the morning. She fluttered her eyes open and saw that she was alone on the bed. When she sat up, she saw Jihoon sleeping on a mat right below their bed. She felt guilty, thinking that he must've slept on the floor cause she moved too much while sleeping. She went out of bed carefully so she won't wake him up. The refreshing water splashed on her face when she washed up.

Gwaenhi remembered that she's a virtual wife now, she can't expect to wake up with food prepared for her. She mentally cursed when she remembered there was no food at all. It was a good thing she had a delivery app on her phone or else they'll have a hard time searching for delivery numbers to call. She had another problem though, she didn't know what Jihoon liked for breakfast or what food he was restricted to eat. If she waited for him to wake up, they would have to wait for ages just to eat. Without a doubt, she ordered some soon dubu chigae, bulgogi, and deung shim. He'll be fine with whatever she orders cause he had no choice anyways.

As she waited for the delivery to come, she cleaned the house. The broom smoothly glided across the floor as she listened to soft music. Her nose slightly itched due to the dust particles floating around. She received the food delivery shortly after she finished cleaning. The table had scrumptious food on it, Jihoon's mouth would surely water once he wakes up.

Gwaenhi turned on her camera and did a simple montage of the food. "Hello good morning, I ordered food for me and Jihoon today. We don't have any food here so we might go to the grocery store later."

"Good morning." A deep morning voice made her turn her head. Jihoon's bare face looked so puffy.

"Oh, good morning." She greeted him back and turned off the camera. "I ordered food for us, are you on a strict diet right now? Is it alright for you to eat the food?"

"Yeah don't worry. The food looks delicious, thank you for this." He smiled at her as he sat on the chair across her.

They ate breakfast in peace. A conversation wasn't really needed since no cameras were rolling. Besides, they formally met each other for the first time yesterday.

Jihoon volunteered to clean up the table, Gwaenhi insisted that she would do it but he already felt embarrassed that he woke up late. She went back to their room and fixed the bed. As she did that, more thoughts flooded her mind. She expected Jihoon to be talkative and extroverted but he was the complete opposite.

Maybe he feels disappointed I'm not a member of Itzy. But it's also possible that he just feels uncomfortable with me. She thought.

After they both did their chores, it looked like they switched places. Gwaenhi stayed in the living room while Jihoon stayed in the bedroom. She comfortably laid down on the couch as she used her phone. You wouldn't think that she was searching weird stuff on Google like "an introvert's guide to talking to an extrovert" or "ways to talk to a person".

Why don't I just gather all my courage and try talking to him? I'm so dumb. She thought.

She took a deep breath and walked going to the room. Without a doubt, she opened the door and saw him staring into the open air.

"H-Hi," She greeted him and sat down on the other end of the bed. "Ahm, the director said we should provide good content for them today cause we're using vlogging cameras. Do you have any ideas in mind?"

He quickly thought about it. "Grocery shopping maybe? If the security doesn't allow us to film, we can do a house tour."

"What time are we going? Right now or later?" Gwaenhi started doing weird hand gestures, making Jihoon sense how awkward she felt at the moment.

"It would be better if we went out now to save time." She nodded her head once he replied and uneasily stood up, not knowing how to end the conversation. Jihoon did the same, repeatedly glancing at her to see if she would still say something.

Gwaenhi started looking for her jacket, no matter where she goes there's always a jacket, hoodie, or cardigan she brings in case of any mishap or when she feels colder than usual. Jihoon was ready to go, wearing his green shirt and grey jacket.

"Are you looking for something?" He took notice of her slightly panicked.

"I'm just looking for my jacket." She continued searching for it in her luggage.

"You can just wear mine." Jihoon quickly took off his jacket and handed it to her. She didn't know if she should take it or not.

"Are you sure? I can find mine it'll only take a few minutes." Gwaenhi gripped onto the blue jacket that had a soapy floral scent. It reminded her of the old laundry soap she used for washing her clothes.

"Yeah, I don't feel that cold anyways. I can handle it."

She smiled and nodded in response. "Thank you." The oversized blue jacket was now on her small petite body.

"Let's go?"

They went out of the house and walked going to the grocery store. "Should we film on our way there just to add more content?" Gwaenhi asked and showed the camera to Jihoon.

"Yes of course, may I?" He asked for the camera which she politely gave. It was now turned on and he started talking.

"Hello, we're on our way to the grocery store. We don't have any food at home so we're going to go shopping."

Gwaenhi just smiled and waved. "Oh wait turn right." Jihoon guided her and pointed to that direction.

"It's a good thing your sense of direction is much better now." She joked around as she remembered a Treasure Map episode of him and Jeongwoo on their way to SOPA.

"Aish, are you talking about the SOPA subway incident?" He suddenly got embarrassed, making his cheeks tint pink. "That was nothing, I just got distracted that's all." He pretended to look so confident in what he said even if it was obvious that he feels embarrassed.

"If you say so." Gwaenhi chuckled as they entered the grocery store.

The store wasn't small nor was it really large. It was just enough for you to get confused and lost in. She got a pushcart and happily walked with it til' Jihoon grabbed it out of nowhere.

"Hey, that's my cart!" She yelled and ran after him.

She caught up to him and tried to lightly shove him away from the cart. He laughed cause she couldn't push him away, she lacked strength.

"Okay, okay, you can have it back." Jihoon finally let her have it, earning a smile from her. The two of them walked going to the frozen food section to start shopping.

"Are you on a diet? Should we buy chicken breast?" Gwaenhi asked him as she looked at the different raw poultry displayed.

His face scrunched in disgust. "Chicken breast tastes good but I'm done with that, I can't eat anymore of it. I might cry." She chuckled at his statement.

"Alright then, I'm getting some for myself." She then asked the store assistant to get some for her.

Jihoon got distracted and went to the fruits section to get some apples. When Gwaenhi turned back, she was expecting him to be there but he wasn't.

"Goodness, where he go?" She whispered to herself and put the raw chicken in the cart.

"Jihoon Park where in the world are you." She walked going from aisle to aisle, checking if he was there.

After going through all the aisles, she finally found him in the fruits and vegetables section. Far from where she was. How in the world did he go here in a snap? She thought.

"I've been looking for you!" Gwaenhi approached him and grabbed the tray of apples from his hand.

"I thought you were gonna spend a long time there so I went here already! I was supposed to go back there."

"Aish never mind, what did you get aside from apples?" She placed the tray inside the cart.

"Cucumber and broccoli. What's this though?" Jihoon put up a vegetable that was unfamiliar to him.

"Bitter gourd. You wanna try it?"

"Why not, let's get one." He happily placed the green vegetable down along with the rest. Gwaenhi smirked cause he definitely didn't know what he got himself into.

They got a few more essentials as well as snacks to eat. They paid for everything in the check-out counter and went back home. The camera was turned off cause the two of them were carrying the bags of groceries. She had a hard time carrying the bag, physical strength wasn't one of her physical highlights. Her arms suck.

"Let me carry that." Jihoon grabbed the heavy material from her. Gwaenhi felt shy cause she felt like she was giving him a hard time.

"Are you sure? I can handle it you know."

"You always keep asking me if I'm sure. Of course I am, you're my wife. I can't just allow you to have a hard time."

The phrase "you're my wife" echoed in her head. She couldn't process what she really felt by him saying that. It could've just been instinct cause 'virtual wife' was too long to say but she still felt a slight flutter in her chest. When they got home, the groceries were immediately fixed. The two of them felt accomplished with their grocery shopping, it made them feel like they were actual adults.

Gwaenhi sat on the couch again, it was her favorite place to chill. Usually, it would be her room but now that she's sharing with someone she tries her best to stay out. There was pretty much nothing to do anymore so she decided to play some music and wear her AirPods.

"Miss you
Saying this makes me miss you even more
Miss you
Even though I'm looking at your photo
Time's so cruel, I hate us
Seeing each other for once is now so hard between us."

This song always made her unexplainably sad. Aside from the actual meaning of this song, it reminds her of her past friends. She never knew the reason why they drifted apart and lost contact with each other. Only one out of twelve of her friends remained in touch with her. Her instinct to open her private Instagram account crept up once again but she felt like she shouldn't do it.

But she couldn't stop herself. She hastily opened it and scrolled to the very bottom of her profile. Gwaenhi dedicated her first post to them, they introduced her to the world of Instagram despite her being a Tumblr blogger. Thirteen of them were present in the picture, they looked so happy even if the ice skating rink they went to was closed.

She then wondered what they were doing as of now. Are they happy with their current lives? Do they still remember her somehow?

"Is it you who changed (Is it you who changed)
Or is it me (Or is it me)
I hate this moment, this time flowing by
We are changed you know
Just like everyone you know."

Just at the right time, Ryujin's face popped out of nowhere as she shares her screen. What a coincidence.

"Jeo Gwaenhi answer my call I have something to tell you," She answered of course but kept her mic off.

"Why aren't you talking to me, do you not love me anymore?" Ryujin pretended to look sad but chuckled right after.

Gwaenhi was supposed to answer but felt shy that Jihoon might hear their conversation. Instead, she texted Ryujin.


We Got Married. I'm at our home. Park Jihoon. Treasure. He's my husband. Can't talk about him out loud. Might hear me.

Ryujin read it out loud and gasped. "Gwaenhi what do you mean Jihoon is your husband? Like that Jihoon? Not Park Jihoon from Wanna One?"

"Yup, a 100 percent him." She softly replied to her.

"Are you alright with it though? I mean, is it not awkward?"

"It's still a bit awkward but it was better than what I expected. I'm alright with it though, everything seems fine."

Ryujin nodded her head in understanding and proceeded with what she was supposed to tell her. "Anyways I just wanted to tell you that the song you wrote is part of the album! The girls are so excited since it's going to be our title track."

"Woah wait, really? I thought Producer Park debunked that cause I was the one who wrote it?" Ryujin scoffed at what she said.

"As if he could debunk something like that? He just said he would debunk it cause it might've hurt his ego that he didn't handle the writing and producing this time." The two girls laughed.

They spent the rest of the hour catching up with their current projects for work as well as how their personal lives are going. Gwaenhi and Ryujin fell asleep out of nowhere, their cameras were still on and it was visible that the two of them were knocked out. Jihoon just got out of the room and saw how his wife laid down on the couch with her phone still on her hand.

He chuckled at the sight of her, he found it slightly cute that she was sleeping. He was about to take her phone away and put it on the table but he saw that she was in a call with Ryujin. Instead of doing it himself, he lightly shook her awake.

"Hnggggg..." That was the only sound she made.

"Gwaenhi I think you should wake up."

"Lsnxjs menxksk slekskcjso..."

Jihoon just sighed and decided to leave her like that. He went to the kitchen and started cooking dinner. He has already mentioned it before that he isn't the best at cooking but he didn't want Gwaenhi to wake up hungry and in need of food.

He didn't know how to cook the bitter gourd they bought earlier but he figured that maybe he should stir-fry it. His hands magically worked in the kitchen like he was a pro chef. The green vegetable was chopped in chunks, the wok was pre-heated and ready to go, what else was missing from a hot muscular chef like him?

Brains. That was what's missing.

After he cooked the food, he tried waking her up again. It was a success this time, she was finally awake and seated in the dining area. Her tired eyes widened when she saw what he cooked.

"Wait, you already cooked the bitter gourd?"

"Yeah, I stir-fried it."

"With just onions and garlic?"


"Woah are you out of your mind?" Gwaenhi laughed out loud while Jihoon just stared at her blankly.

"Why? It's just vegetable, isn't that fine?"

"Try it then." She chuckled. He didn't mind though, so he quickly put the chopped bittergourd in his mouth.

Regret was immediately shown on his face, his face scrunched in disgust and spit out the food from his mouth. Gwaenhi kept laughing at his reaction to the point that she had tears coming out of her eyes.

"You should've seen your face!" She kept laughing at him while he was chugging on some water.

"I can't believe we have this, it's too bitter!"

"Cause you should stir fry it with something else, dummy." Gwaenhi finally calmed down and grabbed the bowl of vegetables from the table.

The stove was turned on again, she grabbed some eggs from the refrigerator and actually did magic. Jihoon just observed her from afar, making sure he can pick up what he can see. A few minutes later, the bowl of just vegetables was replaced with a stir-fried egg and vegetable dish. He was a bit scared to try it again but seeing Gwaenhi not flinching in disgust made him try it. So far the taste improved though there's still a bit of bitterness from it.

"Does it taste better now?" She asked him. He nodded in response and placed more of it on his mouth. She was glad that he liked the improvisation of the dish.

"I have a question by the way." She said. "Why did you sleep on the floor? Did I bother you too much?"

"After they stopped filming I moved down, I didn't want you to seem uncomfortable that I was sleeping next to you."

"No, it's alright. I don't mind though, it's not the first time it happened." Gwaenhi bluntly said causing Jihoon to choke on his food.

She was alarmed by the sudden situation but he raised a hand to show that he was fine. "I-I didn't mean it like that, I mean uh, it's not the first time a male friend slept next to me. You know, sleepovers with friends and all." He drank more water as she tried to explain what she really meant.

"Now that I think of it, it sounds so bad oh gosh." Gwaenhi covered her face with her hands and blushed in embarrassment.

"No, sorry. I reacted a bit too quickly, it's fine." He chuckled with watery eyes due to him choking from earlier. "I'll sleep next to you later then."

They both smiled at each other in agreement.

Twitter: holowrites
Instagram: graeru
Wattpad: graeru
